The Lefyt

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The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:53 pm

I am going to start building the updated write up on the Lefyt here. This way Garry can provide Feedback, as we go along.

This is just for fun so anything that needs to be changed or tweaked can be

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:02 pm

The Lefyt System

The System itself is a monster and nightmare. It's rooted around a Blue-White Super Giant named Lefyt.

In the past Left Captured three stars. These are named Jumoji. Jumoji Alpha, Jumoji Beta and Jumoji Gamma.

"Lefyt" Means "King of the Sky" "Jumoji " means "Sun God"

So mapping these to terran names Lefyt = Zeus. Jumoji = Helios.

It could be Helios Senior, Helios Junior and Helios the Third.

The way the natives described this reveals the survival of pre-founding knowledge. From each inhabited world, Lefyt appears as a very bright white star. It's only after they redeveloped astronomy that they discovered how Lefyt gravitationally dominates.

In the Capture, each of the Jumoji stars solar systems were disrupted. This resulted in chaos. If we use the Sol system as a template, everything past Jupiter was generally scraped off and now orbits Lefyt, some in eccentric or highly elliptical orbits.

This all happened in the last 100 million years

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:11 pm

There no way in hell the Jumoji stars should support class M planets after being captured by Lefyt.

And they didn't until Sargons people decided to change it.

So about 500,000 years ago, eight planets had their orbits stabilized, were terraformed and seeded with life forms.

These are the same sorts of Biome that Vulcan and Orion biomes descend from, so Vulcans and Orions will find variants of plants and animals they are familiar with.

Jumoji Gamma is a red dwarf star, so it is less bright in the UV and upper ranges, but biased toward the infrared. So they have plants that specialize in Infrared photosynthesis, and they're black. But these are often altered forms of common plants seen elsewhere in this system or on Botchok or Vulcan.

Having moved planets and tailored Biomes, Sargons people abandoned the project for their own reasons. A war made holding the system untenable so all Sargon-Folk were evacuated.

Jumoji Alpha is a yellow dwarf star. it holds three class M planets.

Jumoji Beta rides the line between orange and yellow and has three Class M worlds

Jumoji Gamma has two class M worlds.

The orders of their orbits are backwards

Jumoji Gamma is Closest to Lefyt

Jumoji Beta is middle

and Jumoji Alpha is furthest.

Jumoji Gamma is close enough so that Lefyt's light does have a small effect on the Biosphere.
Last edited by jayphailey on Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:13 pm

This system is spread out over 30 light hours. It'd be a long haul even with modern impulse drives to travel around this system.

Early Warp Drives make it an afternoons drive. But the fact is that the system actually does encourage space travel.

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:18 pm

The Lefyt people are Golden Orions.

They all awoke on their worlds with essentially not much and began building their own civilizations.

The Oron Empire (The Great Orions, or at least one of them) The Last Oron Emperor claimed the Lefyt System as his own reserve and made every GTFO. He made sure everyone knew that there were only hunting lodges and he was excluding everything military from the system.

Then he recruited the most genetically perfect people he could and stashed them on the Class M worlds of the Lefyt system. He couldn't leave much in the way of technology for them or else it would have called in violence from enemies.

When the Final War happened, all worked as it should.

Except the Colonists had memory loss. They didn't remember much about where they came from or their previous lives.

No one knows if this was deliberate or a side effect of being in stasis for too long.

So each of the Lefyt worlds began rebuilding their own civilizations

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:27 pm



This was the first world that rediscovered space flight. They were dynamic and progressive. They were also colonial and aggressive.

So they build a mercantilistic empire and brought the other eight worlds in by conquest or economic coercion.

By the time of the Damyip War, this has been given a pretty through "Winner writes the history" treatment. The dominant language of the colonies was the Iponej language.

Each of the eight related to this differently. Think England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Everyone remembers the colonial conquest period, but everyone also speaks Iponej and can put on an "Iponej" sounding voice

Darma, Enrod and the Battlewagon Stellar were from Iponej, although their crew contained people from everywhere, so the story the Federation got initially was from the Iponej point of view. Learning how everyone's point of view differed and how that effects the current situation is one of the challenges for Starfleet.

Admiral Enrod is the current commander of Starfleet in System. He has bent over backwards to make sure all points of view are preserved and given a fair hearing. But he still gets criticized for being Iponej.

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:40 pm

Damyip 14

Damyip 14 was the Damyip assigned to the occupation of the System, to enure the safety of the Damyip from the Lefyt.

The initial Conquest was done by Damyip 3, supported by other Damyip. It was too brutal. It bombed resisting planets flat and created a lot of death and destruction. The other Damyip recalled Damyip 3 and upgraded it.

Damyip 14 was assigned to occupy the system and control the Lefyt people. Not for oppression but to make sure the Lefyt did not rise p and attack the Damyip again.

In the ensuing 40 years, Damyip 14 has really grown and evolved as a being. It has learned a LOT about Lefyt, their psychology, desires and so on. Damyip 14 is the one who can make infiltrator-bots who are difficult to distinguish from natural Lefyt.

Damyip 14 is based on Coralosa. It's a cold, dead rocky world, orbiting the Lefyt system in an inclined orbit. The Lefyt Colonies had mining operations there. Damyip 14 took over the mining operations and repatriated the Lefyt Survivors.

Now this world has amazing refined, manufacturing and ship yard capacities.

Pretty much everything the Federation uses in the System is actually built on Coralosa by Damyip 14. Damyip 14 is helping build Pytol Station, a new Starbase in orbit around Pytol. It can now build shuttles, runabouts as well as common ground gear.

Damyip 14 actually feels strongly that it is responsible for helping the Lefyt recovr from the occupation. Although guilt is not entirely accurate for the way Damyip 14 feels, it's close enough. Damyip 14 feels that the Damyip should have learned much, much more about the LEfyt before starting the occupation and it would have handled things much differently had it known then what it knows now.

Damyip 14 often stands behind the Federation, using the Federation a cover. Damyip 14 knows that while Lefyt might hate all Damyip, the Federation is a new thing, so Damyip 14 can be helpful through the Federation and not activate the animosity.

This is complicated by th Different world's reactions to the Federation an the end of the war. See blow

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:47 pm

List of the Lefyt worlds. I wanted to park this here so I could reference it later

Jumoji Alpha
JA1 - Pytol
JA2 - Iponij
JA3 - Tyozesot

Jumoji Beta
JB1 - Tysyev
JB2 - Sudeqed
JB3 - Eosever

Jumoji Gamma
JG1 - Uhxoz
JG2 - Uodrust

Cleverly I have lost my notes and had to recreate this list at least once before. So I have 2 different lists of the eight Lefyt worlds and their names.

So I need one cannon copy so later I can correct all names back where I want them

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Thu Jun 28, 2018 9:59 pm


I describe the Damyip units as "Bots" but this i just for convenience. "Job-Bot"

Unlike the RI, the Damyip relate to identity differently

So Each core Damyip, for intance Damyip 14 will Spin off subsidiary Damyip. so Damyip 14 might give birth to Damyip 14-1, 14-2 and 14-3.

Each of these autonomously goes off to do what it needs to. Each of these is tailored for it's task. So it doesn't carry everything Damyip 14 knows, it just knows the relevant bits plus what might be helpful.

Damyip 14.2 goes out and begins work. In time it'll have a sleep mode where it networks back into Damyip 14. Damyip 14 downloads Damyip 14.2s entire mind, incorporates it, updates it and then re uploads it to Damyp 14.2

Afterwards. Damyip 14 remembers being Damyip 14.2 and all experiences of Damyip 14.2

So Damyip 14 has grown at an astounding rate because each time a Damyip 14 subsidiary unit experiences something or learns something, in time, Damyip 14 was there, too.


Although I speak of Infiltrator Bots and Occupation bots mot often, those are not the only ones there are.

Damyip 3 rolled into the Lefyt System with a full war machine Everything from tanks, planes and battleships as Damyip 3-bots, but troops and support equipment.

Damyip 14 had to take this military force of conquest and rebuild it into an army of occupation, and then refine it as it went.

The first to go were soldier-bots. These were just killing machines. They had one job. Destroy enemy soldiers. Period. They were excellent at this, but poor at anything else.

So Damyip 14 pulled out Most Soldier, Tank and Gunship Bots.

Oops, puppy wants walked, back soon

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Re: The Lefyt

Post by jayphailey » Fri Jun 29, 2018 5:30 am

Damyip 14 built Occupation-Bot which were like soldiers, but different. These are humanoid Robots. They are designed to do peace keeping, law enforcement, counter insurgency work. Like that.

They started out clunky, but over time got better. They are designed to go anywhere a Lefyt can and work Lefyt machinery.

These had mixed success. The Lefyt who were into resisting fought them and Lefyt who weren't didn't.
Damyip 14 experimented with different design elements.

These are still in use in some places, where they act as force multipliers for Security and Police. In other places they've been withdrawn by Lefyt request.

On Eosever, these are seen in Large Numbers as Police-Bots. They are brightly colored and numbered in the Lefyt language. Modern ones look like a person in a space suit made of plastic panels.

They are used as SWAT teams, fire fighters, Search and rescue a well as street level law enforcement. Any given Bot will put itself between a meat friend and danger. After all, it can be updated and downloaded into a new body.

The only place these really reach their full potential is on Eosever which like the Damyip. Pytol is learning how to best use these as well.

Damyip 14 is happy to make and run oodles an oodles of these to help the Lefyt.
Latest Revision Damyip Occupation-bot 2.jpg
Damyip occupation bot 2
Latest Revision Damyip Occupation-bot 2.jpg (36.12 KiB) Viewed 7543 times

Infiltrator bots.

Actually, the name is misleading. Damyip 14 designed really tiny surveillance bots and disguised bots of all kinds. But the one I mean here are bots designed to physically mimic Lefyt. Early examples were bad, but, incredibly, people on Eosever *helped* Damyip 14 perfect these. For their own reasons, the people on Eosever really crawled into the lap of the Damyip and they are the ones who insist that the Damyip stay on their world, stay in the colonies and in their culture.

In time the Lefyt drew out the time to discovery. Currently these are very good and some have lived for years among Lefyt people. Some residents on Eosever are Uxhoz people who, when the Damyip pulled out, discovered that loved ones were actually Damyip Infiltrators.

The Damyip aver that due to programming oddities that Infiltrator-bots can feel affection for Lefyt people and will act on what amounts to emotional connections to Lefyt.

The RI know that the reality is much less clear cut. Specific Damyip Infiltrators, for instance, Damyip 14-7-12-37, must make a conscious decision how to relate to any given individual. Sometimes it is appropriate for a Damyip Unit to simulate pair bonding. There after Damyip 14-7-12-37 would act as if pair bound to an example Lefyt, Bob.

If there is a crisis, and Damyip 14-7-12-37 (Call her Alice) must sacrifice her cover or suffer damage to prevent harm to Bob, she'll do it. If forced into the choice of suffering destruction to save Bob or let Bob suffer injury or death. Often Alice will sacrifice herself. After all, this is just one body.

Now Damyip 14-7-12 has a choice. Damyip 14-7-12 knows how Alice feels. Damyip 14-7-12 has experienced all these memories as well. In many ways Damyip 14-7-12 is as much Alice as Alice ever was. So is Damyip 14-7 and Damyip 14.

The Damyip problem with all this is that they have problems figuring out how to weigh, judge and process memories from Infiltrator units.

Alice's deep affection for Bob is part of the Damyip, but how much of a part is it? How much SHOULD it be? A compromise solution to make these memories weigh less. In effect not as emotionally impacting.

but the Damyip emotions absolutely do NOT work like those of the Lefyt, Humanoids or even RIs.

So Damyip 14 often struggles with feelings and trying to parse how to cope with them. it is difficult to be rational about these in a consistent manner.

A hopeful note that some RI point out is that the Damyip practice a reciprocity-based system inside their own Damyip net.

The Damyip are fully aware that the Ur-Damyip modeled this on Ur-Damyip attitudes. But it works so they keep it.

So emotional relationships are often semi-reciprocal. Someone gives to their partner, but there is not a ledger kept. One os generous to community members in the hope and believe they will be generous if needed, later.

Although the Damyip keep count reflexively and much more easily than most people, they understand that there are no hard numbers for emotional inter-relations among Lefyt. Or other humanoids.

So they mimic the fuzzy math of friendship when it suits them. And currently when it might suit them. And sometimes when the possibility of it advancing the Damyip cause is very speculative.

The Damyip do not have the biochemicals and neurotranmitters that tell them that being nice to their friends feels good. But they have arrived at fuzzy investments into friendship pay off.

Damyip infiltrator bots do mimic the effects seen by neuotransmitters and other biochemical interreactions. There are a number of Damyip 14 sub units who explore biochemistry of the Lefyt. Several Infiltratorbots were undercover as scientists in this field for a long time. on Eosever, the Lefyt-oid Damyip are out of the closet, but they still work on advancing the understanding of the Neural Chemistry of the Lefyt brain.

The Damyip actually sent multiple Infiltrator-bots to Botchok, and Orions worlds in and around the Federation. They acquired a great deal of information from these worlds, about the Galaxy at large.

Some Infiltrator bots are active still, The Damyip claim that traveling as an Orion merchant allows for learning things that traveling as a Damyip does not. The Damyip have sent openly Damyip ships and units into the Federation to ask questions as well.

The Infiltrator-bots did NOT succeed in penetrating much into Botchok business, aristocracy, pirate or criminal circles. The paranoia of these areas is too great and the Infiltrator-bots who tried were quickly identified and self destructed to prevent capture.

The Botchok Orions taught the Damyip a LOT about Cyber Security. The Ferengi even more.

In retrospect, Damyip attempts to penetrate everyone's security can be found. They started off poor and unskilled, but grew more skilled very quickly.

Meta - the Damyip sought out and hired hackers and cybercriminals to train them. Once they had the basics down for Each Culture's System, they were able to grow in effectiveness.

It was pretty clear that the Damyip thought they were going to wind up at war with everyone in Known Space and were trying to ramp up to survive that when encountered by the Federation.


The Post war reveal of Infiltrator-bots was an ugly surprise to some Lefyt. (Except Eosever who actually helped with the project)

Some are still active undercover on Uodrust, learning about various survivor bands and trying to encourage them in positive directions.

In Federation Society, Infiltrator-bots mark themselves to be visually distinctive. They commonly adopt safety orange as a skin color in this case. (Some add jaunty saftey yellow patches or tiger and zebra stripes) Some of the older ones who are engaged in relationships with Lefyt simply color their left hand safety orange. In the field on badly ruined worlds, they don't, for survivability. A recent modification is chameleon skin to allow changes in color where appropriate.

Many come away with the confused impression that the Lefyt are orange humanoids, or that the Ur-Damyip are Orange humanoids.

The Infiltrator-bots do not correct this unless it leads to an ethical problem. They are fond of the Ane-Phrase "He didn't ask!"

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