Star Trek: Bendross

Episode 00: Introduction to the Bendross Serial

(Summer 2072)


Jay P. Hailey


The Bendross Players


Yet another Role-Playing scenario adapted to fan fiction! Is there no end to it?

Well no. Not for me. This serial grew from an RPG scenario which had been abandoned by it's GM, Gene Ambacher.

Garry Stahl and I discuss the history of Star Trek. We do this all the time on the Trekcreative E-mail list. It's great fun. The more we discussed the pre-history of Star Trek the more I realized that some elements of our prospective Trek history resembled the Bendross game.

I wasn't terribly happy that the Bendross game had originally ended, so I altered a little of this, changed a little of that, and viola, now the Bendross story line describes the cusp between what Trek characters they would call the modern age and the bad old days of the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Bendross Serial was designed to be a writing exercise basically. Three to five pages sections, produced in between times when more straight forward stories are stuck or hung up in the process of creation.

As such, the length of each section is limited. No more than five pages in my usual 10 point courier font.

There is no end in sight for the Bendross serial. There are adventures and questions to last out each character's natural life time.

My production new episodes is sporadic at best. I'll announced new additions to people who are interested.

Until then, please enjoy the on going serial set at the very dawn of Earth's Interstellar Age.

The Bendross Players:

Jay P. Hailey

Sandi Hedlund

Broc Olson

Gene Ambacher

Jeremy Postelwaite

With Contributions by

April V. Shelby

Leilani Walton


Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this story for me.

This story posted by permission of the author. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

Jay P. Hailey

N 5004 Lee St.

Spokane WA
