Zed looks at it "A very nice piece. Classic. A survivor from before the Empire, it looks like. Master Skywalker seemed to be under a lot of pressure and, if anything, seemed younger than I am."Innkeeper wrote: ↑Mon Feb 03, 2025 3:07 amCoran, would lay down to look less huge. "It's has been a long tome since I have considered the 'Warsverse'. I understand you are from a different one. Luke didn't have a stick up his ass where I knew him."
He opens his hand, he has Obi Wan Kenobi's light saber. "The destruction of the Death Star was, chunky. Lots of things survived."
OOC - IS Coran displaying it or offering? Zed thinks he's saying "look at this"
The Cannon appearance of Luke Post ROTJ suggests he is struggling and something of a hide bound, which makes sense, because he's doing it alone.
He runs Grogu off by demanding that Grogu forever forsake Din Djarin. Grogu looks at the ultimatum and says "Pass" and travels back to join The Mandalorian. And Rightly so. Luke is repeating the mistake the Jedi made with Anakin but Luke has no way of knowing this.
Ashoka Tano, Anakins apprentice survived, but just before EP III she was kicked out of Jedi Order on a trumped up charge and has become a Ronin. She advises Luke a little, but then leaves on her own quest. It's clear that Luke isn't really picking her clues up, but the Skywalker boys have never been the sharpest light sabers in the order.
Luke is repeating the cycle shown to him by Obi Wan. Struggle as a teacher, have a critical failure and create a monster. Run off into the Hinterlands and sulk about it until the Force throws a talented newbie into your lap, then give them the bare minimum training, and die covering their escape.
He needed support he never got, really. Being "The Great Hero" fucked him up. (He snarkily comments on this when he meets Rey), So he never really got a Jedi Community around him.
There was talk of a new Rey movie. I hope they show her being SMARTER about recovering the Jedi and building a community rather than aping the mistakes of the past.