I am presenting the Centaur in two formats. First, the Monstrous Compendium sheet from my personal copy, modified for HTML. Second, the entry from my player's manual. There will be some duplication in information. But I choose to allow that rather than edit one entry in favor of another. Further cultural information can be gained from the religion entry for the Centaur Gods. Some information is campaign specific, and you will have to work around that. However, most of the references are general enough to be useful. -- Garry Stahl

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For the
For the
Climate/Terrain: Forest or plain
Organization:Family and clan
Activity Cycle:Day
Treasure:M, Q (D, I. T)
No. Appearing:1-8
Armor Class:5 (2)
Hit Dice:4
No. of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack:1-6/1-6 and weapon
Special Attacks:Nil
Special Defenses:Nil
Magic Resistance:Standard
Size:L (7'-8')
Morale:Elite (13-14)
XP Value:

       Centaurs are one of the few beings that are true natives of the world. They, along with elves and the other creatures grouped under the term "Fay" are part of the original creation of life by Silalata Tommie.

Appearance: The appearance of centaurs is unmistakable. They have the upper body of elves and the lower body of a horse. While body shape varies, they appear delicate in spite of their size (7-8 foot tall). Coloration runs the full scale of possible shades both in hair and skin tone. Body hair is generally a single color, with or without leg markings, and the head, mane and tail colors differ from the body. Skin can be of any color from milk white to dark chocolate.

Combat: Centaurs will generally be armed when out and about. If monster trouble or bandits have been in the area the local males will patrol the area in armed bands. Centaurs will avoid combat if given a choice, but if defending their homes or forced to fight they will display an excellent grasp of tactics. Individually they will carry some manner of sword and a bow. In a band they will arm themselves with spears or light lances, bows, and swords, or the heavy pole ax called a Centauran Blood Ax for their use of it. If Centaurs are in a war band there is a 70% chance that they will be armored as well. All armor will be made to fit and give them no more trouble that similar armor would a human. Generally, they will have a combination of leather and chain, giving them AC2. Centaurs will strike once with weapons and once with each front hoof. They can also kick with their hind feet, instead of the front.
       When necessity requires that they patrol there is a 30% chance that they will have either a magician or cleric with them. The spellcaster can be either male or female, and will be of 2nd to 9th level (1d8+1).

Habitat/Society: Perhaps because centaurs where originally nomadic they regard possessions as necessary evils. A centaur will own nothing that is not either useful or beautiful, preferably both. They like designs and materials that wear well, are hard to damage, require little upkeep, and improve with age. They make things simple and functional in shape, and don't like excess weight on objects. Often they prefer little or no decoration, but many objects, particularly among their fabrics and jewelry, will be covered or bordered in elaborate geometric patterns, knotwork designs, or representations of living things. The exact form and style vary from one community to another.
       They dislike clothing that cuts them off from the air and light, or restricts movement. They will only wear clothing in extreme conditions or for ceremonial reasons. They do wear elaborate jewelry or carrying harnesses.
       Centaur buildings are open and spacious, and always in harmony with the surroundings. Someone that does not know what to look for could pass a centaur-built dwelling several times without seeing it. They dislike places they cannot turn around in, or go outdoors from. Furniture is minimal and portable, rugs, mats, cushions, lamps, small tables, and storage chests. Much use is made of wicker and knotted cords.
       Centaur sports and games tend to the strenuous. The exceptions include board games like Go, and Chess, and their elaborate word games. They love dancing, music, and singing.
       Centaurs divide the arts into two classes. The informative or realistic, which should be as close to nature as possible, and the poetic or decorative, which should strive for the maximum of effect, and may become highly stylized.
       Most centaurs keep gardens and hunt, a few herd animals. Some farm cash crops. Most groups have one or two special skills to make trade goods with: smithing, papermaking, complex weaving, brewing, etc. Their relationship with animals is more custody or partnership than ownership. Centaurs need a lot of high-energy foods: honey, meat, wine, etc.
       The typical centaur family consists of one male, two females, and young. The number of women in the household will vary with the resources of the male, how he feels about it, how the other girls feel about it (the male that does not take into account the feelings of his wife or wives will soon be lonely), and the ratio of men to women in the community. Centaurs have, as a rule, strong ties to family and kin. Parents care deeply for their children, and raise them with love and discipline.

Ecology: Centaurs live in close harmony with their environment. They will not willingly overpopulate an area or over hunt or fish their homelands. They husband the land with the same care and attention as do Elves.

Centaurs as a Player Characters: Centaurs are one of the senior player races, and should not be attempted without the Gamemaster's approval. Those wishing to play centaurs must first meet the minimum ability scores for the race as well as any minimum scores for the class desired. Centaur characters may be Fighters, Magicians, Clerics, Bards, and Healers, or any sub-class of the above. They may not be Thieves.
        Centaurs possess certain advantages as characters: centaurs start at 1st level with 3d8 hit points in addition to any hit points for class or constitution to any hit points for class or constitution. They may in addition to attacks allowed by class, dexterity, and level, attack once with each fore hoof for 1d6 damage each, or with both rear hoofs for 1d8 damage. Because of these advantages centaur characters must add additional experience to rise each level. This rider is a chart at the end of this paragraph.

Extra Experience for Level

       A few words about the abilities and limitations of the centaur form. Centaurs can reach any part of their body with their hands. As with humans this is not always graceful, or dignified. They can, like horses, roll completely over, rise quickly from a lying posture, and turn around inside their own length. Centaurs are more flexible than horses and can maneuver into postures a horse would find difficult. They cannot climb walls, suspend themselves by the strength of their arms, or leap more than about 8' vertically or 20' horizontally. The DM may make exceptions to this due to strength, fatigue, sheer unbridled terror, or other circumstances.

Variants: Centaurs in the campaign primarily come from one of four cultures; Woods Centaurs, Greek Centaurs, Amerind Centaurs, and Plains Centaurs.
Woods Centaurs: Found in the forests of Ainadalindtoro they are the least affected by men. They live in small widespread communities of five to ten families. They hunt, farm (in the Elven fashion), and practice varied trades to support themselves. They count among their friends, Elves, Leomans, other fey folk, and the local Humans. They are a fun loving and cheerful folk fond of parties, festivals, and just plain loving life. To strangers they effect a cool, emotionless front, this gives them the reputation as cold and unfeeling, which is anything but true.
       Woods centaurs tend to worship Elven gods, Coran the Golden, his wife Suszan, and Skerrit the Forester.
Greek Centaurs: Greek Centaurs are the wood centaur's more citified cousins. They live south of the great plateau in the area of Tarantis and Greece. They farm more for cash crops like wine, or trade more with their skills than their cousins. Because of greater contact with humans these centaurs have picked up something from them, their language. Greek centaurs are often found as teachers for the children of wealthy families, and due to centauran longevity (compared to humans) one may serve several generations of the same family as mentor and guide.
       Greek centaurs tend to worship the Olympian or Orgy deities.
Amerind Centaurs: This isolated group lives on the ring plateau with the Five Nations of the Iroquois. They have adapted many of the human ways as a means of peaceful coexistence. They use the Iroquois weapons and armor, and live much as do the humans. Because of the wide separation between this band of centaurs and the main body of the race some genetic drift has occurred. Amerind centaurs tend to have coats that are spotted or broken into a patchwork of two to three colors. This is the only place that these traits are common.
       Amerind centaurs worship Skerrit the Forester, and due to missionary efforts Coran the Golden, and Abba Eecreeana.
Plains Centaurs: Perhaps the least civilized of the centaur kind. They live on the Windborn Plains between the Brindon Desert and the Weirdling Lands. They must share this land of poor grass and little water with both nomadic humans, and the barbarian Wemics. Caught between the lion-centaurs taste for their flesh, and humans many consider worse than orcs, they have become hard. Taking what they want with little regard to the former owners. They practice no art that has no bearing on survival, and their word for stranger is "enemy".
       Plains centaurs worship any god that aids them, and drop any that are slow with favor. They care not for culture or tradition.

Centaur Player Characters

General physical characteristics
Ability Score Minimums
Age of Maturity
Lifespan Roll

       Centaurs are one of the few beings that are true natives of the world. They, along with elves and the other creatures grouped under the term "Fay" are part of the original creation of life by Silalata Tommie. Centaurs have the upper body of Elves and the lower body of a horse. While body shape varies, they appear delicate in spite of their size (7-8 foot tall). Coloration runs the full scale of possible shades both in hair and skin tone. Body hair is generally a single color, with or without leg markings, and the head, mane and tail colors differ from the body. Skin can be of any color from milk white to dark chocolate.
       A few words about the abilities and limitations of the centaur form. Centaurs can reach any part of their body with their hands, as with humans this is not always graceful, or dignified. They can, like horses, roll completely over, rise quickly from a lying posture, and turn around inside their own length. Centaurs are more flexible than horses and can maneuver into postures a horse would find difficult. They cannot climb walls, suspend themselves by the strength of their arms, or leap more than about 8' vertically or 20' horizontally. The DM may make exceptions to this due to strength, fatigue, sheer unbridled terror, or other circumstances.
       Centaurs live in close harmony with their environment. They will not willingly overpopulate an area or over hunt or fish their homelands. They husband the land with the same care, attention, and methods as do Elves.

Centaur Life
       A Centaur is born after an 11 month gestation. Single births are the rule to the point that if twins are conceived one, or more likely, both will be lost. Mom hasn't the room for more than one. A female centaur has a limited number of fertile periods a year. While she is sexually receptive at any time, she can only become pregnant during her cycle of estrus in the late spring to early summer. The first occurring either within 28 days of her last birth or the start of the season of Earth, and returning three to four times a year at 28 day intervals. A female Centaur is always aware of her fertile state. Accidents are rare.
       The infant Centaur is more lucid than a Human child would be at birth. They are on their feet within hours, wide eyed and curious about everything. Within a day they can kick the slats out of any careless Human, or run at speed keeping right up with Mom. Talking comes within 4 months, and the rest of education can begin. Because they do not have a period of helpless infancy, a Centaur matures faster than a Human child. A Centaur is fully an adult in body and mind by the age of 12. The young man or woman will by this time be training for a trade, and looking seriously at members of the opposite gender.
       Centaurs don't have much in the manner of a formal marriage ceremony. A couple will simply set up shop together, often with the help of both families, especially if a house needs to be built. When the wife turns up pregnant, it is considered serious.
       The typical centaur family consists of one male, two females, and young. The number of women in the household will vary with the resources of the male, how he feels about it, how the other girls feel about it (the male that does not take into account the feelings of his wife or wives will soon be lonely), and the ratio of men to women in the community. Centaurs have, as a rule, strong ties to family and kin. Parents care deeply for their children, and raise them with love and discipline.
       Most centaurs keep gardens and hunt, a few herd animals. Some farm cash crops. Most groups have one or two special skills to make trade goods with: smithing, papermaking, complex weaving, brewing, etc. Their relationship with animals is more custody or partnership than ownership.
       Adventuring is usually the preserve of the males, however that has not stopped many a female from giving it a try. Reasons range from just plain youthful curiosity, to desiring enough money to set up a legendary household. After all, it worked for Coran the Golden.
       A Centaur ages gracefully, their two hearts sharing the load. Children come into the house, grow up and marry. The farms or business is tended to. Infirm health is rare and most last well passed their 100th birthday. An old Centaur can expect to be well cared for by their children. A son might take in his late Father's wives. They become the house Aunties, helping his wives with the raising of the children. Property is usually pasted from the father to the youngest adult son. Property belonging to wives is passed from mother to youngest adult daughter. Wills may specify other arrangements.

Centaur Politics:
       Centaurs as a rule do not care much for politics, direct action is the preferred method of handling matters. However, one does not always get their way. There are enough Centaurs to gather into communities composed solely of Centaurs, and they do have opinions.
       Centaur communities are usually not lead. They don't have Patriarchs like Elves, or Mayors like Hobbits, mutual cooperation and consent are the methods that govern. Where one member of a community might be better than his fellows his, or her, lead is followed. A skilled warrior is made Captain of the militia. A financial wiz is allowed to handle community moneies, etc. Appointments are usually by volunteerism. That is everyone hems and haws until someone capable agrees they will do it. Disagreements can, and do come to blows. As long as no one gets killed, it blows over quickly.
       Interracial politics are met with the same lack of enthusiasm. Centaurs will usually go almost out of their way to not cause a disagreement with other races. This trait has caused many a petty lord-bully to underestimate their retaliation when he pushed just a little harder. As a rule, they let someone else do the serious ruling, they either follow or ignore them.

Centaur Art:
       Perhaps because centaurs where originally nomadic (and some still are) they regard possessions as necessary evils. A centaur will own nothing that is not either useful or beautiful, preferably both. They like designs and materials that wear well, are hard to damage, require little upkeep, and improve with age. They make things simple and functional in shape, and don't like excess weight on objects. Often they prefer little or no decoration, but many objects, particularly among their fabrics and jewelry, will be covered or bordered in elaborate geometric patterns, knotwork designs, or representations of living things. The exact form and style vary from one community to another.
       They dislike clothing that cuts them off from the air and light, or restricts movement. They will only wear clothing in extreme conditions or for ceremonial reasons. They do wear elaborate jewelry or carrying harnesses.
       Centaur buildings are open and spacious, and always in harmony with the surroundings. Someone that does not know what to look for could pass a centaur-built dwelling several times without seeing it. They dislike places they cannot turn around in, or go outdoors from. Furniture is minimal and portable, rugs, mats, cushions, lamps, small tables, and storage chests. Much use is made of wicker and knotted cords.
       Centaur sports and games tend to the strenuous. The exceptions include board games like Go, and Chess, and their elaborate word games. They love dancing, music, and singing.
       Centaurs divide the arts into two classes. The informative or realistic, which should be as close to nature as possible, and the poetic or decorative, which should strive for the maximum of effect, and may become highly stylized.

Centaur Religion:
       Centaurs are not the most religious of people, nor the least. They have patron deities, and honor them, as well as the councils of the Vala, and any other deity they feel might be of material aid. Which deities are worshipped is a matter of the general division the Centaur comes from.

Centaur Races:
       Those wishing to play centaurs must first meet the minimum ability scores for the race as well as any minimum scores for the class desired. Centaur characters may be of any class but Thieves. They can be bards, but are restricted in the thieving abilities.
       Centaurs possess certain advantages as characters: Centaurs start at 1st level with 3d8 hit points in addition to any hit points for class or constitution to any hit points for class or constitution. They may in addition to attacks allowed by class, dexterity, and level, attack once with each fore hoof for 1d6 damage each, or with both rear hoofs for 1d8 damage. Because of these advantages centaur characters must add additional experience to rise each level.

Extra Experience for Level

       Centaurs in the campaign primarily come from one of four cultures; Woods Centaurs, Greek Centaurs, Amerind Centaurs, and Plains Centaurs. There is some racial variation due to isolation of the populations.

Woods Centaurs: Found in the forests of Ainadalindtoro they are the least affected by men. They live in small widespread communities of five to ten families. They hunt, farm (in the Elven fashion), and practice varied trades to support themselves. They count among their friends, Elves, Leomans, other fey folk, and the local Humans. They are a fun loving and cheerful folk fond of parties, festivals, and just plain loving life. To strangers they effect a cool, emotionless front, this gives them the reputation as cold and unfeeling, which is anything but true.
       Woods centaurs tend to worship Elven gods, Coran the Golden, his wife Suszan, and Skerrit the Forester.

Greek Centaurs: Greek Centaurs are the wood centaur's more citified cousins. They live south of the great plateau in the area of Tarantis and Greece. They farm more for cash crops like wine, or trade more with their skills than their cousins. Because of greater contact with humans these centaurs have picked up something from them, their language. Greek centaurs are often found as teachers for the children of wealthy families, and due to Centauran longevity (compared to humans) one may serve several generations of the same family as mentor and guide.
       Greek centaurs tend to worship the Olympian or Orgy deities.

Amerind Centaurs: This isolated group lives on the ring plateau with the Five Nations of the Iroquois. They have adapted many of the human ways as a means of peaceful coexistence. They use the Iroquois weapons and armor, and live much as do the humans. Because of the wide separation between this band of centaurs and the main body of the race some genetic drift has occurred. Amerind centaurs tend to have coats that are spotted or broken into a patchwork of two to three colors. This is the only place that these traits are common.
       Amerind centaurs worship Skerrit the Forester, and due to missionary efforts Coran the Golden, and Abba Eecreeana.

Plains Centaurs: Perhaps the least civilized of the centaur kind. They live on the Windborn Plains between the Brindon Desert and the Weirdling Lands. They must share this land of poor grass and little water with both nomadic humans, and the barbarian Wemics. Caught between the lion-centaurs taste for their flesh, and humans many consider worse than orcs, they have become hard. Taking what they want with little regard to the former owners. They practice no art that has no bearing on survival, and their word for stranger is "enemy".
       Plains centaurs worship any god that aids them, and drop any that are slow with favor. They care not for culture or tradition.

Centaur Height and Weight

Females are 10% lighter than males for the same height. Average height is by type. Build runs from slight to heavy
Woods Centaur; male average 7'6", female average 7'4", range 6'8"- 8'2"
Greek Centaur; male average 7'2", female average 7'0", range 6'4"- 8'10"
Plateau Centaur; male average 7'4", female average 7'2", range 6'6"- 8'0"
Plains Centaur; male average 7'0", female average 6'8", range 6'0"- 7'8"
Centaurs add the following weight for each strength point over 14, by build;
Weight by Build
Note; Centaurs cannot lift themselves by their arms. To figure Max. Press divide weight by 4.5

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       The Above is a work of fiction. All persons and creatures are fictional, any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental.

       Copyright Garry Stahl: Jan 1996. All rights reserved, re-print only with permission.

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