Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile

Episode 03a:

Meanwhile in an Alternate Universe

(June 01, Year of Our Lord 2367)


Jay P. Hailey


Dennnis Washburn


I was taking practice with my saber when my man servant Bruce entered the chamber to give me the news. I only undertook such strenuous exercise out of habit. It had been many a long year since my honor had been worth impugning.

My prospects were limited and it appeared that I was destined to be a minor functionary at the court of his majesty Kirk the Fourth King of Elysia, and Lord protector of territories and colonies that I hadn't bothered to keep count of recently.

Still, Viscount was good title, and without the pressure that notoriety brings I could serve the realm quietly without undue stress.

It seemed that my comfort was not to last. Bruce came to me, bowed and said "Your honor, I bring word from the Palace."

Trying not to be too familiar, I let Bruce stand for a second in his submissive pose. Bruce was an excellent manservant and had made life much easier for me. I worried about not being stern enough with him, and losing his respect. Without that, I would lose his good service.

"What message is that?" I said off handedly. A summons to the Palace was a serious matter, but it wouldn't do to lose my composure in front of Bruce.

"The Lord High Chamberlain sends his summons, Your Honor." Bruce said neutrally. His trepidation was understandable. A panicky or excessively emotional Viscount has been the end of many a man servant.

I don't operate that way. "Very Well," I said, turning quickly to return to my chambers to dress appropriately. "Well done. Ready my carriage and have it around to the front in five minutes."

"Yes, Your Honor." Bruce said to my back. I was already rushing to make myself presentable to the Lord Chamberlain.

The Baron Quinn was one of the Emperors' inner circle of ministers and advisors. I owed my position at the court directly to him. It was widely understood that Quinn was some sort of sorcerer. I found him mysterious, odd and unorthodox in his thinking. In spite of that he had never been unfair or capricious with me. I knew that he served The Emperor faithfully, and was honored to lend my efforts to his.

To be summoned to the Palace meant that certainly some great events were afoot. Events that I would certainly be playing my small part in.

I arrived in good order, and while Bruce took my carriage and team into the stable at the palace. I went directly to Baron Quinn's office. It was in one of the southern towers on the outer ring of the grand Palace of Elysia.

I was introduced to the presence of the Lord Chamberlain by the herald and bowed low. Respect to ones' superiors was a survival trait, and those in power rarely ignored a breach. Baron Quinn had no time for such things.

"Jay, A pleasure." He said drawing me from my submissive pose "How do you fair, this day?"

I allowed myself to smile as I began my report. All matters of station aside, I had the feeling that Quinn genuinely liked me, and I returned the affection.

Quinn listened to my report with appropriate attention but little real interest. If my business was anything that required Quinn's personal attention, then I had not been doing my job. I had, so the details were not as useful to Quinn.

Quinn said "I have a job for you, Viscount. Would it be convenient for you to settle your affairs for a trip?" This was phrased as a question, but it wasn't. Quinn had an assignment for me. I was used to this. An inspection tour, or a minor diplomatic contact to one of the allied cities that made the empire so powerful.

"I could easily be ready to leave by the end of the week My Lord." I responded.

"Thank you, Jay. I will assign a trusted acquaintance of mine to oversee your businesses and house until your return."

I was overwhelmed. Quinn was going to take personal responsibility for my estate and property until I returned. That also meant that I would be gone for a significant amount of time.

"Thank you, My Lord. May I ask of the service which I am to undertake?" I asked.

Quinn simply smiled and handed me a scroll. "Read this first, and then I will brief you on the details."

I opened the scroll and read. I had been promoted to the level of Count, and placed in authority of his majesty's ship, the Harrier. The scroll had been signed personally by the hand of His Majesty James Tiberius Kirk the Fourth, Emperor of the Etc.

I felt weak. The Emperor himself had placed this mission upon me. It meant that he knew my name and that he trusted me, probably on Quinn's recommendation. I couldn't receive a greater honor, or a better favor for Quinn to grant me.

"My Lord..." I began, but I couldn't continue. I was choked with emotion.

Quinn then told me the details of my mission. It was not going to be easy, but it had the potential to bring great honor to me. On the other hand, it could get me killed. This was why a better known nobleman wasn't going in my stead. On Quinn's say so, the Emperor himself had gambled on my abilities.

I was to take the Harrier, a two deck sloop with fourteen guns to the small island nation of Bajor. They were suffering under the heel of the Cardassian Union. My mission was to slip onto the island and discover if any Bajorans were willing to ally with our nation. Then my new allies and I would start a well-timed campaign of terror and sabotage to soften the Cardassian forces on the island for our fleet.

The H.M.S. Harrier would carry a cargo of muskets and powder to supply a Bajoran resistance as well as treasure from the Emperors' own vaults to finance the corruption of Cardassian Officials or whatever bribes and mayhem I could create to advance Elysian interests in that quarter.

However, the Emperors' men had just completed a treaty with the Cardassians. Interference in their affairs would cause a war. The Emperor felt that the time was not yet ripe for a war with the Cardassians, so he needed someone who was not notably allied with the crown to be his agent. If I were captured, then the Emperor and the Lord Chamberlain could claim that I was a privateer, out to improve my fortunes in an unauthorized adventure.

It was certainly an all or nothing proposition. However, if I succeeded I could look forwards to new holdings on Bajor, as well as booty rights to all Cardassian treasure and materiel once the offensive to free Bajor started.

I had not been to sea since I had been part of Baron Picard's campaign against the Klingons. Quinn soothed me by telling me that I would receive a crew capable of handling the mission, as well as a few trusted officers of his choosing.

With all due haste I arranged my affairs, and went to inspect my new command. I arrived in my carriage, with Bruce and a few things packed along. I had learned during the Baron Picard's Campaign that it is a mistake to pack heavily on a sea voyage.

The Harrier herself was a disappointment. Her hull was a good shape, narrow to cut through the waves like a blade. However, she was old, and I could see many patches in the hull.

Her crew was an even worse surprise. I yelled to for permission to board. It was granted, but the officer who granted me permission was a tall Nubian woman. She was scantily clad and I could see the sinews playing in her arms. She was obviously part of the crew.

I came aboard, and saluted the Keel. "Who is the first mate of this ship?" I asked.

The woman stood brazenly facing me. "I am! Who's asking?"

As I looked around, the rest of he crew appeared to be no more orthodox or disciplined. Many were Nubians, themselves. All of them had the look of relaxed readiness that marked combat veterans. None were too impressed with me or my title, I could tell right away.

"I am the Count Hailey, your commander." I said. The woman looked me up and down measuringly. She said "Let's get one thing straight, Your Honor, I run this ship. These men are my crew. Their loyalty is to me."

"And you are?" I asked.

"I am Li'ira. That's all you need to know." She responded.

"I am not here to prove anything. I am here to serve my Emperor. We have a long voyage ahead of us, and if you can't agree to serve the Empire with me, then I'll have to ask you to leave my ship!" I put my hand down to my pistol and my saber, ready to fight for life at any moment.

Li'ira gauged me, and saw my resolve. She grinned. "You are worthy to serve Kirk, at least. I'm with you."

I was soon moved aboard the Harrier. I inspected the ship. Despite the attitude of the crew, the Harrier was in was in first class condition, and ready to put to sea.

I went back to the Palace and reported to the Lord Chamberlain.


"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do." Quinn said "The Harrier needs a crew, and these people are the best for the task."

"Your pardon, My Lord, it is my impression that these people are brigands, pirates and cutthroats. I can not imagine that My Lord Chamberlain or His Majesty can be well served by these people."

"Your perception is correct. Who better for the task at hand?" Quinn said "I know Li'ira personally. She'll uphold her promise, or I wouldn't deal with her."

Reluctantly I had to accept Quinn's judgment in the matter.

I returned to my quarters on the Harrier, and had begun the few preparations that were left to be done before we put out to sea.


The next day, I was aroused by a commotion on deck. I left my quarters and went on deck to see what was the matter. On the dock were a nobleman and several men at arms. "I insist on coming aboard!" The nobleman was yelling at Li'ira.

The pirate woman remained calm and simply looked at the man. "No," was her response.

I noticed several members of her crew drifting casually below decks, or checking weapons for function. I was suddenly acutely aware that I had left my pistol and my saber in my quarters below.

I approached the gangplank and said "What is the meaning of this?"

Li'ira drifted towards me, never taking her eyes from the nobleman and his men.

"Are you the Count Hailey, in command of this vessel?" The nobleman yelled up at me.

"I am. What is your business here?" I countered.

Li'ira had reached me and whispered in my ear "He's not our friend. Don't let his nobleman's' airs fool you." I gave a short nod.

"I have been sent to join your crew!" The Nobleman said "I have the orders here. May I please come aboard?"

"Just a moment." I said "Send someone to my quarters to fetch my weapons. I'm going to meet him on the dock. Cover me." I whispered to Li'ira. She nodded her assent.

As soon as I had my weapons in hand, I went down the gangplank to the dock.

"Surely, such precautions are unnecessary. Your Honor!" The Nobleman said with a tone of injured sensibility.

"You pardon, Sir." I said "My crew is eager to depart, and I wouldn't want any accidents."

The nobleman looked behind me at Li'ira and said "I quite understand." Then he showed me a scroll. It was an order for the Viscount Flagg to report with his men to our dock and join the crew of the Harrier. The Baroness Necheyev, a serious rival of the Lord Chamberlain, signed it.

I did not have the right to refuse the order signed by a Baroness. If I went to Quinn, the mission would be put on hold while Necheyev and Quinn tried to negotiate the matter. If the controversy reached the ears of the Emperor, then he would probably cancel the whole operation and start from scratch with another noble in charge. His Majesty didn't approve of untidy operations and he didn't give second chances on the same operation.

Therefore, I said "How many men have you, Your Honor?"

Flagg smiled and said "Twenty marines, Your Honor."

I said "Please wait, and I'll have the arrangements made."

I returned aboard the Harrier and conveyed the news to Li'ira. She was livid. "Perhaps I should go to this Necheyev, and we can settle it with steel!" Eventually I was able to calm her down.

Putting up twenty marines on the Harrier was no easy matter, but it was eventually done. The Marines weren't going to have an especially comfortable voyage, as the crew expressed its' distaste for them in choosing their accommodations. However, when I pointed out, quietly that each marine was another gun to defend the ship from pirates or Klingons, then the crew saw the logic of the situation.

Logic was not the first thing that Li'ira responded with, when told she would have to surrender her quarters to Flagg. It was unavoidable. I had the best quarters, but I was the Captain. Flagg was a nobleman and I insisted he be treated as such, even at the cost of having my ears blistered by Li'ira's invective.

Later that day, the final additions to the crew were made, including the pilot and navigator, Spaat. He was a large swarthy man from the southern desert city of Vulcan. The sun baked men of Vulcan had science as their religion and practiced a philosophy of logic that made them extremely knowledgeable. Spaat was a practiced Navigator and Astronomer, and his skills enabled the Harrier to go farther than she ordinarily would have.

The other addition was Harksain Varupuchu, a narrow man with thin lips and a disapproving gaze. He was from the icy northern city of Andor. He was to be Bo'suns' Mate. His organizational skills were second to none, and he quickly identified several deficiencies in the loading of the Harrier and her provisions. He was able, with a hard days' work, reload the Harrier in such a way as to include two more tons of provisions, equipment and materiel. He was also able to get the new things much more cheaply than we had anticipated.

Soon all was ready, and the Harrier was pulled away from the dock. We sailed under minimal sails into the bay and made ready to leave.

The Bay at Elysia was the real reason for the founding of the city. It was long, running several miles from North to South, but had a narrow entrance to the ocean, to the West.

As we sailed into the West, I could see the entrance to the harbor, with the two tongues of land reaching from the south and the north. The harbor entrance was referred to as the "Golden Gate" and I could see the two fortresses defending the mouth of the harbor. They were similar as the first Emperor, Cochrane the First, had built them at the same time. They looked like book ends, or the footing to some impossibly huge bridge across the bay.

As the H.M.S. Harrier left the harbor, we set full sails and sped away to the West on our Mission. I could almost see our destiny ahead of us...


Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this story for me.