Star Trek: Bendross

Episode Episode 09 Da BOMB!!

(Fall 2072)


Jay P. Hailey


The Bendross Players


"Control this is Pod 15." Hamilton said in his deadpan pilot's voice. "Correction. Make that a nuke. I repeat, I am calling this a nuclear bomb."

There was a pregnant pause "This is orbit City to Pod Bendross One Fiver, repeat that last statement."

Hamilton felt cold sweat bead on his forehead. "I am seeing a Nuclear trefoil on this device. Control. I think it maybe a nuke."

A new voice came over the comm channel. "This is Pod Bendross Seven. Hamilton, I am on my way. Stay cool." It was Martin Kerenski the ex-Space Marine.

"BeeDee Seven, have you dealt with Special Ordinance before?" Hamilton asked.

"Roger, BeeDee One five. I have." Kerenski replied.

"This is Orbit City Control to Bendross Pods. Stand off from the device. We have Station Security suiting up for it right now."

"And how long will that take, Control?" Hamilton asked with deceptive calm.

After a short pause. "I don't have that information right now. They will be there in time."

Hamilton looked at the device. "I can't see any mechanism for sticking it to the hull, that makes it either glue or magnetic."

Kerenski came back over the channel. "There are such things as nuclear limpet mines. Usually Special Forces will try to surreptitiously attach them to enemy ships in port. They also have some potential use for destroying space assets."

"Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep my assets where they are so go ahead and use some engine, there, would ya?" Hamilton came back.

"Bendross Pods, I repeat, stand away from the device and the Bendross III. This is an official station security directive." Control sounded harsh.

"What is the status of station security?" Kerenski asked

Another pause that seemed longer than necessary. "They are on their way right now, Bendross pods."

"Yeah, when they get here, I'll move along. 'Til then it's my ass, Control. I don't know if I could get far enough away in 28 minutes or so to save me from the effects of this bomb." Hamilton said.

Eric Stillwell came into the circuit. "If you move to the far side of the station you should be shielded from the worst of the radiation pulse and the shock wave. That's where I am heading."

Kerenski sounded thoughtful. "That sounds good to me Eric. All Bendross Pods, see if you can follow Eric around the far side of the station."

A number of voices came back answering in the affirmative.

Hamilton had his head on a swivel. It was s subconscious reaction to being in a vehicle during a crisis.

Hamilton spotted Rudy, his erstwhile wingman hanging about five meters away on his starboard wing. If work pods had wings.

"Go ahead Rudy. Get to cover." Hamilton said. They had reverted to first names. Hamilton hadn't been trained that way, but he wanted everyone in his squad to understand him.

"I wouldn't want to miss the fun." Rudy breezed over the comm channel. Hamilton craned over his shoulder and could clearly see Rudy's face. Rudy looked as pale and clammy as Hamilton felt.

"Go ahead Rudy. It'll be fine." Hamilton said with a confidence he didn't feel.

Rudy met his eyes across the vacuum. "Right. Good luck." Rudy turned his pod and jetted away.

"Pod One Five." Kerenski called.

"Go, Seven." Hamilton answered.

"Can you put a camera on the device for me?"

"Let me see what I can do." Hamilton dialed up his communication system and put the picture from the camera mounted on his work pod's robotic arm on the signal.

"Pod Bendross One Five to Orbit control. Can you route the picture from my camera to Pod Bendross Seven?" Hamilton asked.

"No, One Fiver. Get out of there."

"Ask your Security chief if he'd like that picture, too."

Another long pause. "Roger Pod One Fiver. We're putting that signal up now.

Hamilton played the camera around the device for a while, making sure to get every detail into the picture.

After a while Kerenski spoke up. "Okay, that seems to be a Russian model ZK-742 nuclear limpet mine, designed to eliminate American aircraft carriers in port. Circa about 2030 or so. It's attached to the hull by a magnet, and protected by multiple anti-tampering systems. The control electronics are upgradeable as well as the security systems."

Hamilton nodded. "I have a cutting laser. What if I were to cut way the hull about three feet away from the mine?"

"A thermometer is part of the security system. Heat the area around the mine up enough and it'll detonate." Kerenski replied.

"Crap." Hamilton checked his six o'clock again and saw Kerenski in pod number seven approaching t a pretty good clip.

"Maybe if we can find the serial number, we can call the manufacturer for the over-ride codes." Kerenski said bringing his pod up to the Hull of the Bendross III.

"Is that liable to work?" Hamilton asked.

"No." Kerenski said shortly.

To Be Continued


 Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this story for me.