Star Trek Outwardly Mobile
Episode 43a: Visit to Tlalocan
Jay P. Hailey
The Star Trek Players


"Captain's Log Stardate 48922.1, Captain Miriah Katasai recording."

"The Endeavor has been ordered to make a patrol cruise of the Saga sector, one of the most distant sectors of the Federation. There has been no serious Starfleet presence in the sector for a long time. There have been rumors and unconfirmed reports of trouble in the sector. Our mission is to support law and order in the sector, try to enhance their political stability and add to our charts and scientific database of the sector."

"Our first destination is Tlalocan, a farming colony on the outskirts of the sector."


"Captain, why does Ms. Alpha have the biggest quarters on the ship?" Commander Stroud asked.

Miriah looked at him for a minute. The reason why was very plain to Miriah. Ms. Alpha and her contingent of Green Orions had a very liberal and free approach to sexual matters. Without large quarters of their own, they would be molesting her crew in the corridors and scaring all the ensigns.

Asking Ms. Alpha and her people to restrain themselves to their own quarters was a compromise and it was working.

"The Green Orions prefer a more communal style of living, Commander..." Miriah temporized. William Stroud was about as straight laced as any Starfleet officer Miriah had ever seen.

"Do you know what they do in there, Captain?" Stroud growled.

Miriah sighed and rolled her eyes.

"They're running a bordello! A bordello on a Federation starship!" Stroud was good and outraged now.

"Now, I don't think that's a fair characterization, Commander." Miriah said placatingly. She really wanted to slap him around, but that was frowned upon in command school.

"Not a fair characterization? I have taken the liberty of monitoring who comes and goes from the Green Orion quarters. Nearly a quarter of the ship's complement goes there regularly. Almost half of the crew has been there in the last three weeks!" Stroud yelled.

"Including me." Miriah said.

Stroud blushed. "Yes, Captain including you. This is simply not proper."

"Now follow through. Ask me what I did in there. Commander Stroud, I am not particularly interested in women as sexual partners. Hell, I have a mating bond! Even if it was honorable for me to seek sex outside of my bond, there are only three Green Orion males there. This ship's crew is a little over half female. If it was a bordello, we'd use those men up inside three months. Have you checked the medical records? Is anyone suffering from physical or mental problems on this ship?" Miriah pointed out.

Stroud looked angry and a little embarrassed. "I haven't checked the medical records, Sir."

"I go in there to relax and speak privately with my friend Alpha." Miriah pointed out.

Stroud's face was grim.

"What do our efficiency and response time numbers look like Commander?" Miriah asked.

Stroud blinked. "They're actually quite good, Captain. Our working crew people are very good at their jobs."

"And what do the stress levels look like?" Miriah prompted.

Stroud looked stubborn. "They're below average."

"And that means..."

"That the crew is happy and comfortable in their jobs." Stroud growled.

"I won't lie to you, Commander. Six months ago when the Green Orions came aboard our numbers were hurting. There were a number of people who couldn't handle the Green Orion life style. So we transferred them off the ship. The people left are the ones who have proven they could live happily under the circumstances and still get the job done." Miriah said.

"But, but..." Stroud said helplessly.

"What is Starfleet's policy about sex, Commander?" Miriah asked.

"Uhm..." Stroud said. Miriah had him over a barrel and he didn't like it.

"The manual says that Starfleet has no position on sexual relations between consenting officers except as it may relate to their ability to carry out their assignments." Miriah said, "Or as the Captain may determine that the safety of the ship is involved. I don't feel that the Endeavor is in any way threatened at this time."

"Yes, Sir." Stroud said stiffly.

Miriah thought for a moment. "Thank you for sharing your concerns with me, Commander. I wouldn't want you to think that it wasn't appreciated."

"Yes. Sir." Stroud said, slightly less stiffly.

"How soon until we arrive in the Tlalocan system?" Miriah asked.

"Two days, Captain." Stroud said.

"Very good, Commander. I'll see you on the bridge tomorrow. Dismissed."

"Yes, Sir." Stroud turned and stiffly marched out of the Captain's office.

"...With any luck he'll go down there for a visit." Miriah growled to herself. "It would do him a world of good."


"They don't call me President-for-Life for nothing, you know. Ha ha ha." President Macco laughed insincerely. His large collection of flunkies laughed belatedly at his joke.

"Um, yes, well." Miriah said, trying to keep her insincere grin on her face. "That still doesn't answer my question. Why would there be a rebellion on your world?"

The Minister of Information answered. He was the President's brother. "We prefer not to call it a rebellion." He said. "That comes too close to justifying the terrorists. We prefer to call it an uprising or terrorist activity."

"But why would anyone want to?" Miriah persisted.

"Why does anyone do what they do?" The President-for-Life breezed. "They are simply barbarians who live to cause misery for others. Like, you know, how do you say? Banditos."

The crowd generally agreed with the President that the rebels were uncouth barbarians.

"Banditos. I like that." The Minister of Information grinned.

"So Captain. Will you help us end the reign of terror?" The President asked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. President, but it does, in fact seem to be an internal matter. Starfleet has strict rules against interfering in the internal affairs of Federation worlds." Miriah said.

"That's too bad. I mean really, what is the use of us paying our Federation taxes if the Federation won't help us out in our time of need?" The President harumphed.

"I understand, Captain." The Information Minister said. "I mean we're just one small planet out on the frontier. The people of Earth really wouldn't like it if you got your hands dirty with their pretty starship."

Miriah's face grew grim. "I will report your troubles to Starfleet Command. They will forward your request to the appropriate civilian agency."

"Thank you, Captain." The President-for-Life said offhandedly.


The capital city was called Mayastan. It was small and quiet as far as cities in Federation went. It was older, though and had a certain amount of character and charm to it. The inner city was made from ornately molded perma-crete that was two hundred years old, and formed into pedestrian malls. It was a nice place to take a relaxing shore leave for the Endeavor's crew.

There were troops in the streets. They wore basic khaki uniforms and carried basic workable energy weapons. No one challenged them. There were even plain clothes security personnel. They could be identified after a while by their strangely colored clothing, much more ornate than the usual people wore, and their false congeniality.

The normal people of Mayastan shied away from the plainclothes agents and grew quiet when they entered a room.

Then the bomb went off.


"Report!" Miriah said. She had been called to the bridge by the alert.

William Stroud reported. "There has been an explosion in Mayastan."

"Were any of our people hurt?" Miriah asked.

"There were a few in the area of the blast. We're calling everyone now." Stroud said.

"Okay. Alert security. Bridge to Sickbay." Miriah said.

"Sickbay here." Matae the Chief Medical officer answered.

"Prepare for possible casualties, Healer. There has been a bombing." Miriah said.

"I have been made aware of this." Matae replied. "Sickbay is ready."

"Thank you, Healer." Miriah said.

"We're being jammed, Captain. We can't get through to any of our people on the surface." Stroud said.

"Hail the President." Miriah said.

"Hailing, Sir." Stroud placed the call.

In a few moments President Macco came on the screen. "Yes, Captain?"

"Are you aware that there has been a bombing in your city, Sir?" Miriah began.

"Yes, Captain. I have been informed."

"There were members of my crew there, Mr. President. Our attempts to contact them and ascertain their status have been blocked." Miriah said carefully.

"I'm sorry, Captain, I'm certain everything is well in hand. Let me turn you over to the Minister of Information. He will be able to help you in better detail." President Macco said.

The screen changed and there was the Minister of Information.

"Minister, our attempts to contact our crew in the bombed area are being jammed. Can you help us?" Miriah asked.

"I'm sorry Captain. We jam subspace frequencies after such an attack to prevent the enemy from communicating with each other and coordinating activities. We will drop the jamming as soon as I am certain that the danger has passed." Minister Macco didn't look nearly as congenial as he did during the diplomatic dinner.

"Yes, Sir. I understand that. How will I retrieve my crew?" Miriah said. She was carefully restraining her half Klingon temper.

"Captain, I must apologize. Until I can be sure that there are no rebel sympathizers or plants among your crew I will keep them in my custody." The Minister said.

"Minister Macco, I must insist that return all members of my crew to the Endeavor immediately." Miriah growled.

"I'm sorry. While on this world your crew is subject to our laws. I am the loyal servant of the President in matters of information and security. You crew will not be released until I determine that they pose no threat." The Minister said.

"Do you honestly believe that my crew poses a threat to your security?" Miriah asked in a dangerous tone.

"Captain, twenty civilians died in that blast. That brings the year's total to somewhere over 400, plus another 150 members of our security forces, and I don't know exactly how many terrorists. I can't take anything for granted, especially in the light of your refusal to become involved." Minister Macco looked angry and tired.

"I'll be sending down my Executive Officer and a Security team down to assure the treatment of my crew people. Please cooperate with them." Miriah said. She didn't trust herself not to assault the Minister if she went herself.

"If you must. I'll cooperate as long as our security is not threatened." The Minister signed off.


The Tlalocan Revolutionary Front claimed responsibility for the bombing. Their message swore resistance to the dictator of Tlalocan even at the price of resisting Starfleet and the Federation itself.


Miriah reported the incident back to Starfleet Command. Tlalocan would never have been admitted to the Federation with its current government. Miriah didn't know what, if anything, she could do to try to put things right.
For three days, she waited while listening to Commander Stroud's reports about the treatment of the crew.

When Starfleet replied, Miriah was given permission to attempt diplomacy if she thought it might help. She was advised that a mission from the Federation Council was being assembled and would arrive no more than eight months later.

The permission also implied that Miriah was free to drop the situation and back away if she felt that her efforts would not help.


"Some our crew people have been interrogated pretty thoroughly." Stroud reported. "We're getting them out now."

"Report as soon as our people are clear." Miriah said. She closed the channel and paced the Bridge irritably. Her attempts to quietly locate the rebels on her own had not led to any result. Miriah was about ready to give up and move away from the planet when her break happened.

"Captain, I'm reading a contact." Brekka Di reported.

"What kind of contact?" Miriah asked.

"Well, Sir. I can't be too specific except to say that it's a cloaked ship." Brekka replied.

"A what?" Miriah asked.

"A cloaked ship. It's only a few moments away from making orbit." The Bajoran officer said.

"Have the Tlalocan security forces detected the ship yet?" Miriah asked.

"No, Sir. Their sensors are primitive compared to ours."

"Sound yellow alert." Miriah said. "Put security on alert."

Alarms started to sound through out the Endeavor. Crew people started to rush to their stations.

"I'm reading transporter activity." Brekka reported. "They're beaming down several tons of inanimate equipment to areas on the planet that are supposedly lightly inhabited."

"An arms shipment?" Miriah asked, grinning.

"It's seems that way." Brekka grinned back.

"Let's get them." Miriah said.

"Aye, Sir."

"Security is ready to go, Captain." The assistant Chief of Security said.

"Very good, Ensign Yo. Prepare boarding parties to take that ship." Miriah ordered.

"Aye, Sir."

"Helm, lay in course to intercept that ship."

"Aye, Captain."

"Hail that ship."

"Hailing frequencies open."

"This is the Federation starship Endeavor. You are in violation of Federation law. Drop your cloak and prepare to surrender. We are prepared to fire on you if you do not comply." Miriah said.

"The smuggler is powering up engines and breaking orbit." Brekka reported.

"Arm phasers and raise shields." Miriah ordered. "Helm, begin your intercept."

The Endeavor began to move.

"Phasers armed, Captain." Ensign Yo reported.

"Give me a wide dispersal pattern at ten percent power." Miriah ordered.

"Wide dispersal, ten percent power." Yo replied.

"Unidentified ship, your cloak is not effective against us. Heave to and prepare to be boarded." Miriah called.

After a few minutes Brekka reported. "The smuggler is still running."

"Fire phasers." Miriah said.

The phasers of the Endeavor fired weakly, their force spread out over a large area of space. The silhouette of a small courier ship was visible in the beam. The ship shimmered and then appeared visibly.

A face appeared on the main screen. A human with a golden complexion and the almond shaped eyes of an oriental said "We surrender! We surrender, please hold your fire!"

"You will heave to and prepare to be boarded." Miriah snarled. "Don't make me do anything rash, Mister..."

"I am Captain Yatsuki, Endeavor. We are heaving to."

"I am Captain Miriah Katasai. You are in my custody. I will be bringing you aboard and placing a prize crew on your ship, Captain Yatsuki. Please don't do anything to jeopardize their safety." Miriah said mildly.

"I ask that you keep myself and my crew in your custody rather than turning us over to the Tlalocan Security forces." Yatsuki said.

"That's what I had in mind, assuming you cooperate." Miriah said simply.

Yatsuki thought about it. "I will do all I can."


"We will resist Federation tyranny to our dying breaths!" Juarez yelled. He was the Leader of the People's Liberation Front and he was given to bombastic and inflammatory language.

Miriah was tired of being yelled at. "I hope you're prepared to wait for a while."

"What do you want, Captain?" Naiman asked. He was the Leader of the Democratic Reform Party, an illegal opposition party.

"The Federation authorized me to open negotiations with you for the purpose of securing a peaceful end to the dispute." Miriah said.

Oraco , the leader of the Red Army sniffed disdainfully. "The high and mighty Federation finally notices us, and sends a lackey to negotiate for the status quo."

"Finally notices you?" Miriah asked.

"We sent messages to the Federation Council requesting aid and arbitration. Our messages have been ignored for years." Naiman said.

Miriah was shocked. The Federation had been ignoring these people for years? "Really? Well now help is here, so you'd better take advantage of it while you can."

"How do we know we can trust the Federation to help us get rid of Macco? How do we know that the Federation won't install another puppet dictator over us when Macco is gone?" Juarez said. "The Federation is well known haven for imperialist, capitalistic running-dog lackeys of counter revolutionary forces!"

"What?" Miriah was confused. Imperialist running-dog lackeys? "Are you sure you haven't confused us with the Ferengi?"

Naiman sighed, "What sort of government would it suit the Federation to impose on us?"

"The Federation's standards for civil rights are well known." Miriah said. "We're not here to impose anything on you. We'd like to assist you in reaching a form of government that is stable and guarantees these civil rights. But what ever the people of Tlalocan decide, then we're obligated to support them."

"Well, it sounds nice, anyway." Naiman said. "Now what proof do we have?"

"Well, if you're willing to work with us, then I'll talk to Macco and see if we can reach a negotiated settlement." Miriah said.

"The bloody struggle against class oppression with never be over." Juarez yelled.

Oraco sighed "We're all tired of bombings and killings, but I don't think you're going to be too successful with Macco."

"Why are you rebelling anyway?" Miriah asked.

"Our people are poor." Juarez said. "They have been ground beneath the heal of Macco's friends."

Miriah waited for Naiman to translate the politically charged rhetoric. They looked at each other for several beats. "Really?" Miriah asked. "Just like that?"

"Just like that." Oraco said.

Naiman explained. "Macco is simply mismanaging the planet. Through shortsightedness and plain greed he has impoverished most of us. He lives in the lap of luxury while we grow hungry outside the gates. When we protest or try to assert our rights, he oppresses us with his secret police and the military. Many people have simply disappeared. Others have been tortured. It's all pretty basic, unless you live here."

"Then it's exciting." Oraco said sardonically. His tone implied the same distaste for excitement and danger that all combat veterans have. Miriah understood that.

"Right, well, I'll go have a talk with Macco." Miriah said.

"Good luck." Naiman said. His tone didn't carry much hope.

Miriah left the resistance leaders shaking their heads.


To Miriah's utter surprise President-for-Life Macco agreed to the talks. They were to be held a week later aboard the Federation Starship. In the mean time, Miriah beamed down members of her crew to random areas of the planet. They poked around and reported to her.

What the Starfleet people saw confirmed the accounts of the resistance leaders. The rural farmers of Tlalocan were dirt poor and getting worse. They had been relatively prosperous at one time. The remains of old buildings and equipment were seen. The Macco administration charged heavy import taxes and skimmed the best of incoming imports for themselves. Corruption and incompetence in the high offices were taking their toll.


"Gentlemen, I am not unreasonable." President Macco said. He was grinning like a used ground vehicle salesman about to close a deal. "I have heard of your problems and I believe I have an ideal solution."

The three resistant leaders looked at Macco cynically.

"Would you gentlemen be willing to become Regional Governors?" Macco asked.

"What?!" Naiman asked, shocked.

"We will set up semi-autonomous regions." Macco said. He activated the big view screen on the wall. A map of Tlalocan showed certain areas marked out in bright colors. "Each of you will govern one. This will be a chance to put your unorthodox political theories into action. We will be able to see by your own success and failures which policies might work, and then put them into action for the rest of our planet."

"This has got to be some sort of trap." Juarez said. "A Dictator turns over power to the people just like that?"

Naiman looked worried. "Each of these maps represents our home regions."

"You're trying to buy us out?" Oraco asked quietly.

"As I said, I am not an unreasonable man. I feel that we all be served better if you join the current administration rather than trying to disrupt it." Macco said.

"We have a list of demands." Juarez said challengingly. "Our war will not end until these demands are met!"

"Let's try to keep an open mind here." Miriah said, "there's the real possibility of peace. Let's not throw it away."

"Read me your list." Macco said condescendingly.

"Macco and his brother must return all wealth to the people of Tlalocan. They must step down from power and call real elections. The Macco brothers and the high ranking military and security personnel must stand trial for war crimes and atrocities against the people of Tlalocan." Juarez read off.

Macco laughed derisively. "You don't ask for much, do you?"

"Speaking for the Democratic Reform Party, we'd be just as happy to see Macco and his cronies step down and leave the planet." Naiman said.

"We could live with that." Oraco said.

"That is completely out of the question." Macco dismissed.

"Let's speak plainly about your proposal, Mr. President." Oraco said, steepling his fingers. Miriah got the same feeling as when she played Fizzbin with Ms. Alpha. Miriah enjoyed the game, but lost a lot of money.

"Ah! A reasonable man." Macco smiled expansively.

"If I were the governor of an autonomous region would I have control of the police?" Oraco asked.

"The regional police, certainly."

"How about the Informational Security Forces in my region?"

"Well, those would remain under the control of the Minister of Information." Macco said.

"The region you proposed has had perennial problems with power generation. Could we build a new reactor?" Oraco asked.

"Well, I'd have to speak with the Minister of Finance about that..." Macco said suspiciously.

"The farmers in the region make less than half of what they used to make before you 'rationalized' the currency. Could I build a space port and offer my region's products for sale on the interstellar market?" Oraco asked grimly.

"These are very complex questions. There are great benefits to having all commerce move through Mayastan. We gain better control of smuggling and other such crime. I don't think that it would be wise to allow a second starport at this time.

"So, in effect, you're offering me a chance to sit in a pretty office while all energy money and force flows through your office." Oraco pounced.

"Now, this would not be purely a figurehead position. Heavy responsibilities to the people in your region would fall to you..." Macco said.

"Just so long as it didn't threaten your power." Juarez sneered.

"Really gentlemen, social order must be preserved or all Tlalocan suffers." Macco said self righteously.

"You'd name us governors but keep all energy, money and police powers for yourself. You could really crack down on our districts and then blame all the hard ship on us." Naiman said. "You'd discredit us and make our people too hungry and poor to resist."

Macco shut up and got a pinched, unhappy look on his face.

"You were hoping to get us to agree to be your scape goats!" Juarez yelled.

Oraco just smiled faintly.

"Really Captain, are these the serious proposals for peace? I don't think much of Federation Diplomacy." Macco sneered at Miriah.

"I can see one simple elegant solution to the whole mess." Miriah said.

Everyone stopped and looked at her.

"Call a general election and let the people of Tlalocan choose their next government." Miriah said simply.

The resistance leaders grinned and leaned back in their chairs. Macco turned red and stalked out of the meeting.

"Nice try, Captain." Naiman grinned.


That afternoon Miriah sent a message to her own civilian government. Nissus, the IDIC colony was still technically a Vulcan colony and so Miriah's contacts led her to contact the Vulcan Ambassador to Federation.

Then she waited. The message would take days to reach the inner Federation. Then the Vulcan Ambassador would take his time and thoughtfully consider his actions.

While they waited, Miriah continued her clandestine investigation of Tlalocan. There were even a few replicators suddenly missing from the Endeavor's inventory, as well as few emergency generators. A replicator with an emergency generator could not feed a starving village, but it could easily reproduce replacement parts for the old machinery. The farms would be able to feed the people once again.


Four weeks later a coded message came in from the Vulcan Ambassador. Miriah read it with a sense of vast relief. Then she went down to the Presidential palace.


Miriah was ushered into a large office. It was lushly appointed and reeked of wealthy executive power. Macco looked happy and content sitting behind it. He'd kept Miriah waiting for half an hour outside of his office.

Miriah walked up to the desk and waited for a moment. Macco poured over his paperwork simulating a busy President for all he was worth. Eventually he pretended to notice Miriah and gestured her to a seat. "Please sit, Captain."

Miriah took the offered chair. It was uncomfortable and shorter than it looked. Miriah found herself looking up at Macco and perched on a difficult chair. Her expression grew more serene. She wasn't going to let little psychological games under her skin.

Macco waited for a bit and then said "What can I help you with Captain?"

"I bring a message from the Vulcan the Terran Ambassadors to the Federation, Mr. President." Miriah said.

Macco frowned. "Really?" He tapped his teeth with the Edge of his PADD idly. Miriah resisted the urge to stuff it down his throat. Macco was worried and didn't know what to do about it. "What do he honorable Ambassadors wish to say to me that they could say directly?"

"The Governments of Terra and Vulcan have agreed to offer sanctuary, asylum and a sizable pension to you and your associates here on Tlalocan. They ask that you step down and call for free general elections. In exchange they promise to support you in a suitable lifestyle on Earth, Vulcan or which ever colony you choose to settle on." Miriah said. She showed her own PADD to the President-for-Life to allow him to authenticate the message.

Macco frowned heavily. His face darkened. He breathed deeply and his eyes glittered. Miriah was half afraid that he would attack her. Her other half sincerely hoped he would.

Macco seemed to regain a certain amount of composure. "I will NEVER step down from my office!" He grated.

"This is your chance to end-" Miriah began.

"SILENCE!" Macco roared. "Be silent woman or I will have you killed!"

Miriah rose from her chair in a graceful motion. She met Macco's eyes and grinned. He blanched. He was a coward.

Suddenly to Office was filled with uniformed security officers. They were all Tlalocan Informational Security troopers. The Minister of Information entered after them.

"Take her!" Macco yelled. "Take her away!"

"I don't think we want to do that." His brother pointed out.

The President rounded on his brother in a flying rage but stopped and took a deep breath. "And why not brother of mine?"

"Because if we make a Federation Starship Captain disappear it will cause a scandal. If the Vulcan and Terran Ambassador know that she is here, don't you think they will be curious if she doesn't return?" The Minister pointed out reasonably.

The President's face clouded once again. He wasn't used to being thwarted.

"I think your answer is clear, Captain." The Minister said with impeccable politeness.

"Yes. I will return to the Endeavor, now." Miriah turned and began to leave. "Oh, and one more thing, I'm going to recommend that the Federation send investigators from the Special Justice Department to investigate your activities here. They should arrive with the mission from the State Department." Miriah keyed her comm-badge. "One to beam up."

The last thing Miriah saw as she fade away were the Informational Security Officers restraining President-for-Life Macco. He screamed "KILL HER!!!"
