Talons of Fear

Created by: Garry Stahl
Number of Members: about one hundred, no records are kept.
Nature of Members: Acceptians
Organization: Hierarchal.
Game Role: Make plans to foil the PCs
World Role: Dominant hate cult
Relative Influence: Major. Most Talons are in high places in society. A fact that would change if their membership was revealed.
Public or Secret?: Secret, very secret
Publicly Stated Goal: They have no publicly stated goal.
Real Goal if Different: Assure the absolute supremacy of the Acceptian race by any means. To enjoy that supremacy to the fullest extent.
Relative Wealth: High. disproportionate to the population.
Group advantages: Good social position from which to pursue their agenda.
Special Abilities: As of yet there is no public awareness of their existence.
Group disadvantages: Discovery would mean ruin and death.
Special disadvantages: Meeting their goals is going to require a public face. One they cannot yet risk.
Those who favor them: Themselves. A shockingly large number of Acceptians would favor their over all goals, if they knew about them.
Those opposed to them: Anyone decent. A larger number of Acceptians would destroy them if they knew about them and their practices, including some of those that would favor their goals.
Area of Operation: The Acceptian Empire
Headquarters Location: None, they meet in secret locations that vary each time.
Public Face: When they have one, a feathered KKK that would sicken the KKK.
Notable Members: Prince E'wee One of the leading members and son of the Matriarch.
History of the Organization: The Talons of Fear is a newly formed group that more or less "just happened" It consists of mostly young Acceptian men that are alarmed at the rise of wealth and rights among the client races. They fell threatened by the fact that Acceptians themselves are outnumbered within their own empire.
       The Talons were founded in a moment of criminal cruelty. A bunch of young nere-do-wells assaulted a Sparril woman and taunted her. The taunting turned wicked, then criminal, they ended up killing and eating her. The five Acceptian men forged a bond in their mutual crime. In time they where discovered by those that should have turned them in, but have joined the "sport" instead.
       The Talons of Fear grew slowly, taking in only those they could trust in their bond of murder. They gather to torture and eat sentient creatures.
       At this point the secret society has roughly a hundred members, and as of yet no stated political goals, although that is forming up. Ambitious members are seeing the Society as a tool for the first time. A second ring of disaffected sons of minor houses is being recruited as an "Outer Circle", not initiated in the blood rites of the Society. These will be the public face and operatives of the Society's political goals.

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and situations are fictional. Any resemblance to persons, places, or situations living or dead is coincidental.

© Garry Stahl: 1997-2006 unless other Copyrights apply. All rights reserved, re-print only with permission.

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