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Ajved Mydon

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:34 am
by jayphailey
Name: Ajved Mydon

Summary: A young lady with a lot energy, smarts, ambition and insufficient respct for other people's property.

Description Ajved is a Gold Orion woman. She's thin, and small, but packs a 10 fot tall personality in there.

Ajved is a hacker and a lock picker. She's a modern Rogue. She good at going places she shouldn't ought to, getting things he shouldn't get and coping data she shouldn't.

She can do technical work on starhips, too. This is her back up an her cover. A mercenary starhip tech.

She ha a crew of four other crazy people he hangs out with.

She's been lucky so far.

She isn't quite the wizard she believes she is. With enough effort she could be.

For reasons unclear she has a price on her head from Rekoor Mydon, but specifically "Alive and Unhurt"

As a little girl she ran around the moors and uplands on her hon district on Calabolg. He parents had a small fortune and some land. Things were good-ish. There was some old crazy going on but that didn't concern Ajved.

Not only did she wander all over, she had a penetrating mind and enjoy hacking technology to make it do amusing things

Her father, doting just refused to force her into the interests a properly orion lady should undertake, but instead got her tools, a work bench and and supplies.

Later, The Doctors showed up at her home and took samples from everyone. No one knew at the time what that meant. Her Father, Elot Mydon handed Ajved some money and bug out bag and told her to go camping until things blew over.

Ajved left and went into the woods for a while.

When she came back her home and her parents estate had been confiscated by the Royal Government.

What with one thing and another Ajved parlayed her technical skills and her inquisitive nature into a career overcoming security systems and stealing from the people Edjai felt were genetically acceptable.

Then she got good enough so that she was hired for an adventuring crew. She set off to see strange new worlds and new life forms, crack their security and steal their valuable and secrets. She's having a blast.

She can, has and will shoot people in self defense, but if she never drew her blaster in anger again, that would be fine wth her. She's out to stick her nose in places where stuffy, unpleasant and evil people would prefer she did not. She also wouldn't mind doing some archaeology or classical exploring. She reads "magazines" on the topic all the time.

Re: Ajved Mydon

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:34 am
by jayphailey
Ajved Mydon is from the ame failed plot I was banging on.

But if you can have fun with her, knock yourself out.