
Timeline 1976 to 1990

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Jay P. Hailey

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1976 Scott Steven Ashby is one of the first generation of human cyborgs in a test program to prove the technology of Dr. Randolph Walsh and others.
  "Jed" Barttlett is elected to the U.S. Senate from New Hamphire.

Markerrett Gombai, a rival of Khan Noonien Singh dies under mysterious circumstances, Although little remarked at the time, this is considered to be the point at Which Khan decides his future..


The Massacre of '77 B13 is badly compromised 1/3 of active agents are captured, killed or disappear, B13 headquarters is destroyed.


Karel Jaeger is soundly defeated in his run for the Bundestag, the German Parliament. He becomes a laughing stock and in time, leaves the country.

  Max Zorin reduces his committment to the oil business and starts getting into Industrial electronics in a big way.
1979 Britt Reid II retires after suffering a heart attack
  Qwan Zhu graduates and serves with the Chinese Army in Viet Nam.

Khan Noonien Sign is the Youngest General in the history of the Indian Military. He is acquiring followers and fans in all walks of life. The first film depecting Khan as an action/Adventure hero is released "The Young Tigers"

  Karel Jaeger is spotted working for Chzechoslovakian Intelligence, their version of the KGB.
1981 The Iran/Iraq War. The two countries fight bitterly over the only good port and city at the northern end of the Persian Gulf. The fighting is bloody but evenly balanced.
1982 Jed Barttlett elected Governor of New Hampshire with an unprecedented majority.
  Due to several poorly concieved economic policies, the Indian Economy collapses.
1983 Scott Ashby Marries Jennifer Taitler
  Max Zorin begins a hostile take over of Sutton Oil.
1984 Spaulding Ashby Born to Scott and Jennifer Ashby

"The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai" Buckaroo Banzai confronts and defeats faction of Vegan Infiltrators called the "Red Lectroids"

1985 In A short span of time over a dozen people are beheadedin new York City
  May 22 Max Zorin attempts Project Main Strike and is stopped by American and British Espionage agents. Max Zorin is killed by falling or being thrown into San Franscio Bay. Dr Glaub is killed as well.
  Khan, already overwhelmingly popular, stages a "Bloodless coup" and takes over India

Karel Jaeger becomes the head of Chechoslovakian Intelligence, a move that makes both native Serbs and Moscow unhappy.

  Mikki Ashby Born to Scott and Jennifer Ashby

Alan Reid, nephew of Britt Reid II, becomes an FBI Agent and is assigned to work with Hayashi Kato. Alan is killed on his first investigation and Kato blames himself.

1987 India smears Pakistan in a short, brutal war. This event unbalances the world's balance of power. India detonates Nuclear weapons and joins the club of nuclear nations.
  Iraq starts to get the upper hand on Iran in their war. Indian support for the Iraqi war effort is blamed. Iran calls foul, but since they are somewhat isolated, no one listens.
  Qwan Zhu is a general in Charge of a major southern city. Corruption is notably absent from this city, So are underworld figures and political dissidents. Rumors spread. Qwan Zhu gets his cut and no one rocks his boat or they disappear, too.

The Soviet Union bows out of Afghanistan. Later that year, Indian forces enter, playing the rival tribesmen off against one another. India debuts a series of new war machines and tactics which are based on high mobility, and accurate application of force. Informed sources point to Kahn Noonien Singh as the source for these new ideas.

  A new philosophy of "Jaegerism" begins to take hold in parts of Eastern Europe. This is a cult of personality with Karel Jaeger as the celebrity center. Small pockets of young men start to emulate Jaeger's dress, style and look.
  George Herbert Walker Bush elected U.S President

Britt Reid II is murdered. Paul Reid, brother of Allan, and a Lawyer hooks up with Hayashi Kato's wild Daughter, Mishi to bring the killers to justice. They elect to continue their career as freelance do-gooders

  Mikail Gorbachev, the Soviet President tries to cope with impending economic collapse by loosening up on prior Stallinist restrictions. This back fires, as waves of protest seep across the land
  The eastern European Countries announce their independence from Moscow, and many start making over tures in the west
  In another "Bloodless coup" Karel Jaeger takes over Chechosolvakia.
  Mikhail Gorbachev disappears and is replaced by Vallerie Gadzhenko. Gadzhenko is not shy about using force to put down dissent and uprisings.
1990 Iranian partisans attack Indian assets in Afghanistan, and in the
Persian Gulf. Khan, not surprisingly declares war. Indian troops and
mercenary Mujahadeen fighters enter Northern Iran.

  Gadzhenko demands an immediate return of Warsaw pact countries to the Soviet orbit. As an example he attacks Chechosolvakia, and Karel Jaeger. The results are not as Gadzhenko expects. "Jaegerism" skyrockets in Eastern europe, and the Warsaw pact bands together to fight back against the Soviets.
  Iraq Invades Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, The Kuwaiti and Saudi Royal Families flee.
  A Coalition of Arab States and the United States of America start building the "Desert Shield" force in Jordan.
  European forces go on a high state of alert with eyes facing east. Gadzhenko bitterly blames them for supporting Jaeger.
  The United States indicates that any use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons will result in a nuclear response from the U.S.
  Afghanistan and southern Asian countries rise against to Soviet union, backed by India.
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Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this material for me.

Jay P. Hailey
