Author's Note: This is a complete player character class. It may or my not fit in with every Dungeonmaster's idea of how a class should be created or used. Extreme care should be used in inserting this class into any existing campaign as it could easily disrupt the game balance of that campaign. Be warned, until you have completely read this class, including any spells, do not say yes to it being used in your game. The spell selection also has page numbers in it that refer to my player's manual, not the standard AD&D manuals. I will try to locate are remove these references but I might not get them all.

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Seventh Level Craft Spells

BodyguardsLimited WishPower Word Sleep
Dream JourneyMajor Circle of ProtectionRejuvenation
False AuraMinor EnchantmentSpell Shield 1
ForesightMinor GateWeather Weave
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Bodyguards (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

        The bodyguards spell summons two adult Silver Dragons to protect the practictioner for the duration of the spell. The dragons will do all they can to protect the caster from harm. They will behave in a manner consistent with Silver Dragons, using their intelligence to good effect. The dragons will not perform duties other than guarding, they cannot be summoned to act as beasts of burden.
        Should the summoned dragons be slain in the service of practictioner that practictioner cannot again use the bodyguards spell until 1000 gp per hit die of the slain dragons is paid as blood price to Shimmer, the demigod dragon in the service of the Craft. Should one of the Dragons be slain further uses of the bodyguards spell will produce but one dragon until the blood price is paid.

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Dream Journey (Alteration)
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 creature + 1 creature/level
Saving Throw: Special

        When cast this spell allows the practictioner to move themselves and a number of other creatures up to the spell limit while they sleep. They need not be sentient creatures, pets and mounts can be included in the spell. All recipients of the spell must be sleeping for the spell to carry them. A nap spell is not of sufficient duration to work, but other sleep aids can be used.
        The practictioner casts the spell before retiring, all creatures named in the spell must be sleeping. Once the spell is cast the caster himself falls into a deep sleep, and dreams of a journey. While they sleep all recipients of the spell travel with the caster, each dreaming the same dream, but from their personal point of view. Any person that fights the dream will be left behind in the place of origin. Non-sentients will be assumed to never fight the dream. As the journey ends, the caster must make a saving throw vs. spell, if successful all arrive in the place they dreamed of traveling to. Should the caster fail, they awake in the place where they started. The caster and recipients may travel to any real destination, whether they have been there before or not. The only restriction is it must be on the same plane they started from.

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False Aura (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Creature or item touched
Saving Throw: Special

        The effect of this spell is to create a false aura for the creature or item touched. Those creatures and spells that allow the aura of magical items or living creatures to be seen will be fooled by this spell. The caster can create an aura to show anything he wishes, from devil to saint, great magic or the utter lack of it.
        There is no normal save against this spell, but it the aura is in complete dis-accord with the item or creature, disbelief is possible. Also if the creature is familiar with the aura being presented, and the caster is not, flaws may be spotted, giving the illusion away.

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Foresight (Divination)
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 6 rounds +1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Personal
Saving Throw: None

        This spell allows the caster to explore the possible futures, within six months, that a given course of action might bring to pass. The vision will be accurate as far as the circumstances given are accurate. The more detailed the plan, the more detailed the possible future, the more general the question, the more general the answer. Multiple futures can be explored with this spell, and the wise caster always does this. For if only one possible future is explored, that is the future that will happen, the participants in the reading will lock the future into the path they view.
        It requires 3 rounds to read a general future, 5 to read a specific future. A wise caster never predicts unless the reading can be done at least twice in one spell, three times is preferred. Multiple questions can be asked in a single casting, as many as there is time for.
        The material component is a set of lots, or other random device. The best device is a set of cards, form one of several traditions that the caster might be familiar with. These cards can also be read without the spell, there is not the certainty that the possible seen without the spell will happen and specific answers cannot be had. Most Craft prefer this. Much must be at stake and good reason given before this spell will be used.

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Limited Wish (All)
Level: 7
Range: Special
Components: V
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Varies
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special

        The limited wish spell is a very powerful dewomer that allows the caster to bend reality to their will. The spell's verbal component is the spoken wish of the caster. This, and the wish spell, are the only cases in which the player must word the the verbal components of the spell. The wording of the limited wish describes its effects. A limited wish can perform any effect equivalent to a 7th level Craft or Magician spell, or a 5th level Clerical, Illusionist, or Healer spell. The limited wish can perform one clause and may have no more that two restrictions on the clause. The limited wish will come to pass in the simplest manner possible. The player is warned to word wishes well.

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Major Circle of Protection (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 Hour/level
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

        The major circle of protection is used when summoning potentially hostile extra-planer beings. The circle is use as the focus for the summoning and contains the summoned creature. A major circle of protection will contain any extra-planer creatures up to and including immortal nobles, the major circle of protection will not hold immortals of demigod status or higher. The casting time is one hour for each power class of the being to be contained
        The components are a circle drawn or inlaid on the floor of the summoning area, it must be complete and perfect, it must contain the proper pattern for the kind of being it will contain, and include the proper name of said being. The runes of power are placed in the border and any smudges requires that the entire effort be erased and started again. Candles prepared in the proper manner, the number (minimum three) depending on the type and nature of the summoned being, must be placed in focal points on the circle. Should any of the candles go out during the duration of the spell, it is instantly negated. Incense worth 1000 gp per power class to be contained must be burnt during the casing.
        The circle will contain the being, but beyond this the summoned being is not compelled in any fashion. The practictioner must protect themselves from any charm abilities the being may possess, or such powers can be successfully used. A means of bargaining or coercion must be employed to gain the desired results from the summoned being. It is strongly advised that summoning and confinement not be use to chat up a being.
        The circle can be large enough to hold a house or as small as the caster desires. It must be large enough to hold the being to be summoned. The circle will detect as magical to anyone attempting it.

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Minor Enchantment (Alteration)
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: 1 item
Saving Throw: Special

        This spell allows the creation of magical items of limited power. Generally those items that contain a single spell for one use. The item to contain the spell must be suitable for the spell; e.g., a dagger will not hold a spell of healing. The item may be of natural construction; i.e. a staff of normal wood, a wreath of flowers or leaves, a single feather from a rare bird, or it may be man made, objects of art or metal. The object must be purified, then the minor enchantment spell cast upon it. Afterwards the spell to be contained must be cast, either by the practictioner, or another who's magic is desired. After this the item makes a saving throw vs. spell equal to the practictioner's. Success indicates the enchantment worked, the spell is bound to the item until used. A caster different than the practictioner will cause a -1 penalty to the saving throw.
        Expensive items are not required, in fact items of nature, unaltered except for their procurement receive a +1 to their saving throw.

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Minor Gate (Conjurtaion/Summoning)
Level: 7
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Negates

        The minor gate spell allows a practictioner to summon a major creature form the outer planes to perform some task. Only typed, souled creatures such as major or greater Angels, Devils, Devas, and the like, or lessor creatures can be summoned. Once the creature is summoned no constraints are placed upon it. Protection circles and other means of control must be use if the creature is potentially hostile. The practictioner must either bargain, or coerce the creature to do their will with geas or other such means.
        The spell requires a brazier of coals, the brazier special made to the purpose of summoning and protection. 500gp of incenses must be burned for each hit die of the summoned creature, and a scroll naming the being, if the creature to be summoned has a name. The exact herbs and spices to be burned must be researched by the practictioner, or taught by another with greater knowledge. The incense mix will vary from creature to creature. Note; the brazier can be the same for both the summoning and protection spells, two braziers are not required.

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Power Word Sleep (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 7
Range: 5 yards/level
Components: V
Duration: 4 hours
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Arc 60 degrees in front of caster
Saving Throw: Special

        The power word sleep causes all creatures in the area of effect to fall into a deep slumber on the utterance of the spell. Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures, but normal noise does not. Awakening requires one round. Magically sleeping opponents can be attacked with substantial bonuses. Creatures of 4 hit dice/levels or less receive no saving throw, creature of 5 to 8 hit dice/levels receive a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty. All other creatures receive a normal saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects of the power word sleep.

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Rejuvenation (Necromancy)
Level: 7
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

        When cast this spell will rejuvenate the subject creature ten years. The creature must be willing or the spell will not work. The creature will receive all the benefits of their younger age without any loss of those benefits gained by the experience of their years. At the end of the casting time the spell recipient must make a system shock roll, if successful the spell takes effect and ten years of ageing fall away. Should they fail they will age 1-4 years.
        The material components are milk from a new mother (any kind of mammal will do) and 1000 gp of rare incense that must be burnt during the spell casting.

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Spell Shield I (Abjuration)
Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: Until dispelled
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 15' radius
Saving Throw: None

        This spell creates a 15' radius protected area centered on the caster's position at the time of casting. The area of effect cannot move. The spell blocks the magic and spell casting of all but the caster and those he names when the spell is cast. Magic cast from outside the circle into it is dispelled, magic cast inside fails to work. The spell takes damage from magics used against it. It takes one point of damage for every spell level cast against it. Abjuration spells do double damage for their spell level. Wands, staves and other items do 1/2 their level of effect in damage eg, a wand's level of effect is 6th, it will do 3 points of damage. A wand of negation will dispel the shield. The spell shield 1 has 1 point for each level of the caster. It will not prevent physical attacks of any kind. Nothing prevents a fighter from entering the effect area and stabbing you. Breath weapons with a physical element will function within the spell shield 1. Fire breath would still burn, but a slow gas would lose its effect once it passed into the shielded area. The shield also protects from any gaze attack. Each round of gaze does one point of damage to the spell shield 1.

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Weather Weave (Alteration) Level: 7
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1/2 hour / level
Casting Time; 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

        Weather weave allows the practictioner to call any manner of weather, even that which is out of season. The caster can bend the very elements to their will, ordering clouds, rain, and wind to do their bidding. Snow can be brought in mid-summer, tropic breezes in the dead of winter. During the duration of the spell the caster is unaffected by the weather. They can, if they so wish, stand naked in a howling blizzard. Hurricanes and tornados can be summoned forth and directed against targets on land or sea. (Note: if at sea, while the caster is protected, any ship they might be on is NOT.)
        The time it takes to raise weather is one stage of wind, cloud and Temperature every turn. The practictioner can affect all three or just one of the three elements of weather. From moderate to strong, strong to gale, etc. Tornados cannot be produced in less than a thunderstorm, hurricanes in, well, hurricane forces winds. The following chart shows the stages of weather change:
Wind TemperatureCloud
Dead calmExtreme cold -20 or lessClear -- no clouds
Calm 1-5 mphVery cold -20 - 0Scattered clouds 0 - 20%
Light winds 5-10 mphCold 0 - 20Partly cloudy -- 20% - 40%
Moderate winds 10-15 mphChilly 20 - 40 (B)Mostly cloudy -- 40% - 60%
Strong winds 20-25 mphBrisk 40 - 60Cloudy -- 60% - 80% (A)
Severe Storm 25-35Warm 60 - 80Overcast -- 80% - 100%
Half gale 35-50Hot 80- 100Storm Cells -- thunderstorm conditions
Full gale 50-70Very hot 100 - 110Super Cells -- severe thunderstorms
Hurricane force 70+Extreme heat 110 or more
A ) Precipitation can begin in any conditions beginning with "cloudy" and higher
B) In conditions of chilly or less precipitation will fall as frozen rain, sleet or snow depending on how cold it is. No precipitation can fall in conditions of Extreme Cold

        The area of effect will vary according to how strong the weather summoned. The minimum area that will feel the effect of the weather weave is a one mile diameter around the caster. Each step in force from the prevailing conditions, either better or worse doubles the area of effect. A change from calm, to hurricane would cover an area 64 miles across. The center of the effect will always be on the caster, and will move with them if they move. The caster must remain outside at all times or lose the spell. Wind and clouds will return to normal conditions at a rate equal to twice the spell's duration. Unseasonable temperatures will correct themselves in half the spell's duration, if the temperature is not taken out of the normal range for season and climate, it will return to normal at the same rate as clouds and wind, if the caster does not return things to normal by the end of the spell duration.

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The Above is a work of fiction. All professions are fictional, any resemblance to professions living or dead is coincidental.

Copyright © Garry Stahl: December 2000. All rights reserved, re-print only with permission.


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