In the Park
Tim sat in the park. Sometimes the inside of any place felt too closed in. This was one of those times. He knew it was Tathilan that was responsible for that. She was the cause of the Ane traits that were developing in him. He tried to pay attention to the report on his PADD. The distractions of the park were not making that any easier.
In spite of this it took him several minutes to notice the gaggle of boys that had gathered a respectful distance from the bench. Three young men, they couldn't be over ten years old each. Ten seemed an impossible reach into his past, but he could remember being ten like it was yesterday.
They seemed to be egging each other into a decision. Tim decided to call it himself. The report wasn't getting read in any case.
"Can I help you fellows?" He addressed them directly.
For a brief moment it looked like they would run off, then the outspoken one stepped a little forward. "We had a question ... Sir" Remembering his manners just in time.
"Well, ask." Tim folded the PADD and put it in his jacket.
There was a bit of elbow nudging. "Are you Fleet Captain James Kirk?"
Tim smiled. The pips read Fleet Captain, and his name badge said "KIRK" in large standard letters. Who else could he be? "Well fellows, the fact of the matter is, I am."
The brave one got a bit bolder. "What is it like to be a hero?"
Tim was taken aback a bit. A forthright question. Bold indeed. "I'm not sure I understand fellows. What makes you think I'm a hero?"
"The Holovids say you're a hero." Chimed in the second boy.
"And our Teacher told us all about the Kongo and your missions when you came here." Added the third.
"So you have to be a hero." Finished the first boy. "What is it like?"
Kirk mulled the question for a moment., He could see concern growing in their eyes. "Come have a seat." He patted the bench beside him. "I'll try to answer you, as best I can."
The boys piled onto the bench and settled down.
"I can't say if feels like anything. Do you know what a Hero is?"
"I do!" piped up the second lad. "A hero does heroic things!"
"Well, that might be said. But I'll tell you something. Something very important. A hero never sets out to be a hero. A hero is someone that does what needs to be done, when it needs doing, no matter how hard that might be."
The third boy screwed up is face. "Like taking out the trash?"
"Or kissing a girl?" Added the first.
"Well", said Tim, "I suppose that some thing might be a little more heroic than others. But heroes are all around you. Flying around in a starship might seem larger than life, but it mostly isn't. You spend months between stops, finding things to do. It doesn't feel big and important most of the time. The halls are like any halls, the rooms like any rooms, and that is mostly what you see. They make starships to be as much like home as possible."
"But you do big things."
"We can, but not always. What is important are the little things we do. The mundane science, the search and rescue work. Our most important job is being there when people need us. And that boys is what heroes do. They are there when they are needed."
"It doesn't sound very exciting."
"Truth, honest truth, it isn't. Starfleet is necessary and vital work. But most of the time it is anything but exciting. And honestly, after having it be exciting, you would rather it was not."
"You would rather it wasn't exciting?" The question was asked with all the credulousness a ten year old could muster.
Tim nodded. "Yes, because the exciting times are when people get hurt, when your friends and your family get hurt. And that isn't very exciting at all."
"People get hurt." The third lad was looking more serious than the other two.
"Yes, and that is not what I want."
"My Uncle Julius was on a starship." said the third lad. "One day Mom said his starship was lost, and he wouldn't be coming home. I miss him."
"Yes. That happens, that is why we don't like exciting things. I have lost many friends over my years in Starfleet. It is one of the hazards of the profession."
The boy was wide eyed. "But you still do it."
"We are needed. And that is what I do."
All three had fallen silent. Tim could hear the new thought turning in their brains. It was time for a lightener. "Who has their school PADD?"
All three produced their PADDs. The question of why was plain on their faces.
Tim pulled his PADD out. "Well the Kongo is in port for at least the rest of the week. Being the Captain I do believe I can get your class a tour, if someone has their teacher's address."
The address was produced in record time. Tim thought a letter out and sent it quickly. "There, invitation sent."
Wow passed over the lot and the first two ran off to spread the news. The third stayed behind. He still looked deep in thought.
"What is it son?"
"Strange things happen deep in space. I've read that."
"Yes, strange things can happen. I've seen a few."
"If one of those strange things happens to be my Uncle Julius Mr. Kirk, would you tell him that His nephew Jan misses him?"
Tim looked deep into the young man's tearful eyes. "I can't say that it ever will, that wouldn't be fair to you Jan. But I promise you this. I will remember."
"Thank you sir." Jan turned and walked away.
Tim watched him go for as long as he could see him. Heroes are those that do what needs to be done.
In the Park -- March, 2008
I didn't know where this was headed when it started pouring out of the keyboard (4 AM of course, when I would rather be in bed.). Kids have questions, and if you saw what to you was a super cool adult in the park what would you do?
November 2024
Not in a great place right now. Not seeing a clear way out.
In the Park
In the Park
-- The Innkeeper