Star Trek: Outwardly Mobile

Episode 10: The Trudge

(Stardate 45650)


Jay P. Hailey


Dennnis Washburn


The USS Harrier warped through space a thousand light years from the United Federation of Planets. This was a large distance and it was going to take us about three more years to get home at this rate.

The worst part so far had been the boredom. For three months we hadn't run into anything of any interest. We couldn't detect anything more exciting ahead of us as far as our sensors could see.

I was reading the follow up reports to our last significant encounter. It was the planet Bandersnatch Six. The six didn't stand for the orbit number around the primary. This Bandersnatch was the sixth planet so named in the Federation archives. However, the person who discovered the planet had the right to name it, by ancient custom. Bandersnatch Six really deserved the name. It was in an eccentric orbit, perturbed in and out of the life zone by a nearby gas giant. The weather on Bandersnatch Six ran in seven hundred year mega-cycles. We caught it in a summer-like period.

The life forms on Bandersnatch had to adapt to a huge variety of climates and conditions. They had adapted with a vengeance. Most of the life forms of Bandersnatch Six were either tough biological tanks or clever and deceitful shape changers. The natives fell into the latter category, a fact we didn't discover until it was too late.

Later we camped out on an island that could not support any sizable life forms and had our shore leave anyway.

The life sciences people and the planetary geologists had a field day at the time. They piled up enough raw data to keep the Vulcan Academy of Science or the Smithsonian Institution busy for years.

Now, they had a break to do a lot of the analysis on the Harrier. It had grown boring. Now there was just the unglamorous cataloging and sorting of data.

The sociologists were busy, too. We had encountered the Kurr Association. They occupied ninety-seven planets inside an energy bubble of fantastic proportions. Five hundred years before the Harrier found them, the Kurr had been visited by energy beings known as the Harmon. The Harmon declared the Kurr Association to be ethically deficient and englobed them in a bubble of energy nearly one hundred light-years in diameter.

The Harrier couldn't even touch the bubble. The Kurr had been trying to unravel the thing for as long as they had been inside of it, and had found nothing that would work.

It was a sad and sobering sight. The Federation could have wound up in the same condition if the Organians or Q had been just a little less patient with us. The Kurr had been developing their ethics on a crash basis every since. A lot of what they had invented mirrored things in the Federation. Mostly the contributions of the Vulcans, who had also felt coerced by circumstances to develop their ethics.

The Kurr had developed and exploited every free inch of the space inside their globe, but they were suffering from a cultural claustrophobia. We had signed a treaty of principle with them and then the Harrier had exchanged archives with the Kurr Association.

The histories and societies of the Kurr Association were varied and interesting and they had a few historians talented enough to make the history fun reading.

There was only so much reading, study and cataloging work the crew could do as we chugged along, one light year a day, every day.

The Engineering Department of the Harrier had kept the ship running smoothly for nearly seven months of our trip so far. Ruezre Vengla, the Chief Engineer had used a bag of tricks that had surprised and delighted me with their ingenuity. If we assumed that nothing kept happening until we reached Starbase 24, the we were very likely to make it there. Making to within rescue distance was almost a certainty. If nothing else happened.

The psychology of a crew locked up in an enclosed space for a long time is interesting, but I didn't like watching it while there was no safety net or support system around us.

The first hint of excessive boredom overtaking the crew was the Dungeons and Dragons scenario happening on the Holodeck. Many of the crew had joined this scenario, playing in small groups at different times. It had grown extremely complex and the players were taking it very seriously.

There had actually been a fist fight in the ship's lounge concerning events in the game. It seemed petty and trivial at first, and the crew members involved were honestly abashed at how they had acted, but it was an important sign.

Another sign of increasing boredom was the martial arts tournament. There was one of these on nearly all starships at one time or another. The crew was trained and capable in a number of ways, and those who were trained in hand-to-hand combat wanted to test their skills against each other. During this time on the Harrier, it was a weekly occurrence, with betting and standings and rivalries developing.

Two surprises to come out these bouts were Spaat, our Vulcan Helmsman, and Yoshio Yo, the young ensign who acted as Li'ira's executive assistant. Spaat was a big man, and being Vulcan naturally somewhat stronger than a human. His martial art was the Vulcan classic, Tal-Shyia. It was a passive art, based on the idea of turning an opponent's attack against him. Lots of leverage and throws. Spaat had several advantages and rose near the top of the standings. Yoshio Yo, or "Yeoman Yo" as he was popularly known, turned into a friendly, self depreciating, enthusiastic whirling dervish. No one could touch him.

Yo was of generic Asian descent. When I asked, he said that his mother was Chinese, his father was Japanese, and they had lived in the big industrial cities of Korea before he went to live with his grandfather in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia. He called his martial art Tae Kwon Leap, and claimed that his grandfather had taught it to him over the years in the Southeast Asian jungles. He quickly began classes in the highly philosophical martial art.

Seamus McTague, the Ship's Counselor tried everything he could think of to divert this energy into other means of expression, with a certain amount of success. He had birthday parties and planetary holiday celebrations all kinds of other excuses to get together and cut loose.

Typical of any small community, the Harrier immediately developed cliques and "in-crowds". There were entertaining and gossip-worthy incidents and who was sleeping with who became an engrossing subject for conversation.

There was even a little bit of a stir when I started dating the Chief Medical Officer Patricia Flynn. We had found that we shared a similar enough frame of references for discussions to be fun, and varied enough experiences so that we didn't run out of stories. After several late night bull sessions and a certain amount of hemming and hawing, we managed to get each other into bed.

It was fun, but we knew it was a temporary arrangement. When we got back to Earth, Patricia Flynn was headed back to the United States Coast Guard and her true love, the study of the oceans.

I found that Patricia Flynn had only become a medical doctor because she had never been to the ocean until she was doing post graduate work at the University of Southern California at San Diego. She had joined the U.S. Coast Guard because they were the organization that was still exploring the oceans of Earth. Patricia had joined as a medical officer because that offered her a quick commission, and the opportunity to get into the oceans right away.

While at Bandersnatch Six, Doctor Flynn organized an impromptu oceanographic department on the Harrier, and conducted an investigation of the oceans there. Since then she had been supervising the processing of the data they had gathered, and was teaching a popular oceanography class on the Harrier. I tried to make it to that one when I could.


I had found a private place aboard the Harrier. It was a relic of the ship's old design. Years ago the ship's replicator was much larger device. Now, we had small stand up units in most quarters and scattered in convenient locations around the ship. Most of the space dedicated to the large old device had been reclaimed for other uses, but there was a remaining jefferies tube on deck ten.

It began in what was now a store room, and proceeded a few feet to a turn. Just around the turn the Jefferies tube dead-ended.

Although, as Captain I had the run of the ship, and could order any section evacuated that I pleased, there was always the knowledge that the Harrier and her crew were watching me. I could be alone in any room or section, but I could not be solitary.

There was a certain thrill to hiding away. No one knew where I was, when I was in there.

I went there with a book that I was reading. It was Ford's History of the Klingons. I had read it before, but I was going through it again for details that I had missed, and for relaxation. It was something that I wasn't obligated to read.

As I scrambled through the jefferies tube I heard a noise from the cul-de-sac ahead. It was a soft sobbing. I peeked around the curve and saw Tillean Darvon Ahk curled up in a corner, her head down on her knees crying bitterly.

I was stunned. Tillean was always so up-beat and enthusiastic. Every task was a challenge; each encounter was an adventure. I never thought that I would see her so miserably unhappy.

"Uh, ahem." I said, unsure of what to do or say. I was a little uncomfortable. Tillean was in my hidey hole.

She started and looked up. A PADD fell out of her curled up lap, and fell on the floor. I noticed a face on the PADD. It was a picture of a blond haired boy. His grin spoke of frogs, and sticking slimy things down girls' shirts, and major mayhem, everywhere.

"Oh, uh," Tillean sniffed and stood up quickly, wiping her eyes, and trying to put her face back on. "Captain, I-"

I bent down, picked up the PADD. The boy had grown on me instantly, but I didn't look at it for long. I handed it back to her and said "Who's this?"

Tillean replied "That's my son, Captain." Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Oh, I, uh..." I was acutely embarrassed.

Tillean grinned ruefully, despite the tears rolling down her face. "It's his birthday, today."

"Ah, oh." I was at a loss. Tillean gestured aimlessly and looked like she was going to leave. I was curious, and couldn't resist. "Tell me about him."

We made ourselves comfortable, and she told me the tale. Her boy's name was William Darvon Ahk. Today he was seven Earth years old. He hung out with a boy named Adam Mark, and they got into trouble the likes of which I have only read about in Mark Twain books.

Tillean knew of the dangers of starship assignments, and left the boy with her two sisters. Tillean was one of triplets. They lived with the extended Mark clan on a mixed Earth/Vicharrian colony planet known as Beauville. The Mark family had colonized the planet with a cooperating colony from Earth.

Tillean told me of a brief liaison with a man named Richard Russell, during an investigation on their colony world. She had become pregnant and had her son with the support of her extended family. She refused to divulge the identity of her son's father, claiming that it was no one else's business. She told me that Russell was a Starfleet Ranger, a job description with a high mortality rate. He was doing exactly what he wanted with his life, but Tillean knew that he would try to do the "Honorable" thing if he knew of his son. She was afraid that he would wind up resenting the boy and herself.

So Tillean held out on her son and his father. She said that she had realized the essential unfairness of the arrangement and had intended to reveal the truth to all concerned parties upon the Harrier's return.

Now that the Harrier's return to known space was in doubt, Tillean felt as though she might have cost William both his mother and father. No one else in her family knew the identity of William's father.

Tillean cried, and I reached out and held onto her, comforting her as best I could. After she had cried herself out, she straightened up and played the video clip that the PADD was holding.

She told me of William and Adam stowing away on a freighter, in an attempt to travel the galaxy in search of adventure. When they realized how long it takes a freighter to get anywhere they had sheepishly surrendered to the merchant crew and were returned.

Using old engineering schematics and a hot-wired replicator, the two boys had built a giant dinosaur robot, and had made a sincere attempt to terrorize the colony's capital city of Beauville.

Under the mistaken impression that some corporate investors were actually secret agents, the two boys had kidnapped the people and held them hostage for a couple of days until they were rescued by the older members of the Mark family.

"I was going to say that I was sorry that you didn't bring him with you, but now I'm not so sure." I said.

Tillean laughed. "It was for your protection as much as for his!"

I didn't feel too comfortable having her dump her problems on my shoulders. I didn't mind being a father figure for Tillean as long it helped her make it through the voyage. What else is a Captain for?


A couple of days later, we sighted the planet. It orbited an ordinary class G yellow dwarf star. The planet was right in the life zone, and showed lots of oxygen and water vapor in its spectrum.

This strongly suggested a class M planet, and so the Harrier turned slightly, to pass it and examine it.

Everyone was excited. This encounter offered an end to boring book keeping and paper shuffling.

As we went sublight near the edge of the solar system, we launched a probe.

Soon the data started to return from the probe to the class M planet. It was dead. There was no life to be found anywhere on the surface. It was just bare rock and sterile sea water and an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere.

"But, that's impossible, Captain." Tillean said, happily. I knew what she meant. a breathable oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere was the side effect of a planetary ecology. It wouldn't happen without life present to cause it.

It was a pickle and Tillean was ready to unravel it gleefully. However, I had a suspicion. If the life which had caused the oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere was not present on the planetary surface, then I felt that they had arrived in the system in starships and had planted the atmosphere for their own purposes.

"What is the probability that this is someone's terraforming project?" I asked. Tillean's face fell.

Harksain Varupuchu, our Andorian Operations Officer looked thoughtful. "I can not say," He ventured "If so, it not being done by any technology we use."

"Please begin scans to confirm or deny the hypothesis." I ordered.

After several hours, the Harrier was approaching the planet closely enough to use our sensors directly on it. It remained mysterious. There was no visible mechanism for generating the oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, and no life, period. There were no visible artifacts and no ruins. There were no beacons or buoys in orbit of the planet and no clues.

I thought about it and made the decision. "Retrieve the probe and set course out of the system."

That got me a hurt and disappointed look from Tillean, and a certain amount of exasperation from the rest of the crew. This was the first thing that had happened in about one hundred days, and I wasn't going to get involved.

I had two reasons. First, it simply would not be polite to trample all over somebody's "Work in Progress" and risk contaminating it with germs or micro-organisms from the Federation.

Secondly, with no visible mechanisms, I was afraid that it was a work in progress by an advanced race. While I had nothing against advanced races in principle, I remembered the lesson of the Rishan pleasure base we had run into some time ago. It had nearly destroyed us before we had any clues about what was really going on. I didn't want a repeat of that experience, so I left well enough alone, thank you.

After the probe docked, we went to warp speed and resumed our steady trudge back to the Federation.


Two weeks later, Harksain Varupuchu caught me on my way to the bridge. "Captain. I was wondering if you had plans for tomorrow evening?"

"Why, no, Commander."

"Then will you please do me the honor of joining myself and Tillean Darvon Ahk for dinner?"

"Er, certainly." I wondered what was going on, but I was too curious to say no.

"Thank you Captain. I will expect you at approximately 1800 hours, if that is convenient for you."

"That will do fine."


The next evening I arrived in front of Varupuchu's quarters. I was in standard uniform. I had fought the urge to wear my dress uniform. It felt as though that was what you wanted to wear into Varupuchu's personal space. I didn't know what he had in mind, and I didn't want to seem like I was pressuring him.

Tillean was there, in a short, black spandex body suit that left her legs and arms bare, and accentuated her trim body. over it she wore what seemed to be for all the world like a terry-cloth tabard, with large pockets and weird designs all over it. It looked indecently comfortable. She was barefoot, I noticed.

She saw me and brightened. "Captain! Did Harksain invite you to dinner this evening?"

"Ah, yes." I said. My uncertainty must have showed, because Tillean said "Is this the first time you've been to dinner with Harksain?" At my nod she illuminated "Relax, it's not a formal occasion. Mr. Varupuchu uses his cooking skills to provide positive feedback for the people he works with."

"Andorian cooking?" I thought, "Uh-oh." My previous experience with Andorian cooking came to mind. "Oh well," I'll just nibble a little and humor Mr. Varupuchu." It must have shown on my face because Tillean said "I think he'll be a better cook than you're expecting him to be."

Then the bell struck 1800 and we pushed on the door bell to Varupuchu's quarters. He answered and I was immediately put at ease about the formality issue. The normally dour and straight arrow Andorian was wearing a tie-dyed poncho of some sort of light material, and shorts. The poncho itself was short enough to leave Varupuchu's arms bare up to the elbow, and it didn't seem like it would interfere with cooking any. Varupuchu was also bare footed.

Varupuchu smiled a faint and serene smile and said "Thank you for being so prompt. Please come in and be at ease." He gestured grandly through the door way.

Tillean and I went in, and I had my first good look at Varupuchu's quarters. They had a very colorful motif, with multi-colored wall hangings and large pillows substituting for furniture in most cases. The main table was short, made to be sat at from the floor or a pillow or kneeled in front of. It looked like an ancient Japanese hippie lived there.

I was caught by the texture of the largest wall hanging, covering the inboard wall. As I got closer and really peered at it, I saw that it was made out all different kinds of materials and objects skillfully woven together. After a moment I got it. Andorians see through their antennae with sound waves, not unlike Earth bats or some sea mammals. The different textures might report as different colors or textures when viewed with sound waves.

Varupuchu's quarter also had a kitchen. He returned to it, and began to putter away busily. I saw him cooking, quickly with no wasted motions. He made it look easy, while he was doing it so quickly that I was unable to follow. He chatted with us idly as we found comfortable pillows and sat down. Varupuchu's idle chatter was thoughtful and engaging.


The meal was delicious. I couldn't believe it. Broiled lemon curry chicken, Strange sautéed mixed vegetables with a wonderful sauce, and light dishes from all over the Federation. I nibbled lightly until I actually tasted it, and then I ate with enthusiasm.

The conversation was light and wandered over several subjects. I was surprised that I was able to maintain my distance from certain subjects. Captains can have political opinions, we just aren't allowed to express them. It's considered rude, and thought to unfairly pressure the officers under the Captain's command.

The conversation would hit one of the places where I could not comment, and then move quickly on. It was fun to listen to as well as participate in.

As we finished the food, I had a chance to ask Varupuchu a question that I had been curious about since he had been assigned to the USS Harrier. "Mr. Varupuchu, I read in your records that you are considered a Hero of the Limrin Revolution. Would you care to tell me of it?"


The Limrin Revolution of 2343 was an interesting event to me. The planet Limrin had been a totalitarian colony from the bad old days on Earth. By the time it had been rediscovered by the Federation, they had built a sizable and stable society, Although it was not a fun one from the inside. Earth was required to take responsibility for it since it was a colony from Earth. Taking over the colony by force was out of the question. The Romulans in the hope making the thorn in the Federation's side more permanent had armed Limrin.

So it was carefully regulated in terms of interstellar traffic. Some humanitarian aid was allowed in, to try to ease the suffering of the oppressed populace.

Twenty five years ago the oppressed populace had thrown an open rebellion against the powers that ruled the planet. The rebels were out manned and out gunned, but skillful interference from intelligence agents on the ground, as well as an unknown number of free lance adventurers and mercenaries had thrown the issue open to random factors. In the end, the rebels won and petitioned for Federation aid and alliances while rebuilding. The intelligence agents and random other adventurers were declared "Heroes of the Revolution". They were honored on Limrin, along with their native born freedom fighters.


Varupuchu rolled his eyes and snorted derisively. "I assure you it was not as romantic as popular accounts have made it seem, Captain."

"That's all right. I haven't ever really been able to talk to anyone who was on the ground there."

"You would honestly do better to find someone who was on the Federation ships in orbit. They saw much more than we ever did. With out their interference from orbit, we would have been killed early on."

"I have spoken with certain crew members from one or two of the starships in orbit, there, but never anyone on the ground. Please tell me."

He sighed, "All right Captain, but I warn you, it's not a pretty story." I noticed Tillean was silent and watching both of us with great interest.

"I had gotten an apprentice spaceman's post on an Andorian Merchant vessel. I was seventeen and my antennae were still moist. The Xumec was Andorian in name, mostly. The crew were a haphazard collection of vagabonds, drifters and outsiders. We just pushed the ship from port to port, and most of the profit went to the corporate owners on Andor. It wasn't glamorous, but I learned a lot."

"We took a humanitarian aid contract from the Federation State Department. We ran in and out of Limrin a couple of times, but the contracts didn't pay especially well. The plasma injectors on the old boat were worn out. They needed to be replaced, but the corporate owners dragged their feet. They wanted one more trip on their ledgers before taking the Xumec off line for repairs."

"So we loaded up and took one more run to Limrin. We landed and unloaded all of our humanitarian aid. I know some of it was weapons from Starfleet Intelligence."

"How did you find that out?" Tillean asked.

"Our Chief Purser was Pang, a Golden Orion man. He discovered the illicit arms and diverted some of them. He had planned to resell them later for his own personal profit. This proved impossible, because the plasma injectors melted down as we powered up for take off. The Xumec was helpless until new plasma injectors could be sent from Andor."

"We sat there on the pad for a few days, until it became clear that something was up. The space port was under guard, and there were heavy troop movements. The news was even less informative than we were accustomed to. Our Chief Engineer was a Cygnian woman, who hacked into the government's secure data nets just for fun. If we had known she was doing this, we would have stopped her. Her activities counted as espionage and the penalty for that was harsh. However, you couldn't talk to Esha. She didn't care. She only wanted to see what was in there that they didn't want her to see. The first thing I knew, Captain Macenzie and Pang were handing out phaser rifles and telling us that Limrin Security were coming to take us hostage. They had some idea of using us for humanoid shields. Esha had read the orders as they were sent."

"We got lucky in that an Limrin Security transport truck was servicing one of the Limrin patrol boats near us. We abandoned the Xumec and hid in the truck, hoping to be driven through the cordon around the spaceport."

"We were driven out, all right, and straight into the palace of Wagner, the Autarch. We waited until night fall and slipped out of the truck. We didn't realize at first where we were, so we just entered the building, and sought cover. We encountered a few guards, but Macenzie gave them a story that we were mercenaries hired by internal security, because the guards were felt to be compromised. You would be surprised at how the guards jumped to prove their loyalty to us after he said that."

"We made the discovery that Wagner was a paranoid, when we found that the palace was riddled with bolt holes and secret passages. Between Macenzie's creative story telling, and Esha's walking all over their secure computer net, we managed to stay one step ahead of security for three weeks, while all hell let loose out side."

"Later I learned that the starships Enterprise-C and Hood were in orbit. They jammed the planetary communications and sensor nets. Esha used the confusion that this generated to her advantage ruthlessly. She never took the whole situation seriously. She felt that Limrin Security deserved whatever she could do to them, because they were too stupid to prevent it."

"We had to do interesting things like blow up the main combat information computer, when Esha tripped several security flags in it. On the other hand, Esha did get us forged requisition orders for the bombs we used to destroy it."

"More than half the staff of Limrin Security knew that we were in the building, but thought that we belonged there and so never commented on it."

"We diverted suspicion by framing high ranking officers and starting nasty rumors inside the palace itself."

"The situation got worse as the war went badly for Wagner. We had to disappear in the bowels of the palace for days on end, trying to avoid the massive security sweeps and extreme measures he took to protect himself. We were lucky, in that he thought his bolt holes were secret and so never told his internal security to search them. If he did, he would have felt as though internal security could eliminate him inside his hidey hole"

"Once we went to one of our favorite bolt holes, only to find Wagner already there. He felt that he was about to be assassinated by rivals for power, and so ditched his body guard and hid. We had to be careful to avoid him after that, inside the secret passages and bolt holes."

"Once the fighting reached the Palace, we took over the main combat command center and took most of the highest ranking military officers hostage. We felt that at least we could get the Federation ships to evacuate us in exchange for the high ranking officers."

"But, after about a day and a half, the Autarch surrendered and the revolution won. They found us in there, and named us Heroes of the Revolution.

"Those poor people don't realize that we were just trying to get out of it alive. If we could have assured our own safety by turning over the leaders of the rebellion, or by turning over the Federation weapons, we would have. But Wagner had a tendency to promise whatever you wanted until he had you in his power, and then he'd torture you to death as a spy."

"So we became Heroes of the Limrin Revolution, mainly by trying to save our own asses." He shook his head sadly. "There were a few of the so called heroes that retired to Limrin and sat back on their laurels. They let the population of Limrin lionize them for a living. The Limrin themselves feel that it's a worthwhile exchange, as long as these Heroes are content to avoid causing problems." He trailed off, quietly considering this ignoble fate.

"Why did you join Starfleet?" Tillean asked Varupuchu, quietly.

"Because I was tired of being part of an amateurish, aimless operation. The Limrin Revolution wasn't the first scrape I got into with the Xumec, nor was it the last. I had met one of the Humpback Whales of Earth during our travels. With her help, as well as old family contacts I got an appointment to Starfleet Academy."

"Maybe these things sound romantic and adventurous twenty-five years later, but at the time there was a constant awareness of disaster waiting for the least misstep. We were never far from being stranded or losing the Xumec, or dying. Most of them were because we weren't professional enough, or didn't think things through. We were just pushing junk back and forth, and skipping lightly from one disaster to another."

Varupuchu smiled "Give me Starfleet any day. At least what we're doing now matters in the long run."


Later, Tillean and I bid Varupuchu good night, and we walked towards our respective quarters.

"Captain, didn't you serve on the Enterprise-C before she was destroyed at Narendra Three?" Tillean asked.

"Yes. The Enterprise was my first assignment when I graduated from the Academy. I was a junior engineering tech aboard the Enterprise when we were at Limrin."


The USS Harrier warped through space a thousand light years from the United Federation of Planets. This was a large distance and it was going to take us about three more years to get home at this rate.


Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this story for me.