USS Virinat

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USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:17 am

The USS Virinat is an Aquarius Class Light Escort.

She is about 75 meters long and has a crew of about 50 people.

These ships are fast, swoopy and very maneuverable. They have two roles in the line of battle. They chase down and destroy ships smaller than themselves or they stand back from capital ships exchanging broadsides, and throw fire at the enemy ship.

Over time crews have discovered, as with P-38s, or B-25s from WWII it's possible to add a surprising number of big guns on the forward arc of these ships.

The Virinat carries too many plasma weapons. But during the first exchange of fire in an engagement, she can fill the sky with fire. This makes her a good attacker and raider, in combination with more well-rounded ships. In a prolonged engagement, she'd have to stagger the fire of her weapons to manage waste heat

The USS Virinat usually hangs out with the USS Yellow Submarine and escorts that ship, or is docked to her.

As a Light Escort, the Virinat is not very comfortable by modern Starfleet Standards. See the interiors of the USS Defiant from DS9. No holodecks, no specialized labs. Volume is at a premium.

The USS Virinat is named for the Romulan Farming Colony that many of her crew called home until it was massacred by Elachi.
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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:18 am

CO T'aesla Romulan Female

XO Tovan Khev Romulan Male

CENG D'Vex Romulan Male

Csci S'eath Romulan Female

Tactical Juan Yuette Deppner

CMO Hiven Romulan Male

Latel Romulan Male

Holo-Leeta Photonic Female

Satre Romulan Female

Tanrana Vulcan Female

Veril Reman Female

Xixius Romlan Male

Uvooz Yaal Bajoran Female

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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:22 am

CO T'aesla of Virinat
A country girl, from the Colony of Virinat. She and her friend Tovan Khev were scouts, trainees in the Colonial militia. Both liked it, and studied everything they could grab.
The Elachi massacred the Colony. T'easla and Khev were Grabbed by an old man, named Xarvus. They liberated an ancient shuttlecraft and fell back to the RRW Zlotys, an Ancient T'Liss class warbird (Looks like the TOS Warbird but was updated).
Under Xarvus who has been a Lieutenant in the Romulan fleet 100 years ago, the Refugees formed themselves into a crew. But Xarvus was very old and soon succumbed to diseases caused by his advanced age.
T'aesla inherited the ship and the crew from Xarvus and they became a militia/partisan unit of the Romulan Republic.
T'aesla and her crew chased all over known space, battling the Tal Shiar and the Rump of the Romulan Empire, uncovering ancient Skullduggery and foiling Sela. T'aesla and her crew are considered heroes of the Romulan Republic. But they were in mortal danger of assassination by the Tal Shiar, so D'Tan, the Premiere of the Romulan Republic has assigned her and her crew to an exchange tour with Admiral Six and Taskforce Taffy Six.
They run The Aquarius class USS Virinat, equipped to dock with Admiral Six'es flag ship, but often operating alone.

T'aesla herself is a coffee-colored girl, with light brown hair and green eyes. She sees herself as a tomboy and not very good a "girl stuff". She sees herself as a soldier protecting her people.

T'aesla and Tovan Khev see themselves as good friends and comrades in battle. Everyone has realized they are a pair, except for T'aesla and Tovan.
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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:23 am

XO Tovan Khev Romulan Male
A Farm boy and apprentice soldier, he found himself swept up into the madness and is doing the best he can to keep up and do his job. He is tall and handsome, and utterly clueless about that.
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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:25 am

CENG D'Vex Romulan Male
D'vex was one of the refugees from Virinat, who escaped from the massacre of Virinat. He is excellent at keeping technology running happily. He thinks they have it too easy with plenty of tools, resources, and parts. He can keep machines running that others would consider a total write off.
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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:28 am

Csci S'eath Romulan Female
A former Tal Shiar Agent, Has a record from a deep-cover mission as a Vulcan. Busy looking out for her newbies and kids. She looks like a generic everyday Vulcan woman. She lived on Vulcan for 30 years undercover. She defected from the Tal Shiar and took up with T'aesla and her crew. She works as the Science officer, running sensors and trying to keep up with the physics of modern space.
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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:29 am

Tactical Juan Yuette Deppner
A Human from Earth. A former Starfleet Officer, Juan was cashiered for corruption and later became a pirate. She joined the Virinat crew as a mercenary but is really a partisan of T'aesla and the Romulan Republic. They have given her a second chance to straighten up.
Back by T'aesla and her crew, Juan has found some acceptance in the task force.
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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:30 am

CMO Hiven Romulan Male
Hiven looks a Romulan football player. He was a med student long ago, but became a refugee. He did his best, with poor resources and conditions. He joined T'Easla's crew as a field medic but spent all his time studying until recently he was able to pass his exams and become a doctor.

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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:32 am

Latel Romulan Male
He is tall and tightly put together. He was a Tal Shiar Lieutenant until he learned of the Elachi alliance. Now he is an avid Romulan Republic partisan.
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Re: USS Virinat

Post by jayphailey » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:40 am

Holo-Leeta Photonic Female

Everyone saw the Holo Leeta Dabo tables at all the dives and dark places in the galaxy. No one gave it a second thought.

Until someone realized there was a mole somewhere. Eventually, they tracked it down. The Holo-Leeta Dabo Machines were a lot more complex than anyone realized.

Upon realizing that her cover was blown and she was about to be tortured to death for information, Holo-Leeta escaped by patching into the Star Fleet Data Network and uploading herself. Minor Miscalculation. She uploaded herself to every Starfleet Unit attached to the network at that time.

Now, Holo-Leetas are lousy in Starfleet.

Each one seems to have bonded with her ship and her crew. She adds her efforts to theirs.

Holo-Leetas have a strong sense of visual identity and its difficult to get them to differentiate from each other.

This one is the Holo-Leeta who has attached herself to T'aesla and the Virinat crew. Think a holographic James Bond.
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Holo-Leeta t'aesla1.png (263.59 KiB) Viewed 23692 times

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