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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:03 pm
by jayphailey

Node C (-03)

The Prime of this world leads to world much like Earth, but with different geography.

The life forms on this world are all basically identical to Earth.

Except for the Sentient one.

The sentient life form is an Anthropomorphic Duck. It's as if someone took a duck, grew it to about human weight and then reshaped it like clay to fit a human mold. There are some changes away from the basic duck physiology in order to make it work.

Their native world even has normal ducks in it.

On Duck World, they date from the first Village, where the Great Disney put the first Duck people and taught them the ways of civilization. Every Village on the Orginal continent thinks it was the one founded by the Great Disney, and from it, all others flowed.

This happened about 1,983 years ago, on the Duckberg timeline.

Duckburg is divided between two blocks. The Alliance of Free Nations, and the Empire of the Donald. The Empire of the Donald Descends from one very large Duck nation that rose and fell in prominence until, by a combination of luck and social forces, it became a dominant player in a Great Game of power politics.

It is surrounded by client states and allies who generally do what the Donald Demands.

"Donald" is a term they use for "Emperor" or Great Leader. The current Donald is Louie the 32nd

The Alliance of Free States are States that fight and struggle to remain free of the domination of the Donald. They respect the history but follow their own flock of founder Ducks who felt that Ducks ought to be free to form their own nations, their own way.

Both sides have ramped up their militaries to a dangerous degree and play games of brinksmanship and espionage that can threaten the fate of all Duck Kind. They aim enough nuclear weapons at each other to wipe out Duck World a 1000 times over, all on hair-trigger alert.

The Alliance of Free States has recently Discovered that is has a Portal, and has begun its own, top secret Fringeworthy program, where their military filters for Fringeworthy ducks. This is lead by their trigger-happy loon of a cold warrior named Quack o'Neil.

The Empire of the Donald is managed by a Mellor who takes up different advisor positions over time, as suits him. He knows where a Portal is in the Empire of the Donald, but has kept it secret while he considers what to do. He has built up the Empire's military to insane levels as tool to use against the rest of the Fringepaths, if he can.

But he won't trust just any duck and so keeps the Fringeworthy thing secret, for now.

In Duck Folk Mythology, Disney had an enemy named "Elmer", a pasty-faced primate who loves nothing better than to torture and eat the souls of every duck he could find. Most folk of either the Empire or the Alliance are believers in Disney, and presented with humans will become True Believers.

They will find humans repellent, vile and evil. Humans who laugh at the Duck folk deity of Disney will confirm their "Elmer-ness". Humans who laugh harder at being accused of being in league with Elmer will just set the whole powder keg off.

This is all the work of some Terhmelern or batch of Terhmelern who can only be described as insane. It was tweaked by The Mellor who wants to use the world as a weapon of mass duck-struction.

Beware of the puns that explode from this world. They could become pretty fowl.

The Ducks of this world are starting off their explorations by foot or bike. But once they learn the ins and outs, expect them to turn up in trucks and armored vehicles altered for use on the Fringe Paths.

And guns. Lots of guns.

Node C -03 Prime
12:00 - Path to Alt

01:00 - Locked

02:00 - Caves outside of Duckberg

03:00 - Blank

04:00 - Locked

05:00 - Locked

06:00 - Antartica

07:00 - Locked

08:00 - Locked

09:00 - Blank

10:00 - Locked

11:00 - Locked

Re: Dickberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:05 pm
by jayphailey

On a prehistoric Alt of Duck World, a bizarre variety of Ducks fill many Dinosaur niches along with real dinosaurs.

(The Geography is Duck world about 5 million years ago)

There are Duck Raptors, gigantic carnivorous gliding ducks, Duck T-Rex analogs. The whole nine yards. There are swamp-dwelling muck ducks and duck-odiles that pull their prey underwater and spin to twist them apart.

There are deep water ducks that dwarf any other and are capable of eating whales and Plesiosaurs with their serrated beaks.

These duck-osaurs and dinosaurs have been transplanted to a Mesozoic landscape where they have a bewildering variety of normal and huge mammals to feast on. Mammals and Bird of this era are nothing to sneeze at, they giving the dinosaurian and Duck-osaurian invaders a run for their money.

More evidence of insane biotechnology at work.

Early Duck-Folk FW have discovered this world and love it. Various examples of Duckosaurs have been captured and brought back to Duck-world for scientific purposes.

There is no example of an island full of Duck-o-saurs who rampage out of control while plucky and intrepid duckfolk survivors attempt to escape, but you know that's coming.

Re: Duckberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:11 pm
by jayphailey
On this world, the Sentient creature is a sort of uplifted Dog-thing. A black nosed, floppy eared group of people.

Their world has technology not unlike 1983 as well. They, too worship a "Disney", but he looks like them, not a Duckfolk. That might cause a holy war, if the Duck folk aren't already engaged in a jihad against the Elmers.

(Their geography is the same, many of the cities are in the same places but have different histories and names. )

The Goofs are much more laid back and relaxed, although contact by humans or duck folks might require a certain amount of adjustment.

Re: Duckberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:13 pm
by jayphailey
Cinderella's world.
Here the world is a picturesque view of the 17th century. A young girl gets ready for a ball at the palace.

She's 50 feet tall. the whole world is built to her scale.

In her house, there are anthropomorphic mice. They are closer to mice than people. They're helping her out and rooting for her.

The ecology of living as mice in someone's home is interesting but doesn't contain many surprises.

The Girl, Cindy is nice to her mousey friends. Her step Mother and Stepsisters see them as pests and attack when they spot the mice-folk. They have a cat who is terrifyingly large on this scale, who will kill and eat the Mice if it can.

The 50-foot people in this world don't seem to be able to perceive or understand any attempts to communicate by fringe worthy folks (Not humans, ducks, or goofs) (except for Cindy and a few others) They also don't seem to perceive any artifacts from normal-sized people as anything but random twigs, debris or toys.

Out in the woods, away from the 50-foot people, Mice-folk live in their own native communities. In order to preserve themselves from predators, some mouse folk join the Mouse Guard.

Re: Duckberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:14 pm
by jayphailey
12:00 - Path to System

01:00 - Locked

02:00 - locked

03:00 - path to c -04 The Engai

04:00 - Goofville

05:00 - Locked

06:00 - Path to Prime

07:00 - Cinderella's world

08:00 - Locked

09:00 - Path to -c2 Lizard Man Ruins

10:00 - Locked

11:00 - Duckasaurs

Re: Duckberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:15 pm
by jayphailey
12:00 - Path to Stellar

01:00 - (Locked) Small Hot rock

02:00 - Duckland Moon

03:00 - Blank

04:00 - (Locked) Rings of Gas Giant

05:00 - (Locked) Ice Moon of Gas Giant

06:00 - Path to Alt

07:00 - (Locked) Small ice ball moon

08:00 - (Locked) Huge comet, heading for Ducklandia, eventually

09:00 - Blank

10:00 - (Locked) Asteroid in an Asteroid belt

11:00 - (Locked) Large Iceball moon of cold gas giant

Re: Duckberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:17 pm
by jayphailey
12:00 - Blank

01:00 - (Locked) Alpha Centauri A - (Oberon) Iceball far away

02:00 - (Locked) Alpha Centauri B - (Charon) Iceball Moonlet of a Minor planet

03:00 - Blank

04:00 - Cross Link - Duck Golarion Alt PLatform, Outside the normal Range.

05:00 - (Locked) Eta Cassiopeiae - Rockball moon of a Gas Giant 06:00 - Path to System

07:00 - 82 G. Eridani - (Miranda) Iceball moon of a gas Giant

08:00 - (Locked) Beta Hydri - (Mars) Smaller terrestrial planet with a very faint atmosphere

09:00 - Blank

10:00 - (Locked) Mu Herculis - Asteroid moon of a Gas Giant

11:00 - Beta Canum Venaticorum - Rings of Gas Giant

Re: Duckberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:22 pm
by jayphailey
This is my old, Original Stellar blank - I abandoned it because I had to roll up new shit all the time.

Old Blank Stellar


Alpha Centauri A

A-Cent-a and A-cent-b orbit every 80 years, orbit varies from 11au to 36 au
Proxima Centauri is 15,000 au away

A and B could have a habitable world at 1.25 AU and 0.7 Au respectively,

Distance - about 4 light years

Tau Ceti

Tau Ceti is smaller and more metals poor than the Sun

There is a heavy dust field around the star

Distance - 11.9 ly


Eta Cassiopeiae

"Achird" Binary, sun like primary k type secondary orbital period of 480 years between 36 and 107 AU

Distance - 19.4 light years


82 G. Eridani

Very slightly cooler than the Sun, lower metalicity, older
known to have three large terrestrial planets

Distance - 19.92 ly

Beta Hydri

This is a yellow giant star, entering it's end-of-life phase


Mu Herculis

And older star evolving away from main sequence, now brighter and hotter than it used to be

Has a brown dwarf companion

at 36 AU there are a pair of type M dwarf Stars


Beta Canum Venaticorum (Chara)

A Star very much like the sun.

Re: Duckberg

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:24 pm
by jayphailey
Note the Broken Crosslink there - one of the Stellar gates doesn't lead to a Stellar place, it leads to the Alt Platform on another Node. This is rare, but in a system this big, something like this is going to happen occasionally.