
The Night Stalkers


Group Name: The Night Stalkers

Created by: Jay P Hailey, April Shelby, Lelani Walton, Dennis Washburn, T. LeRoy Birdine, Hazel Hughes and Ed Pyror

Appearance: 1980s GURPS game - background for Rudy Greenvele in Bendross

Number of Members: Varied, up to eight

Nature of Members: Human adventurers who understook weird and obscure cases of crimes.

Organization: A private detectives Office in the Bradbury Building in downtown Los Angeles.

Game Role: A framing mechanism to get the characters involved with stories

World Role: A Private detective Agency

Relative Influence: Small.

Public or Secret? Public, they had advertisements

Publicly Stated Goal: To investigate siuations and crimes to the satisfaction of their clients.

Relative Wealth: Poor, none of the Night Stalkers were rich, and business never grew to be very supportive

Group advantages: The Nightstalkers were fearless and intruded were wiser people wouldn't.

Special Abilities: Bryant was very strong, very durable and very intelligent. Simon was a Psionic. Artie was skilled at violence and saw little reason to restain herself

Group disadvantages: Somewhat clueless, and filled with inter-personal melodrama.

Special disadvantages: They made monster bait of themselves, and were plagued by melodrama.

Those who favor them: Clients, and fighters for right.

Those opposed to them: Organized crime. Disorganized crime. People involved in insanity they wish to keep secret. People who find melodrama tiresome.

Area of Operation: Los Angeles, CA

Headquarters Location: The Bradbury Building, Los Angeles

Public Face: Intrepid and competent investigators with flair. A party might break out at any time.

Notable Members:
Bryant Staad: A Tall, Chiselled Aryan statue of a man, he was restrained and on the run from a hidden past. his Day job was contract computer programming.

Rudy Greenevele: A Flamboyant man. Had a tendency to dress like "Prince". short and lithe, he had superior hand-eye coordination. His day job was as an exclusive and stylish hair dresser.

Drake Anderson: A photographer in his day job, Anderson was nortorious for cleaning his house in the nude and becoming vapidly ineffectual during a crises - his photography expertie was never the less vital to the success of the group.

Simon Vogel: A thin, nervous and shy man, he had red hair and a roman nose. He was psionic, although prone to bouts of paranoia and hallucinations.

Preston Howell III: A Plucky and idealistic lawyer, also poor and under employed, accompanied by Mackerel the Wonder dog.

Spike Millane: A shady and paranoid Private Eye with a secret

Aritous Blake: A Former US Marine Who took herslf far more seriously than she ever took the gang or their jobs.

Player Character: Another shady Private eye. Gruff and professional, but cynical and not very nice.

Jaqueline Post: A runaway from the Ozarks she worked her way through medical school.

Crichton Lacrosse: A Private eye who was signifigantly less shay and more well dressed.

History of the Organization:
2052 - Rudy and Bryant meet at USC. they pal around, picking up Drake and Simon

2055 - the four boys meet Preston Howell, retained by Bryant for a business issue. They notice Preston's friend, Spike down the hall and come up with a great idea. They'll become Private eyes for fun and profit.

The boys invade Spike's Office and elect themselves his apprentices. Spike initially welcomes the help.

Over several odd cases the boys prove themselves unimpressed by weirdness. Spike and Preston are drawn into the venture. Aritous signs on with the group.

2056 - Spike dissappears during a UFO sighting. The boys and Preston pick up Player Character as a replacment. he proves flaky and they move to Chrichton Lacrosse.

Late in the year, the boys encounter Jaqueline. Jaqueline and bryant begin a relationship.

Chrichton leaves the group.

2057 - Aritous and Simon marry, surprising everyone. Jaqueline and Bryant maerry surprising no one. Jaqueline and Bryant begin to argue violently about Bryant's role in The Night Stalkers.

That summer both Aritous and jaqueline bcome pregnant.

2058 - the Nightstalkers discover that Artious and the Vogel children are being abused by Simon. In a bitter confrontation, the Nightstalkers dissolve. Aritous disappears, Simon breaks down and ends up in the Big Sur Clinic.

Fate of the Organization:
Bryant and Jaqueline were killed in Los Angeles in 2079 during the AI war, leaving their children embittered

Rudy went on to become a rich celebrity and adventurer, before escaping Earth as part of the Bendross III crew.

Drake was elected to the California State Legislature. He too, was killed in Los Angeles during the AI war.

Aritous Blake entered cold sleep hibernation. Coming out at intervals for recovery and replenishment, she slept until the 2350s, figuring that three hundred years were enough to escape Simon. She is now a bartender at a resort on the Carribean Island of Kokomo, and greets disturbances with cold finality.

Spike Millane was captured by a space ship which is still enroute to the Andromeda Galaxy. he wouldn't come back if he could.

Player Character was arrested for fraud and languished in prison for several years. upon his release he became a preacher at an obscure evangelical church.

Preston Howell left Los Angeles and settled in Vista City after the demise of the Nightstalkers. He continued to practice and eventually became semi-successful.

Chrichton LaCrosse joined the elite Chancellor Agency and was a successful investigator for several years. He survived the nuclear destruction of Los Angeles and helped form a resistance cell against the war machines of Skynet. He died fighting valiantly.

After medication for schizophrenia and long term counselling, Simon became an "Analyst" for the US Government. Although records of his existence were erased, Simon was working at a think tank in Pittsburg PA when it was over run by AI run war machines. Simon was killed in the fighting.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this material for me.

Jay P. Hailey
