
Timeline 2335 to 2350

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Jay P. Hailey

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Stardate 14001.1


Stephanie C. Anderson Born
Warren Jonas Born
Carlos Mendez Begins Starfleet Academy
Stardate 15001.1



Excelsior class USS Zaire, NCC 68754 Launched


Stardate 16001.1


Ruezre Vengla Born
Fen Moirna born on Arzana
[Deep Space Ten]
Stardate 17001.1


Hailey Begins Starfleet Academy
Carlos Mendez graduates Starfleet Academy, serves aboard USS Excelsior
Romulan Agents contact Klingons who are disaffected with the Empire's relationship with the Federation
Stardate 18001.1


SS Star of Morizon Recovered w/ Korsal, Seela and Miriah Katasai aboard


Stardate 19001.1


Arthur "Snoopy" Hendrickson Born on Deneva
Curtis Tucker born On Alpha Centauri
Capt. of USS Minsk goes insane. Lt. Kincade and several other crewmen successfully resist the Captain and his loyal crew. Kincade gets shot in the face with a phaser, reconstructive surgery necessary.
Stardate 20001.1


Gerald Bruce Born in Chicago
Increased difficulties with Andorian Renegades attract the Active Attention of Starfleet Command
Stardate 21001.1


Spaat Born on Vulcan Colony #5
USS Fielding caught in bizarre bubble of "No-Time" during which time does not pass for the ship. Lt. Commander Kincade aboard.
Hailey graduates Starfleet Academy
Hailey Serves on USS Enterprise NCC 1701-C for 1 year
Kevin Mitchell begins Starfleet Academy


USS Defiant makes another appearance
[Deep Space Ten]
Stardate 22001.1


Hailey begins service on USS Horizon
The Back of the Kliges'chee assault is broken at the battle of Ch'Tan, Kliges'chee withdraw.
Stardate 23001.1


Brandy McKoye Born
Lance Buchannan Born
Romulan Ships attack Narendra III, Destroying USS Enteprise-C in the process
Stardate 24001.1


Troy Sterling Born
D'Ken star cities arrive in Phoenix Sector and request Asylum. UFP grants D'Ken asylum, and UFP Citizenship.
[Space Atlas 4]
Carlos Mendez Completes term aboard USS Savannah, and goes to Command School
Stardate 25001.1


Gretchen Allen born.
Kevin Mitchell graduates Starfleet Academy.
First Appearance of Ilshani Domination forces in Phoenix Sector
[Space Atlas 4]
Patricia Flynn begins medical school
Commodore Lucius forced to retire from diplomatic service. He vows to continue unofficial involvement.
Carlos Mendez begin tour aboard USS Patton as Chief of Ops
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Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this material for me.

Jay P. Hailey
