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Proile The Galran Empire

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 8:36 pm
by jayphailey
Proile The Galran Empire

Group Name: The Galran Empire

Created by: Voltron and Jay P. Hailey

Number of Members: Billions

Nature of Members: The ruling class of the Galran Empire Are purple humanoids, Galrans from the world Galra. They are hairless and have ears that sort of look like bat wings.

There are numnerous client races in the Galran empire, Among them Blue humanoids with elfin looking pointed ears and hairless gray humanoids with similarly pointed ears.

Among each of the client races are a small elite that have been incorporated into the Noble caste of the Empire - this is to provide the illusion of inclusion and upward mobility for the average member of the empire.

The Galran Empire is run as a series of duchies with the the biggest such territory including a whole solar system. The dukes and subsidiary nobles are in charge of running the place such that it provides a profit for themselves and the Emperor and can ideally can provide ships and men to the Emperors military campaigns.

Over time there has been a sort of economic darwinian selection so that territories with higher standards of living also provide more wealth and more people to the empire.

For the Average citizen of the empire life is not too bad. Their standards of living are comparable to those of Subjects of the Klingon Empire of the Romulan Empire. But they are not aware that an organization like the Federation can offer even higher standards of living.

Game Role:
Bad guys in one context, a rival empire in another context.

World Role:
A rival to the Bendarri Empire and the Federation.

Relative Influence:
Compared to an individual, large. Compared to other powers, small. The Galran Empire is Sandwiched between the Larger Bendarri Empire and the Thasite Empire, a situation which is just now coming to light.

Public or Secret?:
Public. You can't hide an Empire.

Publicly Stated Goal:
To ensure the righteous and benevolent rule of the Galrans over the Galaxy.

Relative Wealth:
Compared to an individual, large, they can afford battle fleets.

Group advantages:
Large numbers and a competent military Starfleet

Group disadvantages:
They are not the biggest fish in the pond.

Those who favor them:
Galrans and Galran Empire Subjects who believe that they represent civilization and goodness.

Those opposed to them:
People who don't wish to be conquered.

Area of Operation:
Galaxy map, About 0 vertical, -20 horizontal

Headquarters Location:
Galra, the Galran Homeworld.

Public Face:
Purple faced bringers of Order and Civlization

Notable Members:
DaiBazaar, the Current Emperor, has a cruel and authortarian side.
Sinecline - Prince, Tasked with the conquest of Altea, his failure severely damaged his standing and he now plots a comeback.

History of the Organization:
Unknown in any great degree, This empire has been growing for quite some time, hampered by relatively slow growth in Warp drive technology.

In the 2390s, the Galran Empire encountered Altea, an Earth-like world with ancient artifacts as it's main defense against space invasion. The Galran Empire tried a number of ways to out maneuver and counter these artifacts, but were stymied at every turn. They lost a lot of ships and people failing to conquer. and have pulled back to re-assess their options.

Altea: The Galran Empire has loudly proclaimed that Altea is Galran territory and their conquest is imminent. To the point of threatening war against any who might try to interfere, and blockading the world.

But their failure to bring this campaign to a conclusion has left them stuck in a bad position.

Bendarri: The Bendarri are willing to be friends and even offered to negotiate a peace treaty between the Galra and the people of Altea. They were brusquely rejected by the Galrans who saw no reason to negotiate.

Once the size and capacity of the bendarri Empire became clear to the Galrans, they were embarassed and have refused further engagement on the topic. Galran and Bendarri representatives negotiated a frontier and the Galrans have started to redeploy their military to try and counter the Bendarri.

This mystifies the Bendarrri who are not in a position to be aggressive, let alone not having any inclination.

The nightmare scenario for the Galrans is an alliance between the Bendarri and the Alteans. That would put Altea firmly out of their reach, the first planet the Galran Empire has ever failed to conquer.

The Thasites.
Along their rimward frontier, the Galrans have begun to notice an increase in pirate activity. They have had some preliminary contact with people claiming to be the Thasite Empire, but may not realize how big and extensive the Thasite Empire really is.

This process will only get worse for the Galrans as the Thasites bring more pressure to bear.

The Federation:
The Galra and the Federation have had no direct contact. Knowledge of the Galra and their tension with the Alteans comes through the Bendarri.

Orions: A few Orions scouts have come as far as the Galran Empire. Information and technology are desirable enough so that the Galrans will tolerate Orion ships in their sphere. Currently the Orions are trying to put together a base somewhere to support a more in depth trade relationship.

A few Orion scouts have slipped through the Galran blockade and landed on Altea. They report a primitive world of humans, who are pretty ignorant of life in the larger galaxy. Subspace communications to Altea are jammed, so there's not an easy way to put the Alteans in larger contact with the galaxy.

Since the Alteans themselves are primitive, what they have to trade are raw minerals, art and possibly slaves, none of which makes daring the Galran Blockade that appetizing.

Ferengi: Similarly to the Orions, a Few intrepid Ferengi trade scouts have gotten as far as The Galran empire. They too, are looking to set up a base from which to engage in more robust trade.

In the Ferengi case they are scouting the border region for a world in bendarri space to propose a joint effort.

The Klingons:
The Galrans have had little or no contact with the Klingons. The Klingons who have seen the place say it would have appeal to Klingons as an enemy to fight. This doesn't look probable in any meaningful way.

The Romulan Star Empire
No contact. Too far away

The League of Non-Aligned Worlds:
They are putting together a scouting diplomatic mission to try and go meet with the Galrans. They'd love to sway the Galrans into their corner and away from the Federation/bendarri Alliance.