I am the Innkeeper. My usual handle is Tesral. If you see a Tesral on the web, it's is 98% me.
I am an aging SF fan with too much time on his hands. I was born in 1958 along with the space age. I saw every lift-off, major event, and splash-down of the first age of Space Exploration as it was happening. I know where I was when Kennedy was killed, and when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. I hope in my heart to live long enough to remember where I was when man sets foot on Mars.
My hobbies include folk music, including that thing called Filk. I have played AD&D and D&D in some form since 1976 (no not one session), and I am crazy over the work of Anne McCaffery, Robert Heinlein, EE 'Doc' Smith and Arthur C. Clarke, among other authors. I have also met two of the four, you guess which two. I am a lifetime Star Trek fan.
Much of my own work can be found at the parent site of this forum The Old Phoenix Inn
Someone has to Start
Someone has to Start
-- The Innkeeper