Nebad Fugus Yellow Submarine

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Nebad Fugus Yellow Submarine

Post by jayphailey » Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:10 am

Nebad Fugus, Betazoid Male.
Skin, brown, hair black.
Ht 6'1" Weight 185lbs

Nebad was a member of the Betazoid Special Forces. After losing part of his team in combat against Klingons and Undine, he retired from the ground forces and switched to being a Starship Officer.

He is very good at his job, and deadly in a number of ways.

He knows how you're feeling. he just doesn't care.
Nebad 1.png
Nebad 1.png (429.05 KiB) Viewed 48823 times
Nebad 2.png
Nebad 2.png (254.88 KiB) Viewed 48823 times

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