Molly At The Oasis


Jay P. Hailey


A hole opened in the fabric of reality, and out fell Molly. She was a pretty blonde girl, built on a solid, athletic frame. She landed in a graceless flopping roll. It was difficult to enter reality with grace or poise.

She rolled onto her back, and laid there for a moment assessing the situation. It was a hot day, under a deep blue sky. The distance was soft with the heat. It didn't bother Molly too much.

She sat up and looked around. She was on a wide, flat plain. It seemed like a dry lake bed. off in the distance mountains rose up from the nearly perfect flatness of the desert.

There was no one around. The wind whispered quietly, but nothing else made a sound.

"Hmph," Molly said thoughtfully, The silence ate her comment without a trace. Molly didn't like that, and so said nothing more.

She rose to her feet and checked herself out. Molly was wearing well worn khaki shorts and a short sleeved work shirt. Slung from her back was a metal backpack with all sorts of useful things scientifically arranged in it. Emblazoned on the back surface of the grey metal back pack was the Greek letter omega.

On a belt and holster across her hip and belly, Molly had a huge hand gun. It was almost comically large, and technical in design. It looked out of place strapped to Molly.

There was no one else with Molly. There should have been. Molly looked around diligently, hoping for some clue as to the location of her traveling companions.

Soon, she was able to see that there was no one else within sight on the extremely flat plain.

Molly checked the dimensional-teleporter that had brought her to this place. It was an odd combination of magic and technology, clinging grimly to the inside of a black three-cell mag-lite body.

The original case and many of the more convenient functions of the dimensional-teleporter were lost to time, damage and adventures. In the open end, where the light used to come out when this had been a flash light an LCD display told Molly that she had two weeks in the desert before the dimensional-teleporter recharged enough to send her on her way.

Molly began to worry, slightly at that point. Molly knew that she was tough, but she also knew that she wasn't tough enough to wait two weeks in the desert.

Looking into the distance, Molly chose to go north. Or at least north as Molly estimated it to be. Molly couldn't say why one direction appeared more favorable than any others. But north didn't seem any worse, so Molly started walking.


Molly found the oasis late that day. It had been hidden from her sight earlier by the mirage of heat ripples rising from the desert floor. As soon as she saw it, she made straight for it.

It was simply a patch of greenery out on the desert floor. Trees and bushes grew around a smooth and tranquil pool of water.

Molly breathed a sigh of relief. She could eat almost anything. Her special metabolism would break down nearly any substance and use the elements inside as nutrients. To Molly most objects were edible. The trees and bushes looked better than sand, however. Molly was carrying MREs, concentrated military rations, but had learned to stretch them as far as possible while traveling the dimensions. There was no guarantee of an alternate world similar enough to procure MREs in, after the next jump. They did taste better than trees and bushes to Molly, but not enough to make her swear off the greenery.

Molly wandered through the oasis to the edge of the tranquil pool sampling leaves and twigs as she went. The palm fronds were dry and raspy, but the bushes were okay.

There was a strange mushroom growing at the edge of the water. Its dome was colored purple with green polka dots, and its trunk was brown with yellow stripes.

Molly reached out to take a small chunk of it to taste with her finger. Molly's immune system was as odd as her digestive system. It had eaten every bug she had encountered so far. Any poisons in the mushroom would be degraded by Molly's powerful digestive enzymes, and used for nutrients. This gave Molly a sense of confidence in tasting the strange mushroom that few others would have shared.

"I really wish you wouldn't..." The mushroom said.

"What?" Molly snatched her hand back from the fungus, more out of fear for what she had been about to do than anything else. Obviously the mushroom was some sort of sentient creature.

"Hello. I'm Molly." She introduced herself. Molly always presented herself in a straight forward and polite manner.

"That's an interesting point," The mushroom conceded, "but, I'm not so sure that I agree."

"What?" Molly asked, confused.

"That is indeed the question, isn't it?"

"Are you from around here?" Molly said, trying to drag the conversation around to a point where she could grasp it.

"No. I have never been here in my life."

"Ah, where are you from? Is it a nice place?"

"I am from me. I like it just fine." The mushroom seemed to gaze at Molly with no eyes. "I imagine it would be a bit cramped for you in here though."

"Oh. Then I won't try to go there." Molly thought she was getting the hang of the mushroom's logic.

"You won't? Then what ever are you doing here?" The mushroom seemed surprised.

"I'm just passing through." Molly thought of all the weird dimensions that lay ahead of her.

"That's an interesting concept, but I'm afraid the logic simply doesn't hold up." Molly thought that the mushroom sounded like the Scarecrow in Oz after he had gotten his brains. Molly wished idly that she could go back to Oz. This was not to be. Oz was for children and Glenda had told her during her last visit that she was too old to return any more.

"Your basic premise is that you are here and that you exist. I'm not going to concede that point, but for the sake of argument, if you are here, and if you do exist, then by your own logic, you are here now. Previous motion or future intent are irrelevant by your own logic. Q.E.D."

Molly sorted through the words carefully. "Not so. The past and future do exist and therefore have an effect on the present."

"Simply not so. But, to return to our earlier subject, I don't necessarily believe that you are here or that you exist, and so I cannot believe any conclusion that comes from these premises. Give me your proof and perhaps I'll accept it."

Molly argued her existence with the mushroom until sundown. When the last rays of the sun were gone, an eternal twilight settled around Molly. Her eyes were tuned beyond the visible spectrum to the ultraviolet. Outside, the night was never entirely dark to Molly. Molly didn't mind. Her strange metabolism only let her sleep an hour or so out of every week, anyway.

But the mushroom's philosophical logic was as dark to Molly as the darkest cave she had ever been in. Molly spent the nights while her companions were asleep reading and was able to recall several of the more popular philosophers and philosophies from her home dimension. The mushroom countered them all with mind boggling juxtapositions and contexts. Molly was pretty smart, but the mushroom had her outclassed in philosophical argument.

Worse, Molly utterly failed to detour the mushroom into any other subject, including what she was really interested in, where it was from and what things were like there.

"You have some interesting arguments, but I am still not convinced. You existence is still a doubtful premise to me." The mushroom said smugly.

Irritated and impatient, Molly said "Okay, I'll prove to you that I exist." She reached out an tore a small piece off the mushroom.

"Ow! Bitch! That hurt!" The mushroom complained.

Molly fingered the chunk of mushroom thoughtfully. It seemed airy and insubstantial. "Do you think I exist, now?"

"Using physical evidence to settle the point! You should be ashamed!" With that, the mushroom seemed to fold in upon itself and disappeared.

Molly wondered if she was going to meet any other mushrooms at the oasis.


Molly stayed alone in the oasis for the next three days, quietly. Molly found that it had been a few months since she was last by herself, and that was under trying circumstances. She took the time to relax and enjoy her privacy. With a few days of no adventure or weirdness she started to get her head together and out of the moment-to-moment crisis mode that dimensional travel always seemed to entail.

As the events of the recent past began to sort themselves out for Molly, she realized that she had not really grasped the oddness of her situation. Molly had been cast adrift in alternate dimensions by a mechanism that she had never really pinned down.

In her home dimension, Molly was a "superhero" a meta-human law enforcement officer for the United Nations. Molly's strength had served her well while she battled strange and kinky villains bent on world domination, or the acquisition of personal power.

But while lost in the multiverse Molly's mind was her best weapon. She had grown up in the superhero community and so was able to accept weird people without a second glance. But Molly's mental flexibility was pushed to its limit.

In a botched rescue attempt some of Molly's team mates had discovered her, only to lose the ability to cross the dimensions in a controlled fashion. After a long stay in a grimy techno-magic version of Seattle, they had leapt at random. The leader of the rescue attempt knew that various worlds existed with the ability to move between alternate probabilities. She reasoned that if they were able to bump into such a traveler, they might be able to beg a ride to a world where dimensional transport was more common.

Molly's own very accurate sense of time took a beating as they traveled from one reality to another. Time ran differently in different worlds. Molly had completely lost track of what the date or time might be at home.

Several times the incredible strength that Molly possessed was stretched to its limits and her toughness proved only barely able to save her. Molly could lift a Bradley fighting vehicle over her head, and hold it for a count of ten. Her muscles had a consistency similar to kevlar. When attacked her muscles could absorb kinetic energy and redistribute it across her body, greatly reducing the damage caused by such attacks. Molly was bullet proof to all but the heaviest guns, and even the heavier guns couldn't penetrate her as well. Massive muscle-bound goons had pounded away on Molly only to find that their strength had met its match.

In the odd techno-magic Seattle, Molly had encountered Trolls, Elves and mega-corporations all armed to the teeth. Molly took to carrying guns after she had faced a squad of elite battle-cyborgs. Molly shuddered at the memory.

In another world Molly had approached a group of cave men, only to find that they were all as strong and tough as she was. They had strong opinions about Molly's use as a sex-slave and junior housewife. Molly wasn't afraid of anyone stronger than her, but twenty of them had been a badly frightening experience.

In another world they had met a dark night crusader for justice. Molly had taken on the identity of his colorful sidekick while trying to keep him from being shot. Molly felt keenly the difference between a normal man with a burning obsession and her own bullet proof self. Too soon the dimensional-transporter called her away. Did he complete his quest, or did some crazed clown blow him away? Molly felt that she would never know the answer.

On and on, the memories returned to Molly asking to be reviewed and clarified. So many unlikely things had happened to Molly that she began to feel as though she herself was unlikely and liable to fade away at any moment.


Molly realized after several hours of this introspection that she was going mad. Her mind was able to cope with the strange dimensions that she entered and the weird people she met there, but only on a moment to moment basis. As the whole experience settled in, Molly felt her hold on sanity grow weaker and weaker.

She looked again at the dimensional teleporter. Her companions were stuck in a strange zero time limbo. They were awaiting the next jump, where they might come out. Molly wished she could dive in after them and never come out.

Molly knew that when the door opened, she would leap into the "swirly-thing" dimensional gate and once again, have to cope with a new world and new rules. Molly knew that to do that would drive her mad.

Could she abandon her friends in there? Loyalty and madness lay on the other side of the gateway. Molly turned off the dimensional teleporter. Maybe in a little while she would turn it back on and resume the charging process. Her friends, stuck in the zero-time limbo would never notice the delay.


Molly returned from bathing in the cool clear pool at the center of the oasis to the spot where she had made camp. There she found the contents of her hard-pack scattered all over. Someone had tossed the contents around her campsite as though making a thorough and careless search of her belongings.

Molly froze and watched the sight carefully. Her modesty quietly reminded her that she was naked, but she told it to shut up for the moment. Molly's priorities were survival oriented and clear. She could see no sign of anyone near her camp sight. Molly crept closer, the hair on her neck and arms rising. She put on her clothes and began to gather her belongings together.

Suddenly Molly sensed a presence behind her. She whirled and saw a Predator watching her intently. If it stood upright it would have been nine feet tall. Molly guessed its weight at about a thousand pounds. It looked like a direct cross between a gorilla and a tiger. It brachiated, walking on all fours or the rear legs. The forelegs were powerful arms with big hands on the ends. A wide triangular head was similar to a big cats, with sharp carnivorous teeth in its mouth and pointed ears swiveling to focus on Molly.

It was colored brown with black stripes. The brown faded to gold along the belly and the face. White spots on the black ears simulated eyes for Predators attacking from the rear. Green cat eyes studied Molly carefully.

The creature snuffled deep in its thick chest, scenting Molly. It turned and began to circle her.

Molly felt a certain amount of fear, but nothing too serious. Molly had worked with tigers at a big cat shelter back home. She knew how strong a tiger that size would be, and felt reasonably confident that she could survive a mauling and dish out enough punishment to convince the creature that there was easier food to be had else where.

The creature walked a full circuit around Molly, while she kept her face to it at all times. Molly knew that tigers loved to take back shots when they could get them.

"What manner of prey are you?" The creature growled in a Mack truck style bass to Molly.

Molly jumped a little bit, surprised that the creature was sentient. "I'm not prey, My name is Molly."

The creature squeezed its eyes at Molly and said "I have never seen anything like you, Molly, but you smell good enough to eat." And with that the Predator pounced.

Molly was not surprised and rolled out of the way. She came to her feet while the Predator wheeled around to watch. It growled deeply in the back of its throat and continued to circle.

Molly watched the muscles bunch under the Predators' pelt and wanted to look for her gun, just in case it proved tougher than she thought. She was hampered by the fact that she couldn't take her eyes off of the Predator without inviting another attack.

The creature seemed to float across the distance between them without actually touching the ground. Molly saw the blow start and raised her arm to block. The Predator moved very quickly, and Molly saw the claws on the tips of its fingers. They didn't seem quite as large as a normal tiger's, but Molly knew what you could do with fingers and leverage.

A bright flash and the feeling of tumbling told Molly that the creature had struck home with the blow. Molly rolled willy-nilly across the clearing. She rolled onto her back and opened her eyes to see the creature in the air coming down on top of her. Instinctively Molly threw both legs up and guided the Predator's landing over her head, into the dirt.

The creature struck the ground with a big thump and rolled away. Molly scrambled quickly to her feet. Across the clearing the creature recovered and then studied Molly closely again. Its eyes narrowed.

"Stop!" Molly said.

"Why?" The creature growled. It was less jovial in its threatening tone, now.

"Because I'll have to hurt you and I don't want to." Molly really didn't want to break up the creature. Except for the fact that it seemed to enjoy attacking her it was really quite striking.

"Then you are a fool." The creature leapt at Molly. Molly saw the incoming attack and set herself.


Molly's whole body ached. She moved tenderly to the edge of the pool at the center of the oasis, and gingerly stripped off the remains of her shirt. Dried blood caked it to her skin. Molly's super human metabolism had already begun to close the deep gashes on her back and sides.

Placing her gun on a rock within easy reach of her hand, she took off the similarly decimated shorts and slid into the pool to wash off her wounds. Her hands had a special hot thickness. Molly was surprised to see her knuckles swollen and bruised. Tears welled in Molly's eyes. The cool water stung as she slid into it, and then began to soothe her pain.

Fighting was something Molly was trained in and had experience at. She never lost the urge to cry and cuddle up with a teddy bear following intense battle. Her heart got bruised in every fight.

Molly tried to wash the dried blood out of her curly hair, with little success. When she looked up from this, the Predator stood at the edge of the pool. Molly quickly snatched her gun and held it ready.

The Predator moved slowly and stiffly. He approached the water gingerly and squatted down, never taking his eyes off of Molly. He grunted as he lowered himself to take a drink, and Molly could see that his mouth was swollen and had dried blood in the teeth where Molly had loosened them. Molly winced as he drank sips of cool water from the pool. It must hurt to have cool water run over the damaged teeth. The Predator sipped slowly and then raised his head.

"How do you mark your territory?" He asked Molly.

"What?" Molly was confused.

"You have stood me off in single combat. As a female it is up to you to mark your territory."

"I don't work like that, really." Molly said.

"I see that you are different from me, but you are no less a Predator. We must have separate territories or we risk injury and death." The creature spoke slowly and with exaggerated clarity through his stiff mouth.

"Um, how about splitting the oasis in half?" Molly waved her free hand to demonstrate.

"I understand. I will mark the border of my territory." He rose and slowly moved to a prominent tree near the pool. Squatting, he urinated all over the base. Molly was surprised at how much urine he produced. "Remember my smell. It will mark the border between your territory and mine."

Molly noted the pungent odor.


For the next several days Molly occasionally spotted the Predator in the trees of on the move. He scrupulously avoided her side of the Oasis.

Molly's bruises and cuts healed quickly. Soon she was back to her soul searching. But never without her gun at hand. Molly tried to repair her clothes, but the damage was too severe. This combined with Molly's lack of skill to make the clothes unsalvageable.

Molly switched to a set of military pants and a T-shirt.


A few days later, Molly was meditating. It was something that she did often. Being awake twenty four hours a day around people who slept all night had left Molly with no alternative on occasion. She was using the quiet she

generated inside to attempt to come to terms with her unstable emotions.

"Help!" The voice came to Molly. It seemed to be a human voice, in desperate straights. "God, please help me!" It came from the other side of the Oasis.

Without a second thought Molly grabbed her gun and ran into the Oasis.

It didn't take long for Molly to discover the source of the screams. A man in brown robes was being chased by the Predator.. The Predator had every advantage, and seemed to be playing with its prey. The man screamed again as the Predator belted him.

Molly realized that she was on the wrong side of the oasis, and that she had tacitly agreed not to interfere with the Predator. However she could not ignore the cries of the man in the brown robes.

As Molly stepped forward, she noticed that he had not gotten up. The Predator moved into a position over him, Growling slightly. The man mumbled. He seemed to be praying.

"Stop that." Molly said

The Predator whirled and covered his prey with all the speed at his command. He snarled. The man looked at Molly and his eyes grew wide.

"This prey is mine!" The Predator snarled.

"Who is it?" The man yelled "Who's there?"

"I can't let you do that." Molly said.

"Oh, God!" The man yelled. "Run, Child! A demon has me! Save yourself!" He grabbed the Predator around the neck and launched an attack. It was feeble and clumsy, but Molly was touched. The man was trying to distract the Predator and give her a chance to run.

The Predator casually smacked the man down into the sand and restrained him. "This one is mine, female."

"He is like me." Molly pointed out.

"He is nothing like you. You are strong and fast. He is slow and weak. It is right that I should eat him."

"No." Molly said. She brought the gun up and cocked the hammer.

"Female, I have been traveling for some time, I have eaten many prey, and I have taken many territories away from those who would confront me. Don't let his weak flesh fool you. I see the resemblance, but I can tell you from my own experience that he is much, much weaker than you."

"So?" Molly didn't quite see the connection.

"In the worlds, all is not always as it seems. This prey looks like you, but it is not like you. It is a sort of prey that I have encountered before."

"He is like me."

"No! His kind band together in large tribes and live in hellish canyons of stone and glass. They coddle the weak and punish the strong. If you let him exist near you, then his voice would carry the poison of his strange ideas to you. He would try to mate with you." The Predator shuddered. "His weakness would infect you. These are only fit for killing and eating. It is our right, and our duty, lest his kinds weakness spread."

"Our duty?" Molly was confused.

"We are Predators. You must be with your speed and strength. Our claws and teeth exist for a reason. Our joy at hunting and the pleasure of the kill have a purpose. It is every Predators' duty to kill prey. Without us, they grow until they fill the worlds, and destroy everything with their mindless chatter. We must control them."

It was a basic ecological fact. Molly recognized it from every nature show she had ever watched on TV. Humans were simply apes with an attitude, any reasonable person could see that. What made Humans above the food chain? What made Humans immune from the law of the jungle? She could find no logical flaw in the Predators argument.

It didn't feel right. Molly wrestled for a few moments with her emotions.

The man in brown robes got clear for a moment and threw sand into the Predators eyes. The Predator slammed him into the ground and snarled, rubbing its eyes. Molly heard the mans bones break as he was slammed into the ground. Groaning in pain, the man rolled over. Molly could see his face red with pain, and effort. "Run, Child. For the love of God!"

Suddenly it clicked for Molly. The man was trying to protect her. He had written off his own life, but was trying to use it to buy hers. Even after he had decided that he was dead, he was still trying to save Molly. This was a human impulse. Not always, and not always expressed so directly, Humans were still pack animals.

Ever since she had been four years old, Molly remembered being aware that she was different. After being found alone in a house in San Francisco, Molly was sent from foster home to foster home. Her strange muscles and metabolism meant that Molly could do things that were impossible even then, but her favorite was to eat things, and see what they tasted like. Molly had done hundreds of dollars of property damaged sampling pieces of her rooms. She ate drywall, wood, plastic fittings, metal pipes and wires. This always led to her being sent to a new home with new people.

That is until the last one. Desperate for a home that could cope with her, the judge sent her to Omega Squad. Omega Squad a group of peace keepers. soldiers and cops, they had no clues or experience dealing with children. But still they took Molly in and tried.

With Omega Squad, Molly began to feel as though she was a real person, and really belonged somewhere. It felt good. Molly realized with a flash exactly what that was. All pack animals will put members of the herd on guard duty. Wildebeests and buffalo will circle the females and young with bulls. The heaviest fighters try to protect the weak. It was for the good of the herd.

Even though the members of Omega Squad sometimes had trouble moving within everyday society, Humanity had placed them on the outer ring, and had supported them there. Omega Squad was part of Humanity by trying defend people. Individually or in groups, The members of Omega Squad expressed their basic humanity by trying to defend the weak.

Molly knew that ecological forces and natural disasters and natural causes would kill some of them. It was a forgone conclusion that Molly couldn't save everyone. That wasn't the aim. Molly paid for her seat at the table by trying. By expressing her basic human instinct in the most effective way possible. And Humanity, through the U.N. paid her well and gave her the place in tribe that was meant for her.

"I'm a human being." Molly said, "And I will kill you if you don't let him go."

The Predator saw the determination in Molly's eyes. He felt that he could give her enough of a fight to chase her away from his prey. A Predator didn't live long fighting other Predators for food, but she was smaller and the little screaming monkey was his.

He leapt at Molly. Her huge handgun roared. The impact knocked the Predator to the ground. He felt the pain of a wound. He didn't understand her weapon.

"Aggggghhhh!" He screamed "What was that?"

"It's my gun. I'll kill you with it unless you leave us alone."

The Predator struggled to his feet. "You win, this time, Female." He snarled. Molly knew that if he could catch her with her guard down that he would. He shakily moved off into the underbrush on his side of the oasis.

Molly stabilized that man in the brown robe and then improvised a travois out of debris. She carried him back to her camp sight where she nursed him.


After a few hours it was clear that the man was dying. His injuries were too severe. Molly didn't know enough to help him.

His breathing was ragged, and there was blood in the corner of his mouth, But he was awake and alert.

"Are you an angel?" He asked Molly.

"No," She said "I'm a human being."

"So I heard you say to the creature."

"You should rest."

"Soon, I fear. The creature said that you were stronger and faster than I."

"Yes, I suppose I am." Molly didn't like these sorts of questions. They never lead anywhere pleasant in a conversation.

"How could it be that a young girl is more powerful than a grown man?"

"I'm built sort of different."

"Then you have been given a great gift."

"I suppose so." Molly didn't know if it were as simple as that.

"I imagine that some have held your gifts against you."

Molly sighed "Almost every one. They often say that I am creature of the devil. All I want is to be normal. I want to have a normal life." She carried on bitterly "I want to be able to wear normal clothes. I want to go a couple of years between fist fights. I don't any more blood on my hands. I want to go out to the movies and not have every one stare. I want to be able to move about the city without watching everyone to see if they're some sort of loony who's going to try to shoot me. I'm tired and I want to go home."

Molly burst into tears. She sat and cried for a few minutes quietly, ashamed of her outburst. Maybe it was inconvenient for her to be a super, but she knew that it was about to be very inconvenient for the man not to have been a super.

"Child, the road that God leads us down is not always the easiest one."

Molly snuffled "Sometimes I wonder why it was me."

"That I can not say. But I know that there was a reason, and that you would not have been gifted unless the Lord felt that you were worthy of it." He coughed wetly. His breath was starting to rattle.

Molly said "That's sweet of you to say, But I don't know if I believe it."

"That's all right, child. I will try to believe for the both of us."

"How did you come to be here?" Molly asked him.

"I do not know the specifics. I can generally say that it's God's Will, but that's not your question, is it? I was walking along the road to the Abbey of Saint Brendan's. A strange light settled over me. I fear that I was killed there and that now I travel through purgatory. I must have a few sins left to be punished and then forgiven." He coughed again, harder and longer. This time, he coughed up blood.

"I wish I could help you more."

"It is not God's will this time, I'm afraid." He smiled "It was pleasure to meet you, Molly. I hope that God will protect you along-..." He dissolved in a fit of coughing.

Molly did her best to make him comfortable, but an hour and a half later he died, drowned in his own blood.


Molly dug a hole and buried the man at the oasis. Then she carefully dug out her Dimensional-Teleporter. She flipped the switch and it began to charge once again.


Molly never saw the Predator again. Two days before the Dimensional-Teleporter was ready to open the gate, she searched for him. He was no longer in the Oasis. Molly relaxed quite a bit after that. A certain part of her felt bad. Who was he eating and in which dimension? Molly wished halfheartedly that she had killed him, but she was glad not to have to worry about it. If he was unlucky he was in another world with super heroes in it.


The time for the gate was approaching. Molly was packed and waiting patiently.

She noticed a mushroom growing beside the pool. It was sky blue with little red spots. It reminded her of a robins egg. It had a red and white candy striped stem. Molly watched it for a moment.

"Hello? Where am I?" The mushroom said, confused.

"I wouldn't have any idea. Where do you want to be?" Molly asked it.

"What's your name? Are you hostile?" The mushroom asked Molly.

The "Swirly-Thing" gate opened, looking like a cloudy vortex in the air in front of her.

As Molly moved towards the gate, the Mushroom yelled "Wait! Where are you going?"

"The same place I've always been." Molly answered. She jumped through the gate and became unreal.

"How rude! Are they all like that around here?" The mushroom said.
