
The Veglar


Name: Kamari

Created By: Jay P Hailey

Short Summary: A race under the domination of the Veglar.

Appearance: The Kamari are Humanoid to a great degree, so much so that Humans and Betazoids can pass for Kamari with minor alterations

Biology: The Kamari biology is not unusual or unique in anyway. With some study of their physiology their native medical science, federation Doctors could treat Kamari normally.

Location: The edge of the Federation on the frontier, 5 light years away from the Veglar Home world

Population: 4 Billion individuals,

Languages: There are at least 150 spoken languages on Kamari with over 4000 different dialects. There are three common languages used for Diplomacy and international technological trade. The Veglar have decided to use the older and better developed of the three languages as their Lingua franca, which has begun to drag the rest of the Kamari along

Government: The Kamari were factionalized before contact with the Veglar with over 100 different nations on their world. These nations were locked in a long and occasionally bitter contest for world domination using diplomacy aggressive trade policies and occasional warfare.

After one such war boiled out control, involving almost every nation on Kamar and killing hundreds of millions of people, the nations of Kamar formed a primitive world council, in an attempt to create a better mechanize to resolve conflict.
The Veglar took over this World Council and turned it into the Vichy regime. Backed by the Veglar the World Council has usurped national sovereignty and enacted a harsh rule. The rule is enacted by local troops backed by the might of the Veglar City Ships and occupation army.

Economy: The Kamari Economy is in a state of adjustment and flux. Formerly ad hoc patterns of commerce have been disrupted to suit Veglar needs while other goods and services have been outlawed as "Subversive". A huge black market has sprung up, and organized crime is reaping a massive benefit. Underneath all this the basic Kamari economy struggles to keep operating despite all obstacles.

Military: Because of the balkanized and tension filled nature of life on Kamar before the Veglar contact, the nations of Kamar were seriously over militarized, with planes, tanks, battleships, aircraft carriers and such machinery proliferating.
After the Veglar occupation most of this material was rendered totally obsolete. It now rots wherever demobilized crews and dispirited military organizations left it.

The Kamari have an active resistance movement, but it uses small unit tactics, guerilla warfare, hand weapons and explosives. They strive to avoid becoming targets for Veglar gunships or particle beam strikes. The Veglar and their toadies ruthlessly crush resistance cells at every opportunity.

History: The Kamari first appeared on their world 75,000 years ago. They began their written history 5000 years ago.
The History of the Kamari is a very complex and chaotic subject which even native historians claim to know imperfectly at best. However their recent history is more well documented, and more clearly understood.

Culture: The Kamari are only at the very beginning of being able to define a kamari culture. The Kamari are described as 100 cultures trying to share a single planet.

The Kamari had nations that embodied almost every type of history and cultural imperative imaginable from loose associations of tribes, to democracies to sprawling socialist workers paradises. Theocracies existed right next to radical egalitarian nations, and all vied to influence the population of Veglar to their banner.

Since the Veglar occupation, competition between various Kamari factions has been suppressed, but it hasn't disappeared. Unauthorized flags, songs and literature are hidden and passed from one hand to the next.

Federation - the Kamari don't know of the Federation Yet.

The Veglar - the Kamari are fighting a bitter resistance against the Veglar occupation.

Advantages: The Kamari are fighting on their own home ground, and so have many tactical advantages. The Kamari can, with suitble clothing live in the sub arctic regions of thier planet - an environment hostile to the Veglar.

Weaknesses: The Kamari have low technology compared to the Veglar and so must kill them in ambushes and fire fights. Veglar shuttles and tanks smear Kamari opposition when they can be located.

Campaign Role: Plucky and brave victims of oppression.


Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things Trek. I claim original characters and situations in this material for me.

Jay P. Hailey
