The Long Patrol - Part Six

       Kirk slumped in his office chair and scrubbed at his face. Nelson sat shocked on the couch.
       Kirk said. "Alright Doc. Let's have it."
       "Dr. Marcus M'benga was found dead in his cabin at 1034 hours. Cause of death was Semadrol poisoning, a common sedative. The hypospray was still in his hand. It was self-administered. His personal log was keyed to play at the first entry. It indicated a desire to join his loved ones, and a lack of interest in the future as it was. His will consists of a simple declaration to be buried next to his wife, if the grave can be located."
       "There was no indication this was coming on?"
       "None, he was happy as a clam yesterday. At least from what indications I could see. His final statement does delve into it."
       "I'll play it. Tathilan, screen please."
       The dead man's face came up in the viewer. "I Doctor Marcus M'benga do hereby declare my desire to end my life. Enclosed in this message is a physiological profile that will show that I am within normal parameters for rational decision. While I was, and am willing to risk my life for discovery, I am not prepared to continue my life separated from my wife and family. I have given this matter thought and all due consideration. Death is not a step you can reverse. I am a walking dead man, and I wish to finish the process. I have no physical effects of consequence, and do not declare any favor in their dispersal. I ask my Captain, Howard Nelson to see that each member of the crew may have something if they so desire. That which no one wants should be returned to the energy stores of the USS Kongo. I wish that my body be buried next to my wife, if that is possible. If not, a cemetery in Cape Town is sufficient. Signed Marcus M'benga."
       Kirk shook his head as the image faded. "Tathilan."
       "You delayed any medical help until it was too late, didn't you."
       **Yes, he was rational, and within his rights.**
       Nelson jumped to his feet. "You mean you knew and did nothing!"
       **He was within his rights. It's not my place to make that call.**
       "But intervention could have saved him. It's murder."
       Kirk said. "No Captain Nelson, it's not."
       Hanson added. "I don't know the state of law during the Romulan War era, but today, if a person who is rational wishes to end their life, it's their right, whether we like it or not. Tathilan made the correct call, even if we personally do not like it."
       "I very personally don't like it."
       Hanson said. "We each must deal in our own way."
       Kirk said. "We are not close to Earth but I will see his final wishes fulfilled.
       Howard sat in his quarters later. The view out the window was stunning. The Kongo was covered in windows. Ami sat down beside him.
       "Penny for your thoughts?"
       "What could we have done to help?"
       "Why do you assume he wanted help?"
       "He killed himself. His whole life was in front of him."
       "Maybe he didn't see it that way. What he likely saw, was that everything he cared about was behind him."
       "How do we keep the rest from thinking that?"
       "We can't keep anyone from thinking, but we can demonstrate that we plan to continue our lives."
       "We can?"
       "Yes, we can."

       Kirk stood once more in his dress uniform beside the lectern. This time there were no torpedo dollies, no casings to mourn. The objects of that day's ceremony stepped up to the podium from either side. He in the outdated dress uniform, she in an ivory dress of Irish lace. Kirk raised his eyes to the assembled, stepped around the lectern to face the couple and began.
       "Since Humankind first set out upon the seas in wooden ships, it has been the treasured privilege of Captains to perform the most joyous of Human ceremonies. We carried this tradition to the stars, and practice it to this day. It is my pleasure then to join in marriage these two people who come before you that you might witness their oath.
       To those among us that might not understand the depth and meaning of these customs, know then this. Humans have chosen to pair man with woman since the beginnings of history as we understand it. It is our oldest and most cherished custom, to publicly proclaim that a couple has decided to join their fortunes together as one. For their mutual support, for the procreation of children, and for their combined and greater joy. This state is normal and sought among Humans, whereever we are found.
       Today we witness the marriage of Captain Howard Nelson, and Commander Ami O'Neil. All that come before us, mark and know well this place and this hour, that when such questions shall come before you, that you may answer well what ceremonies took place here at that time.
       Captain Howard Carter Nelson do you solemnly agree before these witnesses to take this woman to be your lawful, wedded wife; to love and respect her, honor and cherish her, in health and in sickness, in prosperity and in adversity; and, leaving all others, to keep yourself only unto her, so long as you both shall live?"
       "I do."
       "Commander Ami Elizabeth O'Neil, do you in like manner solemnly agree to receive this man as your lawful, wedded husband; to love and respect him; and to live with him in all faith and tenderness, in health and sickness, in prosperity and in adversity; and, leaving all others, to keep yourself only unto him, so long as you both shall live?
       "I do."
       "I Howard, take you, Ami to be my wedded wife; and I do promise, before these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful husband, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.
       "By what token do you pledge these things?"
       "This ring." His hands trembled slightly as he placed the ring on her finger. "This ring I give to you, in token and pledge, of our constant and abiding love."
       "I Ami, take you, Howard to be my wedded husband, and I do promise, before these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful wife, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.
       "By what token do you pledge these things?"
       "This ring. He eyes shined in his as she likewise placed the ring on his hand. "This ring I give to you, in token and pledge, of our constant and abiding love."
       "By the authority committed unto me as a Captain of a starship under way I declare Howard and Ami are now Husband and Wife, according to the ordinances of Earth and the law of the United Federation of Planets. Love having joined these together in Marriage, let no one seek to dissolve this union."
       The Bride and Groom turned to face the assembled.
       "I present to you Howard and Ami Nelson."
       The Sergeant at arms called out. "Ateeen SHUN"
       The crew snapped to attention as one.
       "Preseeeent ARMS!"
       The officers along the aisle drew swords and with a crash of steel formed an arch over the passage. The organ bellowed out great gouts of music and the bells pealed forth the joyous news. Howard and Ami walked beneath the gallery of swords and through the doors at the end of the chapel.
       "At EASE, and dismissed."

       The ship bubbled. That is the only way Kirk could describe it. It bubbled around the newly married couple. For once he found he didn't want to leave a social gathering early. Gwen's Promotion party had been joy for success, but sorrow for partings. The recommission party had been relief at getting the ship back on one piece. This was joy without any leavening, and it was something both the Kongo, and the Grant needed. Tathilan, in humanoid form slipped up beside him.
       **Wanting to do the same?**
       He kissed her ear. **Yes, I would. What is the Ansisi custom?**
       **The trappings differ, but the custom is much the same.**
       **What about Ane custom?**
       **We don't stand on ceremony. But the results are deeper, and more permanent.**
       **I am not afraid of permanent.**
       **Nor I, but we are not ready for that yet.**
       Kirk looked deep in her eyes, and deeper still. **You're right, we're not.**
       **If we got married where your Mother couldn't cry at the wedding, she would kill us both, twice.**
       **And you're right about that too. Do you want to stand up in the Kirk and become a Kirk?**
       **It would please your family, it would please you, and it would still be the same for us.**
       **Yes, that would be true. Next time we get around to Earth?**
       She nuzzled against him. **Yes. Two legs or four?**
       **Hard to hold the bouquet without hands, and a dress would look silly on your Ane-form.**
       The Grant's Chief came by. The man was three sheets to the wind, and had a grin so wide it was opening branch smiles. You would think he was the one that got married.
       "A salute to you then Ca'tian. Fine day it is, fine day."
       "I take it you saw this coming Chief."
       "Plain, as the sun. They hit right off those two, right off it was. Glad I am to see it too."
       "Which is the old friend?"
       "Ca'tian Nelson. Served wit' him for 15 years. 'member when he was a wet, behind the ears Ensign."
       "Are you going to say with him?"
       "Yessir. Someone has got to, keep 'im out of trouble."
       "I'll see if I can lend some weight to that Chief."
       "Mush o'bliged I am. Sir." He staggered along to the next group.
       **Think he'll hold you to that?**
       **I know the type Tathilan. His isn't half as drunk as he thinks he is. He'll remember. Shall we make our congratulations to the bride and groom?**
       **Why of course.**

       Acertor stood apart from the general party, he held a drink, untouched, in his hand and watched the party, and his staff's reaction to the party. From everything he saw these people knew how to have fun.
       Counselor Deateli stepped up next to him.
       "Quite. I didn't think I would get a chance at this for a long time."
       "I hear a Sociologist speaking I think."
       He started slightly. "Yes, I was trained in that science, as I understand it."
       "And I as we understand it."
       "What are your observations?"
       "Typical Starfleet party."
       "Starfleet parties differ form non-Starfleet parties?"
       "Yes. Multi-species beyond average, and more exuberant than other multi-species gatherings."
       "How so?"
       "In Starfleet we become more comfortable with each other. We don't worry about stepping on each other cherished customs because we know each other and there is some slack. This is a Human wedding, so 'Human wedding' customs are observed. For example, getting overly exuberant and slightly intoxicated is acceptable. Diplomatic gatherings are oh so careful not to step on any toes, talons, flippers or what appendage-you-might-have."
       Acertor's crest popped straight up. "Well, I see some things don't differ sentient to sentient."
       Deateli smiled. "I didn't think they would. What is a Acceptian wedding like?"
       "We have an analog. We do pair for procreation and comfort, much as I have seen with Humans. I would say noisier, and you are expected to mate at the ceremony."
       "Interesting, I wouldn't might seeing that. You won't see that here though. Humans are private about mating."
       "What are Deltans like?"
       "We are in love with the sensual Acertor. We will try anything once, more often if we like it. We don't just pair, we form 'marriages' of endless variety."
       "Have you any fixed customs?"
       "A few. Most marriages start as pairs and expand. Monogamy as promised in the ceremony you have just seen is extremely rare. It closes you off to too many sensual experiences. Can I ask questions that might be personal?"
       "You may ask."
       She snagged a fresh drink from a passing tray. "What are your mating customs? You indicated that mating in public was not taboo."
       "I would have to say that the marriage is an exception, unless you are flying."
       "You mate in flight?"
       "Many try. It is a difficult feat."
       "So claimed. I have never tried it. Around here I have yet to find a place to fly."
       "Pretty pictures are not enough."
       "Oh, the holodeck is much more than that. Environments can be simulated in startling reality. I was on a wind powered ship last week in a raging storm. It is exciting, and the wind and spray soaked me to the bone. That much was real. We have Skoor in Starfleet, I am sure a flight program does exist."
       "I'll have to try this. I have truly missed flying. Our big ships have large rooms, bigger than your shuttlebays, just for flying it."
       "I can see why. I would love to see those wings fully spread. You flutter them a lot, but you keep them closed."
       He puffed slightly and sleeked down. "Nervous habit. I want to spread them, but the area feels small and tight. I am afraid of bumping things or being bumped."
       "You are fragile?"
       He lowered his voice. "Well, frankly, compared to non-flyers, yes we are. I mass a fraction of what you do."
       "So, you want space, I would like to see those wings spread. Tathilan?"
       **Yes Deateli.**
       "Is the big holodeck in use?"
       **It is currently open, and not requested until 1000 tomorrow.**
       "The big deck is open, want try some things?"
       "You sound like you want more than to see me fly."
       "Yes, if you are willing."
       "If I can. You are not my idea of a partner."
       "Call it a learning experience."
       "I am willing to learn."
       "Tathilan, I want the big deck for three hours minimum."

       Tathilan looked after the retreating pair. Tim caught her gaze.
       **Our Counselor looks to have Counseling to do.**
       **And you won't?**
       **It's my job.**
       Kirk stepped up to Ami and Howard. "Congratulations. What is next for you two?"
       Howard said. "A lot of work. I like your idea of sailing the ship home. The crew at large does too."
       "I wish you luck in it."
       "You're not going to help?"
       "As long as we can, yes, but I got our orders today. We are dropping you off at Starbase 460, you will get a transport tug to Earth. I understand a special container is being readied for the Grant. Acertor and company are getting a different escort as well."
       "I was hoping you would be taking us back."
       Kirk shrugged. "I would like to, but we have spent a lot of time out of service lately, and I think Fleet would balk badly if I asked. I did hint, and it got ignored."
       Tathilan said. **That's a pretty clear indicator of 'don't ask'.**
       Nelson looked as grumpy as a man freshly wed could. "I'll have to think on that. There is one thing I would like to know. Has my commission been reinstated?"
       **Correction, you commission was never decommissioned. Personnel in cold sleep are considered "on the clock" the Grant was listed as missing, but was never listed as presumed dead.**
       "Excuse me Miss, but Captain Kirk hasn't introduced us."
       **I'm Tathilan.**
       Nelson boggled. "Tathilan, but she is Ane, or a computer, or..."
       Tathilan laid a hand on his arm. "I'm me. Software based. I can run quite a number of extensional units and bios. This is one of them."
       Ami said. "Do you have any other surprises?"
       **No, An-form, humanoid, and computer terminal, that's all of me. In any case we should not be discussing me. It's your wedding.**
       "It's Captain's you know, business, it always business."
       **They are terrible that way.**
       "Captain Nelson I believe we are being put upon."
       "Captain Kirk, I believe you are correct."
       "You handle yours and I'll handle mine."
       The two women looked at the Captains two. "Men."

       The party was slowing down when Ami and Howard slipped away.
       "Were do we go from here?"
       "Back to your cabin on the Grant? I've got the quilt and the bed should still be in the locker."
       "After eleven years? That bed will be full of leaks, and did you get your quilt cleaned."
       "The quilt I got cleaned, but you're right, that bed would be a disaster. So where, back to out mundane cabin?"
       "I would hardly call a cabin that size 'mundane'."
       "But we slept there last night."
       The sign on the black panel said "Wedding Suite --->"
       "Do we follow it Howard?"
       "I think it would be impolite to not."
       They followed the indicators until a heavy pair of doors parted to reveal a hotel lobby. Ceiling fans traced lazy circles in the air. A dark-skinned man was behind the counter. Three men and a woman played cards at a near by table. Bits of conversation, and the sound of a piano drifted from a bar off the lobby. A quick look in the bar proved it filled with men in khakis or silk suits, and women in long off the shoulder dresses.
       "Howard and Ami Nelson" said the dark man as they approach the counter. "You are expected. Welcome to Singing Waters Hotel and Resort."
       Howard look quickly at Ami, then back at the man. "Thank you. I didn't know we were expected."
       "All arrangements have been provided for. Your keys. The boy will show you the way."
       A uniformed, blonde-haired youth popped up from a nearby bench and lead them through the halls. He waved them into a spacious room and closed the door behind them.
       A breeze blew in the open glass doorwalls that lined two sides of the suite. Water, falling water filled every view and water lapped at the stones just outside the doorwalls. Waterfalls from tens of feet to inches high gurgled, sang and roared as far as the eye could see and the ear could hear. A symphony in water and wind. The blue setting sun cast rainbows through the mists and colors played across the waters. For a long time they gazed out the open doorwalls. Finally they tore themselves away from the sight to look at the room. A huge bed with a netting canopy, and Ami's quilt spread across it. A simple washroom lead off the bedroom. In the apex of the glass walls was a dinette set. A placard was on the bed:
       "Enjoy the Singing Waters Hotel and Resort. Bathing is available right outside your window. Hot to the left, cold to the right. Room service on demand. No one is coming for you for at least three days. Enjoy your Honeymoon. -- Tim and Tathilan."
       "Oh Howard." She sighed as they sank into the bed.

       Acertor floated, the wind rustling beneath his joyously spread wings. This was even better than the flight rooms. Below him the craggy peaks tossed eddies and updrafts at him. Deateli was down there on the rocks several hundred feet below him. He twisted and came about. He set his eyes on her and slowly lowered himself, reluctantly, to the ground. She ran to his side.
       "That was beautiful! I enjoyed every minute."
       "You enjoyed, You weren't even the one flying. By the first egg I needed that I did."
       "I can tell, it has done you wonders. No matter how it looked, I was never more that feet away from you. Tathilan gave me a front row seat for the whole flight."
       "Where do I get one of these?"
       "Talk to the companies that make them when you get to Earth. Starfleet doesn't have a lock on the technology."
       "Did it make up for the rest?"
       "Acertor, I never expected an ecstatic encounter, but we have each learned a great deal about what does and does not excite the other."
       "Yes, I have to agree with that."
       "Do you have a female here?"
       "No on the Kongo no, but the FarSight has a number of females. I have a feeling they will be kept busy."
       She smiled. "I could clothe myself in holograms, but it wouldn't quite be the same."
       "Thank you, but I think sleep is in order. That is more workout than I've had in a while."
       "Now you know it's here, you can use it."
       "Thank you."

       Lt. Reves ducked out from under the helm station again. The Andorian Ensign was still there.
       "Am I that fascinating? Flux modulator please."
       "Yes, you are." She said handing it to him.
       He dived back under. "Why, because I'm old?"
       "You are not old Lt. Reves, you are displaced in time. And yes, that is part of it."
       "So what is your angle on this?"
       "I would say on part hero worship, two parts curiosity."
       "OK, I get the hero worship part, but how are you curious?"
       "To note the differences in Human behavior over that period of time."
       "Note any?"
       "Other than some unusual quirks in your speech patterns, no."
       "Some you are learning that humans are humans, and have been for a long time."
       "Yes, but conformation of the observation is satisfying."
       "I thought you were an engineer."
       "I am, everyone needs a hobby."

       "Attention all hands. We will make planet fall at Starbase 460 in two hours. Check your terminals for base leave. That is all."
       Howard looked around the cabin. "Have we missed anything?"
       "I don't think so. And I don't like it."
       "What, that we haven't missed anything?"
       "No, I have been doing my XO job even if I haven't. I have a pretty good idea what is going to happen."
       "What is going to happen where?"
       "Howard, they are going to fuss over us. We are heroes with the capital H! The ground pounder admirals are going to push in and the real heroes, the ones that did the work will get a nice commendation, and forgotten."
       "Kirk, hell no."
       "Howard, I got the scuttlebutt. Kirk is too good a hero of late. A regular Boy Scout that doesn't play the political game."
       I admire that."
       "So do I. But in his time as the Commander of the Kongo he has rescued an entire race, and saved the passengers of a pirated ship, as well as the usual stuff that starship Captain's do. He gets press and dismisses it."
       "So what do you figure is going to happen?"
       "This tug is going to take us almost to Earth, and then a political 'bright boy' will 'escort' the Grant back to Earth and reap the political rewards."
       "That is a cynical viewpoint Ami, not like you."
       "I've been talking to certain people."
       "Which people?"
       "Tathilan, Deateli, others."
       "Who's the source?"
       "Tathilan, Deateli said it was more than possible, others confirmed the basic idea."
       "Well maybe I should get it from the antelope's mouth.
       **You rang.**
       "Yes I did. What are there rumors you have been working on?"
       **I intercepted orders for the USS Berlin to handle the last leg of the Grant's Escort. From Starbase 1**
       "So, we get several ships. Along the way."
       **Starbase one is still only three light years from Earth Captain Nelson. Captain Kennedy has also been vocal about his dislike for Captain Kirk and his habit of "falling into heroic circumstances.**
       "Pray tell."
       **Direct quote, from three months ago, over heard by the Ane Representative to the Federation Council. "That Boy Scout Kirk is getting too many of the plum assignments. He is making the rest of us look bad".**
       "I see. Get me a proper uniform, all decorations. I have a stop to make."

       The Gentlewoman waited. All her decorations where in place. The aid came in to her.
       "The President will see you now Madame Ambassador."
       She put on her best smile and entered the chamber.
       "Good morning Mr. President."
       "Good morning to you Madam Ambassador. You indicated some urgency to your request."
       "Yes sir. I understand that a vessel, a participant in the late war between ourselves has been located, with the crew alive."
       "Yes, that is the case. The ship itself and the crew are being returned to Earth as soon as possible."
       "So I have been lead to understand. I am here to request that one of our ships be allowed to accompany this vessel on the last leg of its journey, as a gesture of peace."
       The President smiled. "I like the idea. Let's see what we can arrange."

       Captain Nelson was the first one on the dock when the Kongo made fast to Starbase 460. He buttonholed an Ensign for directions to the Admiral's office. On arrival he made himself and his business known.
       "Admiral Golan will see you now, Captain."
       Nelson rose as the doors opened. Acertor was on his way out.
       "It has been a pleasure meeting you Admiral Golan. Oh, Captain Nelson, fancy seeing you here."
       Nelson half whispered. "How did you beat me?"
       "My own ship with transporters."
       Nelson entered the Admiral's office. It was about what he expected. The place told something about the occupant. Ship models lined one wall, a uniform was in a flat case as well.
       "Howard Nelson, USS Ulysses S Grant."
       "Oh, ah well, Captain Nelson, I am honored to meet you. I didn't think your would be up to activity."
       "Quite the contrary. Dr. Hanson knows his business. He had the entire crew up and ship shape within a week. We have spent the balance of our time returning our vessel to operational status."
       "Well, Sir the Grant is a fine old ship, but she is old. We can't expect a 230 year old ship to be operational."
       "However Sir, I can and do. I have my orders right here." Nelson pulled the papers from his uniform. To 'Pursue the resolution of the War with the Romulan powers, and return to Earth Spacedock. I understand Sir that the Romulan war is over."
       "Yes, it has been for..."
       "Yes, sir. Conformation is enough. I intend to carry out my orders. After all, can we really call that late conflict over until the last ship is in?"
       "Well, the Grant was declared missing in action, it isn't necessary to..."
       "But we were never declared presumed dead. Most likely it was an oversight. However, it means that my ship and I are still on the books as a commissioned vessel, and my orders, sighed by the Chief of Fleet operations are still valid. I am here, my ship is at dock, we are no longer missing."
       "Well, the orders I have received are to aid you in getting back to Earth."
       "I understand those orders require my vessel be crated up and shipped like cargo."
       "Captain Nelson. The Grant is old. We simply wish to protect her."
       "Admiral Golan, she is not as old as you think. Did you forget the time dilation effect? The Grant has slightly under eleven years on her clocks since I ordered hibernation stations. Since that time the crew of the Kongo has be instrumental in repairing battle damage to the Grant. We expect to be fully operational within the week."
       "That is preposterous. You plan to sail back to Earth? You would be years at the task."
       "I would prefer an escort for a speed boost. The Kongo so far has done nicely."
       "We will have the USS FedEx here shortly. A tug would get you home quickly."
       "Sir, respectfully, I prefer the escort we have."
       "I need the Kongo on station."
       "Have the USS Kongo and the USS Berlin switch places."
       "Why the Berlin?"
       "Read the itinerary Sir, with due respect to my seniority as a Captain, I wish to retain the escort I have, the USS Kongo. Unless this arrangement some how endangers the sector, I wish it given all due consideration."
       "I understand Captain. Do you require anything else?"
       "Yes." Nelson handed over a PADD. "I have a number of material requirements for my ship."
       "Thank you Captain. Dismissed."
       Nelson turned on his heels and marched out. He passed Kirk and Spacik on their way in.
       "Captain Kirk, Commander Spacik, good day."
       "Captain Nelson?"
       "Captain Kirk, the Admiral will see you."
       Kirk and Spacik entered the office.
       "Good morning Admiral Golan."
       "Captain, Commander."
       "I have the Kongo's reports on the recent activities and a rather lengthy list of necessities before we resume patrol."
       "Do you mean to walk in her like you know nothing about what's going on?"
       "Sir? What's going on?"
       "You doubtless saw Captain Nelson leaving."
       "Well yes. I wondered why he was here."
       "You don't know?"
       "No, I don't know."
       "I am to believe that?"
       "Captain Kirk is not known for fallacious pronouncements Admiral."
       "Admiral if you are going to accuse me of knowing something, perhaps I better study up on the subject. Now, what am I studying?"
       "My last two guests were Ambassador Acertor, and Captain Nelson, both were lobbying, and using all the leverage they possess to retain you as an escort."
       "I am flattered at their vote of confidence Sir."
       "You aren't going to lobby for it?"
       "Admiral Golan. I was given the definite impression I was wanted here. However, if Starfleet command wishes to change my orders, I will gladly continue the escort duty."
       "You mean to tell you don't care, one way or the other?"
       "Admiral Golan. Yes I care. I imagine the crew of the Kongo would love to see Captain Nelson and the Grant home. They have worked hard and sacrificed much to rescue them. Closure would be nice."
       "And Ambassador Acertor?"
       "Yes, I find the company of the Acceptians to be welcome."
       "Yet you didn't plan any of it."
       "Admiral, I recall saying as much. My reports will indicate plans to return to my assigned patrol sector. Should I change my plans?"
       "I don't know. I'll contact Starfleet command and let you know. I have some heavy weight opinions in this matter. Do you have a preference?"
       "Yes, I do. I would like to see my crew, that has worked so hard, get to see the closure of their efforts. I would like to see a closure of the events we have set in motion. And, I would like to be in a position to get to Homefall in ten months."
       "Formerly Gramar 3. The first load of Sixless settlers are due at Homefall in ten months. I and my crew would really like to be there."
       "I'll take that into account Captain."
       "Meanwhile, if no one has objections my crew would like to continue the work on the Grant. We are nearly ready to recharge the antimatter system."
       "Proceed as you see fit Captain."

       "Captain Kennedy to see you Sir."
       Picard replied. "Send him in."
       The handsome man entered, confidence oozed from every pore. "Good afternoon Admiral Picard. You wished to see me?"
       "Yes Captain. I have new orders for you and the Berlin."
       "Of course Sir." Kennedy took the proffered PADD. He quickly read the orders, and read them again, his perfect smile slipped. "Sir, has their been some error?"
       Picard steepled his hands on the desk. "No. No mistake at all. I believe you have been looking for a plum assignment. A patrol in the outer sectors will give you endless opportunity to discover all sorts of interesting things."
       "Yes, Sir, of course Sir." Kennedy visibly slumped. His teeth ground audibly."
       "I expect that with your usual efficiency the Berlin will be on station in record time. Dismissed."

       Captain Nelson looked around the small bridge. Every station was manned, everyone looked eager, and a little uncertain.
       "Bridge to..." He thumbed the intercom switch. "Bridge to Engineering. Mr. Nelson, what is your status."
       "Engineering to Bridge. We are as ready as we can be."
       "Grant to Kongo. We are condition green. Standing by to cast off."
       "Kongo to Grant. Disconnect umbilicals." The thump sounded through the Grant. "Cast off."

       With a grumble the Grant freed itself from the station it had held since it was rescued.
       "Grant, you are free space, and are clear to maneuver."
       Nelson swallowed. "One tenth impulse."
       With a slow rumble the long dead engines came to life, and pushed the little ship forward.
       Nelson said. "Full impulse."
       The Grant responded slowly, coming to full acceleration.
       "Lets have a look at the Kongo Mr. Stiles. The viewscreen shifted to show the massive ship following gracefully somewhat to the rear.
       Stiles said. "Beautiful sir. Absolutely beautiful."
       It sounds like you want one Mr. Stiles."
       "Yes Sir, you bet Sir."
       "Bridge to engineering Are we ready for warp power."
       "Warp power at your command."
       "Mr. Reves, give us warp factor one."
       The tension tightened. The Grant slid into warp one without a shudder. Her escorts right behind here.
       "Warp Three Mr. Reves."
       Speed increased smoothly. Nelson slowly smiled. He jumped form the command chair with a shout. As a signal pandemonium broke out the ship wide. On the Kongo similar scenes played out about the vessel from those that had a hand in the Grant's repair, and from those that had watched. On the FarSight, the Acceptians watched with bemused humor as the others celebrated their accomplishment.
       Nelson sat back down. "All hands, stations please."
       "Kongo we are prepared to redock."

       Kirk was all but jumping out of the center seat as the Grant finished the docking process.
       Nelson said. "Kongo, we are secured, all umbilicals connected."
       Kirk said. Mr. Miritath get me the FarSight.
       "FarSight on Captain."
       "FarSight, we are going to have a party to end all parties Anyone you can spare is invited to come."
       "I am sure we can find those that would like to attend Captain."
       Kirk changed to ship wide. "Attention all hands. Tests of the USS Ulysses S Grant have been completed with a complete success. Full control to the ship's computer. All hands, I repeat all hands have on ship leave for the next four hours. Party DOWN."
       Spacik said. "Captain, if anything untoward should happen, that will be a most interesting entry into the court martial proceedings."
       "Today, who cares, lets have some fun."

       Kirk was relaxing in his quarters. The ship was getting back to normal. That was the first time he had seen a multi-ship wide party. They had ended up dead in space and docked to the FarSight as well as the party proceeded. The crews of the ships were still getting sorted out.
       **Tim, priority one secure channel, your eyes only.**
       He stopped lazing and went into his office. **OK Tathilan, I'll take it here.**
       The screen focused, on the President of the Federation.
       "Good day Captain Kirk. As you have been assigned to escort the Grant into Earth I have an interesting addition to your 'fleet'." The screen split A Romulan in a Commander's uniform was added. "This is Commander Torack of the Romulan Warbird Natoark. At the request of the Romulan Star Empire it has been asked that one of their vessels be allowed to accompany you on the final leg of your journey. Would that be possible."
       "I'm flabbergasted Sir. Of course they are welcome to join. I can't think of a better way to demonstrate ..." the attention light on his monitor was blinking. "One moment sir." He switched the screen. "Kirk here."
       Mr. Solin said. "Sir, we have a Romulan Warbird on the long range sensors."
       "That would be the Natoark Mr. Solin, they are expected. Hail them and guide them in."
       "Yes. Sir."
       Kirk switched back. "Yes Sir, That was my crew, on their toes as usual. Commander Torack you should be getting an 'official' hail shortly from my ops officer. Welcome to the flotilla Commander."
       "I am please to be a part of this momentous event Captain Kirk."
       "Dinner, 1600 hours? I will extend the invitation to Ambassador Acertor and of course Captain Nelson as well."
       "It would be a pleasure. Torack out."
       Kirk turned back, this was going to be fun. "Captain Nelson please."
       Nelson was in his rooms on the Kongo. While technically the Grant was a "ship underway". For some reason few of the crew wanted to sleep on her anymore. Nelson, finding the Kongo's cabins much more comfortable, didn't push the issue.
       The call beeped. He answered it. "Nelson here."
       "Howard, this is Tim. Can I see you for a minute. I'm in my quarters right now."
       "Sure, important?"
       "I'll be right over."
       Kirk waited, the VIP cabin that the Nelsons were sharing was right next to his. His door call lit.
       Nelson entered. "You sounded urgent."
       "I have received a request for an additional ship to join the flotilla, from a power we have had past difficulties with, and one we are hoping to cement friendly relations with in the near future. They specifically wanted to accompany you and the Grant back to Earth, as a gesture of peace."
       "You're kidding me."
       "No, I am not, the Romulan Star Empire has offered you an escort of honor."
       "Damn, I've never even seen a Romulan, none of us have." He sat down, shaking slightly."
       "This disturbs you."
       "Yea, a bit. I am, at least emotionally still at war with the Romulans, and I don't even know who, or what a Romulan is."
       "They look Vulcan."
       "You know about Surak, and the Vulcans entering the age of reason."
       "That was in the basic 'who we are' primer at the Academy."
       "When Surak's camp had taken hold, a certain number of Vulcans refused to accept the new way of life. They were given materials to launch a colony effort. That effort became the Romulans."
       "That we didn't hear."
       "Until the 23rd century the Vulcans weren't even sure the Romulans were the ancient dissidents. Both parties accept the truth of the matter. And still disagree."
       "So the Romulans want to escort us?"
       "I imagine they also want to get a look at you and ogle the Acceptians as well. To that end we are having a formal dinner at 1600. I would have your officers, pick four other than yourself, wear your old dress uniforms."
       "I don't think everyone has one."
       "Replicators, wonderful devices."
       "Right. Dinner with Romulans. Captain Kirk, of all the strange wonders you have presented us with, that is the strangest one of all."

       Nelson looked over the assembled officers. "Captain Kirk is holding a formal dinner at 1600 hours, full dress. Expected are a delegation from the Kongo, the Grant, the FarSight, and the Romulan Warbird Natoark."
       Their shocked looks and utter disbelief mirrored his own.
       Stiles said. "The Romulans! But we are at war... Oh, we aren't anymore, are we."
       "That says it right there lieutenant. Mr. Nelson, Mr. Reves, Mr. Stiles, and Mr. Clark, you are the most senior officers. You will be dining with Romulans in four hours."

       The dinner was formal. Half the parties didn't quite know what to say to the other half. Captain Kirk and Acertor made a fine show of trying to keep the conversation running. A good deal of banter was exchanged between the Acceptians and the Romulans. Neither had met the other. At last Commander Torack broke the ice. He produced a scroll and offered it to Captain Nelson.
       "Captain Nelson, I understand that due to the circumstance of you salvation, you experienced no time between then, and now."
       "Yes, that is true."
       "So the questions and attitudes of that period are fresh in your mind."
       "Yes, that is also true."
       "There remained two, vital and unanswered questions of that period. One, of the Federation, and one of the Empire. I will answer your question now, if you will answer mine."
       "Yes, of course. Why were you fighting us?"
       "As best an answer as I can give, is the Romulans of that time, my Grandfather's generation, were more parochial than we are today. The Universe has taught us that being Romulan, is not so special as we once thought, and that the dangers of space do not take that into account. However, to my Grandfather, and his generation, this lesson was yet to be learned. We fought you because you were not Romulan."
       Nelson mulled the answer over. "Your question Sir."
       "The Federation drove the Romulan Empire to its knees, and offered an equitable peace. A peace that you will find in the scroll I have here. A written copy of which was never presented between our peoples. Which I hope with me your will sign face to face tonight. My question. We were at your mercy. Why did you spare us?"
       Nelson stood. "If I may. Of the five, six founding member of the Federation, each of the five humanoids, had come to a point within its history where we threatened ourselves, our own kind with destruction. Each of the five, looked down into the yawning abyss, and stepped back from the brink. We put aside, war with our own kind that we might each live. We fought only because we were attacked. I personally lost a ship, and it's crew because I attempted to parlay with Romulan ships. We only wanted to know why, and we only wanted peace. We never set out to conquer anyone. So yes, even if we got your Grandfathers on the ropes. Even if we had a knife to their throats. That isn't what we wanted, and we didn't want the foul fruits of conquest. It was the Federation way then, and I trust, it is the Federation way now."
       Kirk raised his glass. "To the Weakness that makes us strong."
       From the Federation crew. "Here, here."
       Commander Torack paused, then spread the scroll, which proved to be two on the table. "Will you sign with me."
       "Yes, I will."
       The two men took a real pen, and each put to the parchment their names, beneath the printed names of those that had labored for peace. Commander Torack put out his hand human style, and Captain Nelson shook it.
       Nelson said. "Thank you Sir, now I can let those ghosts rest."

       The Long Patrol. All the galaxy knew by now. The escort had gown. The Grant floated free. Around her were the massive modern ships. The Kongo, the FarSight, the Natoark, the quD, these and others. All followed the Grant on the Long Patrol. She, small old and slow, the paint gone from her bow, the scars of battle on her hull, moved at a steady warp 3 into Sol space.
       On the Long Patrol, slowing, to a impluse crawl. The good Earth was in sight. Shining blue and bright. The crew of the Grant worked to keep their eyes clear enough to work the ship. The others started to move off, each as it was assiged an orbit. Only the Grant, and her grey shadow, the Kongo moved together. The shining spindle of the great Starfleet space dock loomed ahead. The Kongo fell close behind. The doors parted and she entered the dock. Every ship, free or docked had her running lights blazing. Faces filled every port. The tractors guided the Grant to a little used gangway. One too close to the structure for the big ships to use. Seldom used, but in this case perfect. The Kongo still behind her. The Gangways reached out, and kissed the hulls together. Within the Grant, the thump and thud of the docking clamp lent urgency to one more task. The last task of the Long Patrol.
       Captain Nelson tried not to hurry. His officers and crew were behind him. The ship had been shut down in record time. They stepped out onto the main gangway. It was crowded, faces as far as they could see in every variation that Federation could provide. The crowd left a single path open. At the end was a tall and patrician man in an Admiral's uniform. Nelson and his officers walked toward him. It was the only direction to go.
       Nelson spotted Kirk and his staff beside the Admiral. He spotted Acertor behind him The Admiral held out a hand. Nelson gripped it firmly.
       "Picard, Chief of Fleet Operations. Welcome home Captain Nelson."
       "Admiral Picard. The USS Ulysses S Grant is reporting home in good order. We have prosecuted our orders as given, and we are grateful of the general peace. We suffered 16 casualties during the course of our cruise due to the rigors of war, and have 84 persons ready and fit for duty. I hereby return my commission. Sir...." Nelson bit his lip. "Sir, the long patrol is over."

       The cheers and the backslapping were over. The buffet had lost its battle and the demands on the bar were decreasing. The reception for the crew of the Grant was reluctantly winding down. To Captian Nelson it was a reception that had seemed to include absolutely everyone in the Federation. He was exhausted. It was hard to see from the outside, but this hero business was hard work. He spotted Captian Kirk making his way over.
       Kirk said. "Captain Nelson. There is one more place we should be."
       "I feel as if I have seen everyone, and been everywhere."
       "Trust me on this one."
       "Sure, I have trusted you so far."
       Kirk touched his commbadge. "Two to beam."
       The sparkle and blindness of the transport cleared before a sign that read. "Captain's Club." Kirk motioned him forward.
       Captain Howard Nelson entered the Captain's Lounge at Starfleet headquarters. He was expected. Nelson looked around in a daze. He had never seen this place. Yet, it felt like home. The Captains stood as he entered. No announcement was given, each stood as they became aware of who had entered. Captains, Admirals, men and women grown experienced and even ancient in the profession that he also had chosen. Men and women that had not been born when his ship sailed for the last time, on the Long Patrol.
       Nelson spotted the rack. The familiar among the unfamiliar. Tears welled in his eyes as thoughts of friends gone sprang unbidden to his mind. He walked as a man in a dream to the ancient hat rack. The hat looked familiar but different, a faded memory from a distant yesteryear, that he left behind but a day ago. He lifted it from the rack and slowly lowered it to his head to the respectful silence of the assembled. He shuffed to the bar, those before him parting without a word.
       "Kentucky Bourbon, straight up, two glasses please."
       The bartender poured the measured shots, each in it's own glass and set them before him. Nelson carefully moved one glass in front of the empty stool to his right. He set the hat upon the stool itself. He turned to the Captains all.
       Two hundred and thirty years ago, Admiral Richard Barnard left my hat here for me. I finally got back for the hat Rich. Thank you for your faith in me, and the crew.
       Let us now save a seat, and a drink, for those who cannot be here today. They cannot be with us now, but they will join us shortly, or we will join them." He raised his glass in toast. "To Absent Friends."

The Long Patrol -- Garry Stahl, July 2000

       A few notes on The Long Patrol:
       Yes, the Flowrider Scene is taken almost directly from the movie Titan AE. I enjoyed the film greatly and it helped me break the long block I had on finishing this tale. Consider it a tribute.
       The text of the Wedding Scene of Howard and Ami was taken largely from my own wedding vows. They were rendered more ecumenical, and I added the forward spoken by Kirk. See, men don't always forget the wedding vows. Some of us have it on disk.
       The Singing Waters was originally from Heinlein's Glory Road It is one of those places I have always wanted to visit, so I let some of my characters honeymoon there.
       Captain Kennedy has appeared in Jay Hailey's Star Trek -- Outwardly Mobile as a gung ho, self absorbed, devil-take-the-hindmost Jerk. He briefly serves the same purpose here. He is one of several crossover points. Read Hailey's stuff too.
       Admiral Picard is who you think he is, and appears several times throughout my tales. Due my intense dislike of the entire so-called plot of Star Trek - Generations. Garry-Trek still has the Enterprise D going about it's business under Captain Riker.

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Copyright © Garry Stahl: July 2000. All rights reserved, re-print only with permission.

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