The United Federation of Planets

UFP Banner Created by: Gene Roddenberry, added to by every fan that ever lived. This is Garry Stahl's view of same.
Appearance: Main setting for all Star Trek.
Number of Members: 160 world or multi-world units.
Nature of Members: Single or multi-world political units that:
  1. Possess warp drive as a native technology, or that the Federation considers knowledgeable of the Galaxy to the point that a lack of warp drive is a moot point.
  2. Has a unified government that is responsive and accountable to the citizens of that political unit.
  3. Recognizes a minimum level of basic sophant rights. This will include, but are not limited to, a right to self determination, a right of self ownership (no slave owning societies are admitted), a right to an assumption of innocence and a fair trial, and the right and responsibility to choose and watchdog their government.
Organization: Club. The Federation is a meta-government. It is something new. It is an interstellar club. As with a club it has a charter that defines what the Federation is about, and the limits of the Federation. This is called "The Articles of Federation". A few of the important points are:
  1. The Federation may hold property in common for the use of the Federation Members. The Federation sponsors colonies and has Starfleet.
  2. The Federation has no call on any member's time or money outside of what they have agreed to in signing the Federation Charter.
  3. The Federation doesn't involve itself in the internal affairs of any planet or multi-planet union that is a member, unless those affairs interfere with the member acting as a member in good standing, or are a threat to other members. In any such cases interference is limited to a suspension of membership and or a quarantine for the propose of limiting hostilities.
  4. You can quit at any time. No member will be held within the Federation who does not wish to be a member.
  5. If you fail to meet the requirements of Federation membership, you can be asked to leave the Federation. I.E. your government is no longer a unified government that is responsive and accountable to the citizens of your world.
  6. There are no general elections for Federation president or other positions Federation wide. The President is elected by the Council. "President" means you chair the council. It is a position of some responsibility and prestige, but is is not the political equivalent of POTUS. It is more like president of the intergalactic Rotary Club. Federation Councilors, the direct representative of the members, are chosen as the individual members see fit. Some are directly elected by the population, in other cases is an appointed position.
           Joe Federation doesn't even consider himself "Joe Federation". He is Joe Earth, or Joe Vulcan, or Joe Teller. Joe Federation is not likely to ever come in contact with anyone that is a direct agent of the Federation unless they are in a business that works interstellar trade or they are part of their world's government.
Game Role: That base from which most things happen and most characters hail from.
World Role: The Great Galactic Experiment.
Relative Influence: Major. The Federation is a first rate power equal to any other within the Galaxy.
Public or Secret?: Public
Publicly Stated Goal: Spread peace, love, and prosperity throughout the galaxy, even for those that do not like us.
Real Goal, if different: No, really.
Economy: Most Federation worlds are on an energy economy. That is they produce so much energy that a basic lifestyle we would consider "middle class" is considered a right of every being. The Federation is rich beyond the dreams of avarice.
       The primary propose of the Federation is to oversee trade between the member worlds. To that end the Federation has established a "credit" as a unit of exchange based on an amount of antimatter. That amount fluctuates depending on the Federation wide energy market. Each member planet has an exchange where antimatter and other commodities are bought and sold that is linked to the other planetary branches by high-speed subspace links.
       One effect of this multi-world market is the pace of business has slowed to the pace of communication and transportation. It can take weeks or months to get from one place to another. Messages can take from hours to weeks to reach a destination. Business moves with the stately pace of the late 19th century. The Federation Exchange takes at the least days to rectify and justify its records accounting for all market branches.
       Life on the Federation frontier is usually more primitive. Most colonies are not to the point of the energy economy, but the pace of growth is such that there is always work to be found.
Group advantages: The Federation is an economic giant. The free market and free exchange of ideas present with the Federation make in a force to be reckoned with under any circumstances. Success is not a zero sum game. All of us can lift each other up so that we all benefit.
Special Abilities: Multiple viewpoints. The Federation does not force a single culture on it's members. As a result it benefits from the unique viewpoint that each race and culture brings to the table. An idea buffet that all feed from and benefit.
Group disadvantages: As a large and diverse body that has no given culture or leader. The Federation can be slow to respond as a body.
Special disadvantages: The Federation holds certain ideas to be self evident, one of those being that one does not do evil. That to break its own principles to defend its principles is to invalidate those principles. As a result the Federation forswears a good portion of the dirty trick bag.
Relations: The Federation deals with hundreds of worlds. Herein are mentioned only the first and second rate players.
Acceptian Empire: This contact is new and shaky. The Acceptians are feeling their way slowly. The Federation is the first large political unit they have encountered other than themselves. They don't want war, but are somewhat willing if it should happen.
Bendarii Empire: The Federation is on friendly relations with the Bendarii. Each takes every opportunity to cooperate with the other. Several joint projects are underway.
Cardassian Union: The Cardassian Union is in a state of flux after the results of the One Day War. The military government of the Cardassian Union was overthrown in a popular coup. They have full Federation help in putting a more representative government together.
The Fulcrum Region : This loose association is a deliberate effort to create a Federation like body. The Fasanni are facilitating this effort. They have sent observers to the Federation tickled pink that someone has already made a go of this idea and is making it work. They are not shy with suggestions for improvement. In return the Federation has become as full a partner in the Fulcrum as travel time will allow.
Gorn Hegemony: The Federation retains a polite if cool relationship with the Gorn. Talks have wavered back and forth over meembership, but nothing has come of it. There have been a few shooting incidents as well. These were patched over before it got serious.
Ferengi Trade Association: Which house? The Ferengi are not united enough to have a single side. You could be at war with one house and get material and information from another. They are unpredictable in all but one thing. Look for the money. You will find a Ferengi with his hands out.
Hor-min Fusion: Relations with the Hor-min Fusion have intensified since the Hal Armin and the Horma fused their culture and governments. While the Hal Armin are willing to retire, the Horma are not so retiring. The Fusion is negotiating active trade and diplomatic treaties from a friendly standpoint.
Klingon Empire: This relationship is worse than a soap opera marriage. Depending on the house in the Chancellor's seat it has wavered from open war to close alliance, and that within ten years.
       With the recent Klingon civil war winding down the New Klingons look to have taken the reins of power and The Klingon Empire has been seeking a closer relationship with the Federation once again.
Kurr Association: While hampered by distance the Federation welcomes the Kurr into the Galactic community in the strongest possible terms. The opening of the Behemoth trade lane through Oz is welcome.
League of Unaligned Worlds: We hates it, we hates it forever. Well the League's very existence is dependent on the idea that it hates the Federation. While it never has, and likely never will, start a war the league screams murder foul any time the Federation President farts, or a Starfleet Captain wipes their nose.
Romulan Star Empire: Recent events have brought to a final close the hostilities that started over two centuries ago. It would be premature to call the Romulans friends, but at least they are not enemies any more.
Tholian Union: The Tholians are dealilble with only on a basis of threat. They must be shown a hard line and the line maintained. This does not make the Federation comfortable, but that is the way it is.
Trantorian Empire: The Trantorian Empire and the Federation are barely aware of each other. The Trantorian Empire maintains a consuler operation at STB-600. This isn't likely to change any time soon.
The Zhodani: A state of declared war exists between the Zhodani and every political unit that shares a border with them. To date the war has been one of containment with the single demand that the Zhodani release all races they have under psionic subjection, and cease to subject any one else to their polices of psionic tyranny.
Other: The Federation is aware of and has limited communications with several entities of great and disturbing power.
The Organians: These beings, discovered when they imposed the Peace of 2267 on the Federation and the Klingon Empire have allowed their presence to fade. This has not been argued with.
The Harmon: An advanced very powerful race that has taken refuge within the Federation while they sort out their neurosis. The area they occupy is marked that patrolled so they are left alone.
The "Creator": An event was noted that for twelve hours the entire Ane race was incommunicado. Once they had returned to noticing everyone they explained their Creator had come and taken a download of all they had recorded. They say he will be back for more. The "Creator" has not made a formal introduction to the Federation and that is fine with us.
The Senet: These beings of unknown nature control a region of space spinward of the Kurr Association. They are very powerful and very protective of the people in their care. No formal contact has been made.

Area of Operation: An amoeba roughly 400 light years by 200 light years deep in the outer half of the Orion arm.
Headquarters Location: Earth is the location of most of the offices of the Federation and the location of Starfleet Headquarters. It was chosen due to its central location at the time.
Public Face: We Come in Peace.
Notable Members: While it is true that hundreds of persons were involved in hammering out the Articles of Federation, most are now forgotten. The ones remembered are those that in some flamboyant manner caught the attention of the public after the event was over. The signers of the documents that created the United Federation of Planets. These are the people that led the delegations, made the speeches and are required learning for school children the Federation over.
Andor: General Veseppi Kallfalx -- We shall have a Victory without Blood
       The greatest victory is the one you don't fight for. Andor, having not that long ago fought off the Vegan Tyranny, and with Earth dealt a crushing blow to the Qzin was not ready to make friends with a multi-race alliance quite yet. They had barely avoided a shooting war with the Humans of the Three Suns Alliance. (Earth and Kentauri). Andor was edgy, and a little trigger happy.
       General Veseppi Kallfalx, the Master Strategist of his day could see that an uneasy peace could quickly become a war that no one wanted, but everyone would fight. He sold the Andorian Council on the idea of the Treaty and then the Federation by comparing it to a victory won without blood. Andorians would be equal partners, not clients. Better far to win friends that win battles. Because of his reputation they listened, and sent him as a the Chief Delegate to the Convention.
       General Kallfalx is the Father of Starfleet, it was he that suggested a fleet of ships for exploration and general defense that owed allegiance to no world, but the Federation at large, to be manned by all the worlds of the Federation.
Earth: Randal Gordon -- Together we are Greater than our Sum
       A flashy and athletic man, a sports star in his university years. He was called "Flash" for his speed on the gridiron. Gordon served briefly in the USEPA, and entered politics at the age of 35.
       It was the Three Suns Alliance that suggested to the Vulcans, Telleries and the Andorians that an alliance for mutual protection be formed. As the preliminary talks where under way. Randal Gordon laid a copy of the old United States Constitution on the table. He gave a moving speech of the power and influence of that nation, how they stabilized the world, preventing totalitarians from getting power, and passed their legacy on to a United Earth. In 300 years the document before him had taken a divided world, and united it, just by existing.
       He co-opted the alliance talks with one speech. Instead of a loose military and trade alliance that it was doubtful would get signed by such diverse interests, he suggested, and championed a close federation of united systems whose diverse backgrounds and interests could only make it stronger. He ignited a spark, that others fanned into a flame that still burns.
Kentauri: Abraham Tacitus Dannon -- The Sighted Man of Peace
       Abraham Dannon is revered today as the Federation's most honored statesman, though he was hated and despised as an appeaser in his own time. His work on the structure of the Federation council and the Federation Presidency is nearly forgotten.
       Dannon is remembered as the architect of the Federation's treaty with the Romulan Star Empire, which brought an end to that long and bloody conflict. His treaty efforts were hampered by the desire of many council members to extract vengeance on the Romulans for the many Federation lives lost during that conflict. Realizing that a series of harsh treaty conditions would prolong the war, Dannon delivered his "Sighted Man of Peace" speech. This now famous speech convinced the Council members to soften their conditions, which included surrender of previously held Romulan systems, to bring about a much needed peace.
       Though Dannon's efforts were eventually successful, he never lived to see their fruits. A dissident Andorian assassinated him four years after the ratification of the treaty bearing his name.
Teller: Gunphar Haarhuis -- We must maintain the Sovereign Will
       Founder of his own trading house. It was a ship of Gunphar's House that "discovered" Earth, and it was he himself that signed the first treaty with Earth and Andor. He lived long enough to argue the case for individual sovereignty in the Federation charter, that each planet retained the right of sovereignty within the Federation. Both Earth and Vulcan were ready to sign it all over to a central authority. Andor was dead against, and Kentauri was wavering. Gunphar prevailed in a three hour speech that logically, and emotionally presented the principle that each world must remain sovereign in order for the Federation to exist. Both the principle and the Federation were saved that day.
       Gunphar died, a old, and very rich Tellerite the day after the signing of the Federation Charter.
Vulcan: T'kal and Solin -- The voice of reason must be present to be heard.
       T'kal the daughter of T'rul the Matriarch of Vulcan, and Solin her bondmate were personally chosen by T'rul to attend and observe the proceedings of the then called "Five Powers Treaty Convention". The two did much more than observe. They participated strongly, constantly pressing for reason and balance in every article.
       After the Convention hammered out the Articles of Federation, T'kal and Solin had to convince the Vulcan people that breaking their long standing aloofness was the best and most reasonable course of action. This they did. In a brilliant display of reason they presented an argument that Vulcan joining with the emergent races would have a moderating voice among them. To remain outside would be to have no voice and to still be at risk in any wars they brought into the local group. To join, the possibility of war might still exist, but they would have a voice, and with that voice prevent senseless war before it started. Safer for Vulcan, and in their best interest.
       Also notable at the convention was their young son Soren, later know as Soren the Elder. He is was often credited with being a "Founder", a label to which he would wryly disagree.
Ane Confederation: Falan -- In the Spirit of Ansisi and her Covenant, we add our strength to this Union.
       While the Ane are listed as the sixth signer of the Articles of Federation, and they are indeed charter members, they did not participant in the debates. Ane only observed. The debate that raged among the Ane was directly related to the convention, although unknown to it. The suggestion was made that as the Articles were shaping up that these five peoples had created something new in the Ane experience. A partnership, not an Empire. The suggestion was also made that the time had come to be a participant not simply an observer.
       This move broke all the rules that Ane had thus far operated under. They had never directly affected a political process. As the signing drew to a close, the All decided. Falan present as an observer to the event stepped up and signed the agreement, placing her noseprint firmly on the documents. The first amendment to the Articles of Federation was the inclusion of "Ane Confederation" in all future publications of the document as a charter member.
History of the Organization: In 2135 The founding member of the to be Federation met for the Five Powers Treaty Convention. Through an extraordinary act of courage the delegates produced and signed the Articles of Federation, by 2138 those articles had been ratified by all six of the signing powers, the United Federation of Planets came into being.
       This organization has weathered war and peace gaining members becoming stronger and being of general benefit to the members since its founding. It enjoys a rich history that is beyond the confines of a simple profile.
Culture: There is no single unified Federation culture. It is a vast stew of homogeneous cultures that each lend their unique flavor to the entire mix.
Languages: "Federation Standard" is spoken by most people that are starfareing. However on the various worlds of the Federation a multitude of languages and the associated cultures are celebrated and preserved.
Military: The Federation Military comes in two parts.
       First is Starfleet. Starfleet is the join effort of all Federation members and separate from any of them. The primary charge of Starfleet is Exploration, Search and Rescue, and Federation Defense. Starfleet also maintains navigation aids, the network of subspace repeaters throughout the Federation, and conducts diplomacy for the Federation at large.
       Starfleet has some 40,000 starships in all categories and 70,500 support ships in all categories from runabouts to supply tenders. Starfleet maintains over 1,000 station and supports facilities to service its mission, this includes shipyards, Starbases and Deep Space Stations. This facilities vary from the newest Galmeer "Alliance Starbase" to the ancient facilities of El Nanth Starbase located in the mysterious Builder Station.
       Starfleet employs 80 million beings to service its stations and ships. Starfleet draws it officer core from the best the Federation has to offer on a competitive basis. All Cadets serve a four year period of education before receiving their first assignments. It is preferred that this time be spent at the Main campus of Starfleet Academy at San Fransisco, Earth. It is possible however to attend Acadmey on ship, at a starbase, or the satellite facilities located around the Federation. All command candidate that have not attended the main campus must take command training at the main campus to maintain a uniformity of culture throughout Starfleet.
       Starfleet is broken down into a number of command units to be facilitate its operations. Each is commanded by a Fleet Admiral. They are:

Galaxy Exploration Command (GXC) -- This command section is in charge of exploration, and science. It is also responsible for any diplomacy done by starfleet. GXC is in a constant if undeclared battle with MOC for the hearts and minds. Depending on who has threatened or been discovered most recently depends on who the public favors.
Military Operations Command (MOC) -- This command section is in change of all Starfleet military operations. MOC comes to the fore anytime the Federation finds itself at war. Any captain in Starfleet will wear both the hat of GXC and MOC.
Ground Operations Command (Marines) -- Marines break things. Starfleet Marines is a small unit compared to the size of the combined planetary defense forces. they area first in last out unit. While the Marines usually work with MOC they are considered an independent command. They are commanded by a General rather than an Admiral.
Support Operations Command (SOC) -- This unit is responsible for all support services, from supply ships to Starbases. SOC is also charged with building all Starfleet vessels.
Search and Rescue Command (SAR) -- This unit handles all normal patrol cutters, the maintenance of navigational aids, and subspace repeaters. It is certainly considered next to the bottom of the pile by Humans, but Andorians consider it the highest calling.
Judge Advocate General (JAG) -- JAG handles all internal law matters within Starfleet and non-Starfleet criminal and civil matters in those areas that lack a civil authority. JAG also supports and commands the Starfleet Rangers.
Starfleet Intelligence Services (SIS) -- Few people in Starfleet are truly comfortable with SIS. While they will admit to it's usefulness at times, they will frequently question the morality of spying. While SIS does have spies, the majority of it's opperations are the much more mundane collecting of information from all sources and collating it into something usable. "Spooks" are actually rare. This information is distributed to the operational commands of Starfleet the Federation council and to member governments when it concerns them.
       The second function of SIS is counter intelligence. That is keeping other people from spying on the Federation. This can be everything from the mundane security to Section 22 or "Wonderland" that builds honey pots for spies to find take home and cause mayhem.

       The second part of the Federation military is the local Defense forces. While Starfleet is the one that gets the press, it is the member defense forces that are the bulk of the available military. Some, like the Charter members are large, well funded, and well organized. Others, such as colonies and new members often depend on Starfleet hand downs for their ship strength. (An Excelsior class ship is a gift indeed.) In all the Defense forces can muster an additional 95,000 ships of all classes to Federation defense and hundreds of millions in manpower when required.


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and situations are fictional. Any resemblance to persons, places, or situations living or dead is coincidental.

© Garry Stahl: 1997-2006. All rights reserved, re-print only with permission.

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